MovieChat Forums > J.K. Rowling Discussion > why does she care?

why does she care?





why does she feel the need to comment on social issues. just buy a big house in the country and turn off the news.


Guess she has a lot of spare time on her hands


Because she has a right to an opinion.


If I had a billion dollars and none of my kids were not transgender, I would not care.


So by saying “none of my kids were not transgender” actually says that you would not care if all of your kids were transgender .


no it doesn't.


Yes it does.


even better , it means he wont be happy unless all his kids are transgender


lol. I was being a grammar police jerk.

Yes, I was.


From my understanding, there seems to be a very large group of women, particularly in the UK, that believe trans women are infringing upon the rights of and trying to take power and space away from cis women. So, whether I agree with Rowling or not, I do get where she's coming from.


Just say real women. Cis-women is such a ridiculous term. It's trans-women that need the hyphen.


So now we need to say real women, as if women needed defining, after all these years, how many? Ten million?


Either one will do, women or real women. Unfortunately the extra descriptor is sometimes needed due to how delusional the world has become. But with trans-women the extra descriptor is always needed because they aren't real women and never will be.


I understand. :/

Is there anything that we now need to add to the description of men?


Whats this now?
wtf is "cis" ?


cis is some ridiculous term that transgender people gave to actual men and women.

Cis is actually a prefix meaning on this side and trans means crossing.

It’s all about trans people saying that there are no longer men and women.

There are no genders according to them. If you have a penis that doesn’t mean you are a man.

If you bear children that doesn’t mean you are a woman.

You must abide by what they say and it is becoming law, look it up and be terrified.

I’ll link an article in an edit.

And FYI, on Reddit, Facebook, and twitter, all the women’s pages who are opposing this are being removed and all the trans gender ones are thriving.

Read the article I’m about to link and be terrified for your kids and grandkids.


And by trans women who you are talking about is men.

Men who say they are women are infringing upon the rights of women and taking all that we’ve worked so hard to achieve.

Not only that, they are forcing us to allow them into our private women’s changing areas. What if it’s against my religion to be next to a naked man who isn’t my husband? Guess what, doesn’t matter. You must now accept that any man who feels like being a woman for a few minutes or for the rest of his life is free to do so, follow you to the church, temple, or gym, community rec center, wherever he chooses.. and he’s perfectly able to do so because now MEN ARE WOMEN IF THEY DECIDE TO BE.

Also, since men are now women they are free to compete in women’s sports and obviously win and if you complain you are a TRANSPHOBE and a BIGOT. That includes MMA and boxing and if an actual woman gets her skull split open by a Fully male man oh well too bad so sad that man was a WOMAN. Google it. Happened. It actually happened.

It’s an Orwellian nightmare and I don’t say that ironically.

I’ll edit with a link to a very good article that outlines what is really going on.


Well, there are trans men too. You do repeat that this is an issue about men deciding to be women several times but that's only half the story.

I know if someone asked me if Cher's daughter becoming a man personally offends me as a male person, I'd have to say no, I really don't give a frying duck. Would I care if he was going to the toilet in the stall next to me or using the same change room? No, why the hell would I? I'm there to mind my own business and I'm sure he would be too.

I know you feel this is an attack by men to infringe upon women's rights but when both sexes can be transgender I wonder if that's really true.


Well, there are stories about men going into a women's changing room and taking photos of women.
That would have been almost unthinkable just twenty years ago.


That doesn't really have anything to do with transgender people though, does it?


Oh and Mr Tim, it’s actually quite likely that any woman pretending to be a man and going into a men’s restroom would be risking getting raped.

How likely is it that a man pretending to be a woman going into a women’s restroom would be raped??



True. There are supposed to be different facilities for the two sexes for a reason.


Yes, thank you. Can you imagine once this law goes into place? It already is in the UK. Men can just up and decide that for a few minutes, or the rest of his life he is a woman, penis, testosterone, muscle mass, bigger build, and all.


You're WAY over-simplifying it. Can you honestly say you'd think a heterosexual male predator is going to go through years of transitioning to commit crimes in bathrooms? These guys are primarily misogynists who wouldn't even entertain dressing as a woman, let alone becoming one.


Careful Rtl, common sense doesn't go down well with the professor.


There are plenty of obvious "dudes" who claim to be women. According to them it's how you "identify", not how you dress or if you have transitioned. It's all about "feelings", and many would find your post transphobic suggesting that they would have to transition, or even dress like traditional women to actually be a woman. The fact is, any dude can claim to be a woman anytime he wants and it's transphobic and hateful for you to speak out against it in any way. I can't believe you think all transgenders have to have surgery and dress like women.


