
CMX (266)


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A much superior film? Which they did. The damage what the activists do to fight actual racism should be evident for anyone with a functioning brain. When you have a punch of people claiming that everything is racist then naturally that word will lose its meaning which obviously has an effect on fighting actual racism. Movie made a billion dollars. The lazy incel argument doesn't quite exlain that. 2 of my female friends for instance responded to the mental health aspect. There's plenty of movies that already do that. There arent any movies that expose race grifters like Robin Diangelo except this one. Or would you prefer that race grifters shouldnt be exposed? They do a lot of damage to fighting actual racism for one so you should be happy that this movie exists. I'll say it again, Polanski and Allen aren't working in Hollywood anymore, #metoo changed that, in case you didnt notice. Weinstein didnt take a back seat in producing until #metoo forced him. Its as simple as that. You're delusional with these sort of conspiracy rants. THEY didnt feed anyone to the wolves, people went down in a thing called the metoo movement. No conspiracy here, just a change in society. Woody Allen or Polanski arent allowed to work in Hollywood anymore in case you havent noticed. Weinstein was still a big name when he went down. All your points are baseless. People like Robin Diangelo are extremely privileged grifters. Exposing them is punching UP. Are you suggesting that liberals would do the same to see a movie where a bunch of right wingers are exposed as frauds? Of course they would. And if your only response is that there aren't any frauds on the left then you're either delusional or too fragile to admit it. I was responding to why Jeffrey Jones isnt in the new Beetlejuice, cause people like that arent backed upped by Hollywood anymore. Thats why i used the word recently talking about Polanski. My comment wasnt defending Hollywood, just making an observation. View all replies >