Silly Outrage Over Pope Picture Showed How Big Catholic Lobby Is In USA
As an Atheist, I personally couldn't care less about a picture of the Pope being ripped up, in fact, I appluad anyone for doing that. Given the Catholic Church covering up all of their child-molesting priests.
And I doubt any Protestants or Evangelacists would care about anyone criticizing Catholicisim.
So who really cared? Only the catholics. And USA being a secular nation, partly born out of a hatred of the Catholic church itself. Why was this even an issue?
It showed how big the Catholic lobby really is in North America even in the 1990s. They shouldn't even get public funding for their schools.
Catholic schools end up being breeding grounds for all forms of xenophobia, pitting themselves against every minority you can think of. So then we have Catholic schools taking a stand against Pride flags. So they can teach the next generation of kids to hate.
I don't know if Catholic schools get public funding in the USA, but in Canada they do. And honestly, that is BULLSHIT.
As for Joe Pesci? He can go fuck himself all the way back to ITALY. It was the ROMANS who killed Jesus anyway, so he really should shut his mouth.