True. But it has everything to do with the people, who wish to be politically correct, and allow men to get access to women's facilities, just in case they might be transgender.


Well, it’s about to become LAW.

Men who decide that they feel they are women are about to be allowed into private women’s spaces.

It will drive the women indoors like a totalitarian society. Not like actually. It will be a totalitarian society.


Now that is scary. :(


Yes, it’s the PC culture that the establishment is riding on and banking on. Left leaning people who don’t think for themselves are on the trans bandwagon. They have no idea what’s in store.

The very first and most important step in totally controlling the populace is to control the women. Let the men think they have power by controlling the women and the rulers can control the men.

Notice on Reddit that the feminist subs questioning the trans movement have all been silenced, removed, yet the gay guy subs who want to drop the T from LGB are still thriving.

Think about it.


Update on this comment: now the gay guy/gal subs on Reddit that dared to question the Transgender rights movement have all been removed.
Presumably unless you are pro trans then you have no voice on Reddit. Same is true for Facebook, Twitter, and Google has totally modified their searches in favor of trans people.

You can’t even get a real, scientific google search anymore when it comes to women’s issues.

They, the MSM, are bashing us women down, and the men should also be very afraid; for once they’ve got the women down, the men are ever so easy to get under their boots by the neck.


Tim74 says:

“Well, there are trans men too. You do repeat that this is an issue about men deciding to be women several times but that's only half the story.

I know if someone asked me if Cher's daughter becoming a man personally offends me as a male person, I'd have to say no, I really don't give a frying duck. Would I care if he was going to the toilet in the stall next to me or using the same change room? No, why the hell would I? I'm there to mind my own business and I'm sure he would be too.

I know you feel this is an attack by men to infringe upon women's rights but when both sexes can be transgender I wonder if that's really true.”

Oh good goddess, how on earth could you possibly compare women pretending to be men as being the same as men pretending to be women?”

Have you just landed on planet Earth?

Has no one ever told you that women are more vulnerable PHYSICALLY , SOCIALLY, SEXUALLY, AND THAT WOMEN GET SEXUALLY HARASSED, STALKED, BEATEN, KILLED, by men thousands of times more than women by men?

Of course you don’t care if a woman pees next to you, why would you? What threat does she pose? The answer is none. NONE NONE NONE NONE


I’m thinking ,,, um,,, no, bc she won’t win.

Do you care if she enters your shelters for battered women? I’m thinking no, no..

You just really couldn’t give a flying fukk about women mr Tim and you have no clue about how hard the world makes things for us, the pain that we suffer, or the sexual aggression we face every fukking time we walk out the door.


I didn’t mean to upset you and I have always supported women’s rights. I didn’t know that we should only discuss male to female transgender people when talking about the issue. Thank you for putting me in my place.


You’re welcome for being condescending, patronising, needling, and passive aggressive because you have no argument about how much more dangerous the world is for ,,, oh,,, gee,,, um,,, what did we used to call them??? Umm,,, oh,,, gee,,, the ladies with penises don’t like the word woman,,, let’s just call them pieces of meat who bear our children, menstruating pieces of meat rather, or even better, wait, wait, pieces of meat who get raped and beaten and sexually harassed and are taken down in every way imaginable by society and breast feed all who walk the Earth and get harassed and abused thousands of times more by men and oh btw it’s perfectly ok to still say men, let’s just erase them, they don’t need a name, they’re just THINGS. You must have a penis to be a woman now, right??


Here’s another question for you mr Tim: how many times in your life has a woman exposed her sexually aroused genitalia to you, unwanted, in public, because she wanted a thrill by shocking and horrifying you and violating you sexually? How many times Tim? How many times?

While you’re sitting there trying to think up a response to the fact that the answer is zero I could sit here and remember back starting at the age of 9, and going forward to the many, many times I’ve been violated by men in such a manner.
Edit: I replayed the tape, it actually started at age 5. But stay tuned; perhaps I’ll remember even more.


I hear you.
Consider though that a trans-man could easily get abused, raped etc by men the same as a trans-woman could be a pervert on women.
I am a woman and have never once thought about being attacked, raped or abused in any way by a trans-woman. I would consider, with my limited knowledge and experience that the motivation to become a trans-person is not based on such things; if a male is flouting rules just to perv or attack on women though, that’s not right....same as it wouldn’t be right the other way around either.


