I'd say his stand-up is legit. Bill Burr is pretty overrated. I've tried listening to his podcast.... and... basically, when he comes on talk shows, he pretty much does his scripted stand-up while sitting down in a conversation, appearing witty and funny, if you didn't know that he is basically just reading out the stuff he's written a year ago, but when he's not doing his scripted stuff.... he ain't that funny. Then again, I'd say the same thing for Joe (keep in mind, I've only seen his latest stand-up special) - his written stand-up is decent and his acting skill while doing stand-up is way above Bill's or most other comedians (yep, Joe does plenty of acting for various characters and stuff), but he ain't that funny during podcast.
Basically, I've seen people who are spontaneously funny and that all comes down to whether or not they have wit. Then there are people who are good at writing funny pieces, but in conversation, they don't have the wit to display their humor. Given enough time to write shit down, however, they can come off as damn hilarious - and that's basically Joe and Bill.