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The right are using lies to tarnish his image

Everywhere I go on the internet I read nothing but lies and false propaganda being perpetuated by the right, trying to sway people away from Sanders towards Trump. Perhaps they’re insecure that Trump will lose? Regardless, it’s hypocritical that conservatives will bitch and moan for hours about how sad liberals are for spreading fake news on Trump, yet will turn around and do the same thing about a president they dislike.



"Trump keeps a book of Hitler's speeches in his nightstand, and he and members of his cabinet idolize Hitler."

Care to provide proof of that assertion? Because if not you should be reported for flaming.



What's the doc called? I'd love to watch it


I tried finding it, but I don't remember. I don't think it is any of these.

-Dirty Money - Trump Inc. (Season 1 – Episode 6)
-Get Me Roger Stone
-The Great Hack
-Trump: An American Dream
-Meet the Trumps: From Immigrant to President
-The Naked Truth - TRUMPLAND (Season 1 – Episode 9)

This one is on Amazon.

Is Trump for Real? (2018)
With the help of Steve Bannon and Cambridge Analytica, Trump was groomed to appeal to those who have lost faith in media and politics. Bannon has admitted that he modeled his campaign on the one crafted for Hitler, who was a puppet of dark forces. Through meticulous investigation, John Hankey explores this, and how the media circus following Trump is a strategy for dividing a "United" States.


I've seen most of those. I haven't seen the Stone one.


“I said, this is our guy,” Bannon tells FRONTLINE. “He’s a very imperfect instrument, but he’s an armor-piercing shell.”

This might be it.


So in other words you can't provide documentation, reliable or otherwise, of your claim.


I'm not making any claims. These things were reported and documented. You just don't want to believe it, even though Donald Trump came right out and said that neo-Nazis were "great people." It also requires READING, and I can see why Trumplings aren't up for that. 😂

Steve Bannon is a known racist and white supremacist. The other wormy bastard that I couldn't think of was Stephen Miller. Trump, Bannon, and Miller all have great love, admiration, and respect for Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party.

Ivana Trump made the claim that her husband kept a book of Hitler's speeches long before he was ever president. Here is the proof that you will ignore:

A 1990 Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana, said her husband owned a copy of “My New Order” – a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.


In the past, Bannon has repeatedly expressed his affinity for the technique of Nazi propaganda filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl, whose work in the 1930s glamorized the rise of Adolf Hitler. “One time we were in the office, and he said, ‘I want to be the Leni Riefenstahl of George Bush,’ and I was horrified,’” Jones said.


Miller backs immigration policies Hitler once praised

This Stephen Miller douche is the architect of Trump's immigration policy, including family separation. He must be a big fan of Auschwitz.


You made claims in your deleted posts and didn't provide documentation.

Find the Vanity Fair article, not a paraphrase from a tabloid.


The Vanity Fair article is linked in the tabloid if you had actually bothered to read it.

Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office, as if it were a grenade. Hitler’s speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.


Donald Trump came right out and said that neo-Nazis were "great people."

No, he didn't. He outright condemned neo-nazis and white supremacists. He said "there were fine people on both sides"( ), which is true. Most people at the rally were there to protect a historical landmark or oppose what they saw as racist.
Some people on both sides were acting like fools and got violent.
I watched over 5 hours of raw footage of the event.
Perhaps you should do minimal research before forming an opinion.
Once again I find myself defending Trump, a person I despise. I hate lies more than Trump, though.


Your link to Is Trump for Real? (2018): There are no reviews, no release, and the director does JFK conspiracy theories.

You can't use "documentaries" as evidence, most are propaganda without sources!


Did you complain when Obama put immigrants in “concentration camps”?


Nope, Obama is just A-Ok putting kids in cages, when all those pictures were actually taken.


Care to exemplify which were the actual lies?

And btw, when you say "about a president they dislike." who do you refer to?


Why are lefties ignoring the pinned warning?

It's the Democrats who are shitting their pants over a commie candidate who can't win!


Bernies own party throws him under the bus. Both parties are a joke


What lies? Feel free to list them.


Still waiting for the list of lies, supported by reliable documentation. Thanks


Sanders image was tarnished when he wrote that fantasy rape porn...
Guy is too old


Bernie's image is tarnished when he speaks......

Free heath care for illegal aliens
Open borders
Free college
Free preschool
Erase college debt
Like aoc and the green new deal

These are radical ideas with huge gambles.

Literally impossible to fund

A 79 year old about to take on a high stress job for 4 years.....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


Very ironic now that Trump will be 79 assuming he's voted into office, and the right actually thinks it's a good thing!


Its purely based on numbers.

Trump offered great gas prices, was an exporter of oil, had heavy sanctions on Iran, tried to build a defense barrier and came up with remain in Mexico.
It made Mexico pay their fair share by hosting migrants.


Nobody should be president at 79 years old. People think Trump is in perfect shape but he's nearly 300 pounds. I don't think he should be in office at that age. No one should be. That's shouldn't be weird to suggest.


Sounds reasonable......but I think president is low on the totem pole.

Even when trump was president and Republicans had control of the house trump was blocked at wall funding.and so much more.

Biden definitely is not calling the shots.