So women should absorb and protect men who want to be protected from men?

What if we don’t want to?


You say you’re a woman. You are ok taking a shower in a gym with a man walking around with his exposed penis? He has a penis but he says he’s a woman. So he’s allowed there.

You are in competition for a sports scholarship and suddenly fully male boys with all the physical superiority over you get to compete with you. You’re ok with that?

Say that you are a battered woman who is fleeing for her life with her children from a brutal man who will kill her if he can. Sorry to mention it, but it happens every day and not vice versa gender wise.
The shelter, that used to be a safe haven for women and their children only is now open to anyone with a penis who declares that he is a woman, maybe even the homicidal spouse.

Perhaps none of the above applies to you and it doesn’t to me nor to JK Rowling but we don’t think it’s right.

Do you?


I still hear you.
I think people can live in fear and be waiting for something bad to happen. I also think that your examples of worse-case scenarios and examples of what could happen should be considered and discussed; however I don’t think they should be used to further put down genuine trans-people. ANYONE can attack anyone.

From my own personal experience and opinion in reply to your examples...
a) I’ve only ever been to swimming pools that have mixed changing rooms; no one walked around naked, they’d get thrown out if they did because of the fact it was mixed sex AND children were present.
So yeah, there were men getting naked in stalls all around me.
Did I feel in danger or at risk? No.
Did I feel I was being perved on, or at risk of being attacked either there on site, or afterwards? No.
In the rare occurrence when I’ve been to a female-only changing room, I’ve only ever seen one naked woman wandering about.
I personally would never get naked in public in any scenario and feel embarrassed when others do - even if they are of the same sex/biology as me. If a man got naked in a changing room I was in - or I happened to see a penis, whoever that belonged to - I would assume I’d know that the rules were allowing that, otherwise I’d probably be a bit taken aback. However I wouldn’t automatically be scared, or assume that that person was a threat - unless they were acting AS a threat.
I can see how this may negatively affect someone more sensitive or traumatised than I though, but again I assume that there would be notifications for all users to be aware of this - and therefore for alternatives to be available. As an example everyone knew that the mixed changing room, as mentioned above, would have men and women inside, so if you weren’t comfortable with that, you would have to go get changed elsewhere.
If I saw a trans-person in a changing room naked or not, I would think good for them and hope they would not get abused.


What the heck? Where do you live? This sounds like a horror from a dystopian future. Just reading it made my stomach turn.


My comment above - regarding mixed changing rooms?
I am genuinely surprised at your response and shock incurred from my comment. I guess it’s not actually a common thing, here or anywhere else?
Or was it the naked females in the female changing room that I mentioned? Although as far as I’m aware getting naked in front of your equals (in gender) doesn’t generally seem to be a problem often in most places, in western societies at least, if you are comfortable in your own skin.
I’m in the UK.
Where are you?


b) I don’t follow sports and have little interest in them, but obviously know that such competition and focus is very important to some people.
I personally don’t think that people with male advantages - like size and muscle mass - should be taking part against females in female sports. I have got to look at some female athletes though and think ‘wow’ in terms of their power - size and muscle mass - they are bigger and stronger than some of the males!
However, one day, maybe rules will change and maybe even there will be mixed sports. There are already examples of this, like mixed doubles in tennis.
I don’t see that a person identifying as a woman but having all their male advantages would be allowed to compete against females though, because that would potentially be a set up in some cases!


c) I understand and appreciate that women are abused and killed every day by their partners. It’s horrible.
However, if that said battered woman, with or without children, is fleeing to a shelter to seek rescue, I do not think for one second that that same shelter would ever allow a man (in whatever form) inside, whether they were a trans-person or not.
For one, the trans-person themselves might not feel comfortable entering the space! TBH I think that some segregation will still happen and trans-people will have trans-focused safe spaces for such. There’s a lot still going on - and will always go on - in terms of equality and such; and for both ‘sides’ having designated spaces is sometimes better and actually preferred by a minority group (more comfortable, supportive etc), and nothing to do with bigotry or phobia.
For example, as a vegan, I’d rather go to a fully vegan-centred eatery than an eatery that includes vegan dishes...I’d rather ‘segregate’ myself this way.
But off topic....sorry....
Where can a trans-female go if they are being seriously abused by their partner?
Where do any men go, if they suffer from an abusive partner? Where are the shelters for either cis-males, trans-males, gay men or non-binary pansexuals?
However, going back to the original example; again, I don’t see a shelter for battered women being open to ‘anyone with a penis’ especially the homicidal spouse.


