To be fair, you'd no more convince me how great they are, as I would convince you they weren't. Needless to say, I found those movies to be lousy (unless you equate silly accents and constant frowning/scowling as 'great')
I'm not being glib, nor catty when I say I genuinely feel sorry for people who like Hardy, Elba, DeCaprio or Pitt, Hanks, Clooney, etc (I really do)
I'm fully aware that taste is subjective.....but most actors nowadays leave me cold. Awards, praise and platitudes are handed out like candy these days.
Personally, I think it's likely down to generations demanding their own classics (regardless if they exist or not) therefore you get substandard shite like Goodfellas, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Se7en, The Departed, Drive, Wolf Of Wall Street, Inception, The Irishman (etc, etc) all heralded as 'masterpieces' (simply because they must be) and the defence of such movies, usually results in regurgitated, fifth-hand studio hyperbole from 'jaded' cinemagoers (and little else) The consensus rules.....OK.
It's a crying shame that 21st century audiences never had their own Mitchums, Marvins, Douglas, Holdens, Coburns, Lancasters, or even Bronsons?
Instead (and at very best) they get the sub-par (fag-end) work of (once-greats) Hoffman, Eastwood, Pacino and/or DeNiro (and likewise Scorsese)
A likewise crying shame that audiences don't demand more than what they've currently got (it mightn't necessarily improve the situation) but at very least, it'd stop the praise of mediocrity (hence my Idris Elba rant)