My brother was not physically abused by his ex-fiancée.
But she would crush him emotionally and made him give her all his money.
Finally, they broke up after several years.
But to make a long story short, I know a relationship can be poisonous for a man too.
But no, there are no shelters for men.
Men are just supposed to handle their problems on their own, it seems.
It was up to me and our mother to help my brother with money and shelter.


I’m sorry to hear that and hope he’s ok now?
Women can be just as cruel, abusive or destructive to a partner as men, even more so; mental torture can be worse than a beating sometimes, I’m sure....but obviously neither type of abuse is right.
I do think society is still with the idea that men should suck it up, self perpetuated by the general tight-ship that males take themselves of sucking things up and not sharing emotions. It’s a shame.


It is better now, but he still hangs out with this woman some times for I don't what reason. But he claims that they're just friends now.


Furienna, that must have been so hard for him. But I’m glad that he wasn’t getting his womanly bones bashed in by a big strong man beating him down, in front of the kids, blackening his eyes, knocking his teeth out, threatening to kill him and in many cases doing so.
Have you ever been to a battered women’s shelter? Oh, I’m thinking no. I’m just glad for your male loved one that he wasn’t a woman getting her brains bashed in and her bones broken, her teeth knocked out by a violent man. I’m so glad for him that he wasn’t her.


Well, I started by saying that he wasn't abused physically (thank God).
But when it comes to emotional abuse, women can be just as bad as men.
There are some stories too about how a woman is physically dangerous.
Like for example, one guy was actually stabbed with a knife by a woman.
That is when he finally left her after years of escalating madness.
He had to go to the neighbor to get an ambulance.
But it's not like he could ever have gone to any shelter.
However, he was probably glad just to survive being stabbed.
But we must remember that some women are crazy and violent too.


Ok furienna, it’s hard for me to understand. Are you a human? It’s ok if you’re not. I have compassion for you regardless.

Of course women can be vicious, vile, disgusting, wretched, wicked pieces of filth just like men can be.
But in general, women don’t rape. Women don’t beat or kill their loved ones statistically anywhere near as much as men do.

Maybe you live in a bot paradise where all the women are on equal footing with the bot men.

I don’t live there, but lucky you.


It is strange that the discussion is mostly around male to female transition isn’t it?
Perhaps there’s less female to male transitions and even then, no one seems to get their panties in a fix as much over that because .... perhaps .... the woman transitioning must have figurative balls in doing so.....but I think it takes balls for a male to transition to female too.
CharlotteXavier obviously feels extremely strongly on this subject.


Yes, Charlotte feels very strongly about women having a say in who and what we are.

There are actually many young women “transitioning.”

Not surprising is it. Naive gals.

Less surprising is how they’ll be “accepted” in this world and how the gay male community “accepts” them.

Check out how the gay guys on LGB drop the T on Reddit feel about women who transition to men.

Oh yeah, they are thriving over there, yet all the women’s subs that included straight and lesbian women have all been silenced. REMOVED. TAKEN DOWN.

Does that surprise you?

I’m not surprised.




Oh and btw she is now to be referred to as your cis wife, unless she has a penis.





I WAS BEING SARCASTIC. Omg how do you deal with the All caps??
I know cis is a ridiculous, demeaning term for women. Mr Tim will argue that women can trans to men but he doesn’t seem to understand how much more VULNERABLE WOMEN ARE IN THIS WORLD ON PLANET EARTH


I’m not up on all this.
I don’t follow much of what is going on....especially on those platforms.
I am not denying anyone their rights to do that and be keen on politics, rights etc of their sex etc. People need to challenge and stand up. It’s good that there are people out there who do do that, for the masses that don’t.
It’s not that I’m not interested.
There’s so much strife and challenges in the world for everyone.
Not much surprises me these days TBF. I’m already aged and jaded beyond my years unfortunately.



Wow, Karen, you're so up on the comings and goings of the LGBTQA+ community - surely you gained such insight by really talking to people, hanging out, and asking valuable questions and not just from misplaced rantings on a message board. It's great you thoroughly researched this before you came on here and presented how we all intermingle as apparent facts.


You have no idea what my life experience is, much less my sexual orientation.

It’s actually not great at all that you would presuppose such nonsense about me, all that I have seen, experienced, suffered from, and triumphed over.

Go ahead with your gaslighting; hopefully it’s not all you’ve got to offer the online community.


You're right, I don't know about your life experiences, but you're the one pre-supposing with your sweeping comments that repeatedly contain huge exaggerations and negative assumptions about how other people act, people I'm guessing haven't shared their life experiences with you either.

It's also abundantly clear from your reply that you've just plucked these random opinions from nowhere, otherwise you'd have been able to provide sufficient grounding.


Vegan, what comments were sweeping and which opinions were plucked from nowhere?
What sort of grounding do you seek?

It’s ok. I don’t expect reasonable answers.

You’re angry, I get it.

I’m just going to say a prayer for you now.

Dear Goddess: Please send Vegan Vhorhouse light, love, and the ability to relax and see happiness and to be civil in the online community. aWoman.


Here you go:

"Yes, thank you. Can you imagine once this law goes into place? It already is in the UK. Men can just up and decide that for a few minutes, or the rest of his life he is a woman, penis, testosterone, muscle mass, bigger build, and all."

"Less surprising is how they’ll be “accepted” in this world and how the gay male community “accepts” them."

Wall to wall inflammatory garbage.

Also great that you 'get' that I'm angry when I've not used any caps, yelled, screamed, shouted, been abusive. In fact reading back through my earlier posts they seem - quite calm. Save that prayer for yourself, I think you need it more.

You on the other hand wrote this to another poster, who was actually being apologetic to you:

"You’re welcome for being condescending, patronising, needling, and passive aggressive..."

But I'm the one who's angry? OK.


“Wall to wall inflammatory garbage.”

That’s a very dismissive way to sweep away my point with no actual intelligent response.


Garbage rarely warrants a response other than to dismiss it.

Please check your understanding on subjects before posting them and declaring them to be factual.


OK vegan voor heese , you win. Women DONT matter at all.

Even lesbians should go crawl into holes ala Sylvia Plath.

You win. I submit like a good woman should.

You win.


"Women DONT matter at all.

Even lesbians should go crawl into holes ala Sylvia Plath."

And where did I suggest this?

Don't confuse my issue with YOUR terrible perspective as being applicable to "all" women. Be accountable for your own attitude.

Me: "I don't like tulips."
You: "You hate all flowers!"


Goodbye vegan voorhees. Goodbye and have a nice day.


You too Charlotte - hope you find some inner peace x


@OratiaGlake, hey thanks for your reply and not assuming that I was somehow trying to attack women by pointing out that females transition too. It certainly seems to be less threatening to people, you only have to look at the Caitlyn Jenner page here and compare it to the Chaz Bono page to see the difference in public reaction.

Yes, CharlotteXavier has strong views and more power to her, but I won't engage with her anymore. Life's too short to waste time on communicating with someone who accuses me of having no sympathy for abused women because I made a comment about trans men.

I've still never heard of a trans woman attacking or sexually abusing a female person, but I guess it's the possibility of a threat that worries her. Fair enough I guess. Does seem slightly odd that Charlotte seems not to acknowledge the fact that trans women are themselves often the victim of violence and are murdered at quite an alarming rate. I get the impression that's of no concern to her.





I have so much intel for you yet so little time.


There are so many news stories that contradict your last post, yet ALAS! Twitter has silenced them, for WOMEN SHALL NOT SPEAK!”


Anyone being harmed is a concern to me, Tim74.

There was a Reddit sub that posted trans mens violent activities around the world as reported. It’s since been taken down. Had it not, I could direct you to a 24 hour feed of trans men violence and crime. They disclaimed that they weren’t saying trans men are more violent than men who don’t identify as women. They disclaimed that trans men are AS violent as men who don’t identify as women. See that? Men are more more violent than women, at least in this stage of human history and all that has preceded us.

How dare you presume to know my sexual orientation.

Oh, that’s rich.


Look, Play Misty For Me, I have no fucking idea what you're going on about and whether men are more violent or not has bugger all to do with my only point that there are also transgender men who you conveniently omitted mentioning in your original rant.

Where did I presume to know your orientation? I can assure you I couldn't care less - I don't know and frankly I don't want to know, that's totally your business.

I feel like you want someone to rant at, but I suggest you choose someone else sister, because my interest in this conversation is waning fast.

Good luck.


I don’t want someone to rant at Tim, that’s the last thing I want.

It’s just kind of sad to me and quite frankly, misogynistically insensitive of you to claim that you don’t understand that men are far more violent than women are.
Just a little clue: how many shelters for battered men have you ever heard of? The many, many for women btw, are now being infiltrated be men who declare themselves women. That means that a shelter for a battered woman that was once kept safe from men, is now open to men so long as they declare themself a woman. That includes the man who the woman was seeking shelter from + her children.


Tim, you don’t have any experience to understand that the world is a much more dangerous place for women, given the violence of men and the disadvantage women have to defend themselves?

Goddess bless you. You obviously live in a violence free, egalitarian utopia.

Just wondering: how many times has a female stranger exposed her engorged genitalia to you in public to shock and revolt you? I’m going to wager all that I have that the answer is NOT ONE TIME.

Would you care to ask me the same question? If yes, please give me some time to wrack my brain trying to remember all of those sexual violations. It’s gonna be a long night trying to remember them all that I tried so hard to block out.


And FYI Tim, I was reluctant to share it but here goes:

I was raped in my vagina by a trans identifying man with his penis.


And there we have it.
I’m sorry to hear of this sexual violence you have been subjected to.


OratiaGlake: “And there we have it.”

What is that supposed to mean??


Your passion (for example a seeming hatred towards trans people or at least a very strong fear of trans people being a threat, especially towards a woman) is based on a personal, very bad experience.
It’s understandable.
For example, I’ve not had that very bad experience and whilst I could think of all the bad scenarios that might happen e.g.: being inclusive in terms of bathrooms/changing rooms etc like you have mentioned before, I don’t, but I guess it’s natural to think more about them when you’ve had relevant distress.


That was a very robotic way of reducing all of my views on this subject down to being based on one bad experience. Way to go!


Whatever you think, that’s your opinion, but I think it’s a very strong likelihood of being a basis for such.
I don’t know you or your life, but that one thing that you’ve said, provides that information for my opinion on the matter. But that’s fine...I really, REALLY don’t need to know anyone’s personal details on here, I don’t want any more information, I’m not here for that, I’m in no way needing to pry.
Such a negative experience has to cloud a person’s thinking on it, although it may not be the sole justification for your passion and fears, obviously!
So no, not a robotic or any way of reducing all of your views down, but a logical path of thinking based on the evidence provided.


She is a woman. Seems to me that if the interests of women are hurt that most women would want to speak out about it.




Read her essay. It will answer your questions. If you have further questions please ask me.:) I’m happy to share in a civilised discussion


"I’m happy to share in a civilised discussion"

Ok, well that's a damned lie. I made a perfectly reasonable comment that was in no way personal and you spammed the board with responses attacking me and making several incorrect assumptions about my values and ethics.

My comment was civilised and you went feral so at least be honest that you only want civil discussion with those who support your agenda.


I “went feral” ???

Oh, that’s rich.


Try to learn some respect ✊ for women.


Why do blacks care about Rachel Dolezal?


Why did white supremacists want separate drinking fountains from black people? People are very strange in their bigotry.


JKR is not a bigot though.


If people tie social issues to a political agenda, it's not strange people are going to have an opinion on them.

But if you read what she says, you'll see she's concerned about mental health and medication, especially when it comes to minors. I almost never agree with this woman, but here she has a point.


Except it's clearly forbidden to come with any criticism about this in any way. The world is mad.


that doesn't explain why she feels the need to comment on something that is not affecting her personally.


Right, because you, me and everybody else don't do that (right now).🙄

It seems you've missed the part where she mentioned she has taken anti-depressants herself, so mental healthcare definitely affects her. In fact, it affects us all.

I'm no fan of celebrities using their status to constantly voice their opinion, but I don't see why she should be singled out on this issue.


It does affect her personally Hownos, it does.

What if that creative project you worked night and day at suddenly made you a billionaire - would you abandon all that you believed in simply because you no longer needed anyone else ?

Would you abandon your concern for your culture, your society, for the human race?

Wouldn’t you want to use your influence for the concerns of your heart and soul?


@hownos if she has opinions, she can voice them. As she’s an influencer, she’s definitely going to voice them.
As a human being living in the same world as trans-people and mental health challenges, she is affected, as we all are....This affect may not be direct but as part of it, we are all affected, can voice our opinions, our concern, share our experiences, challenge the wrongs, support the rights and offer support, ideas and solutions.
She’s adding herself to the big mixing pot of life. Like we do on here in a way.


You’ve made so many good points.
Social issues are political agendas.


Because it's good to care.


@Washingtonnative that’s a fantastic sum up, right there!
