MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Takes out Ayman al-Zawahiri via a drone

Takes out Ayman al-Zawahiri via a drone

Well done Mr. President


Yes. President Biden is The Man.


Wait for the "Wag The Dog" comments from Trumpists.

It will happen.

Or maybe Trump will try and take credit and or his generals taking out Qassim Suleimani was somehow bigger and better.



President Biden i9s The Man.


There should be way more operations like this against the enemies of Nato.
Some asshole dictator could benefit from this treatment.


Hmmmmm, are you suggesting anyone in particular?


Take your pick, comrade.


Fat Donnie wouldn't be happy about it if President Biden took Vlad out.


"Taking Putin out" would be totally stupid, immoral, wrong and make America a pariah in the world. The whole Media pile on thing people complain about when it is woke or politically correct, and that is exactly what most of the BS about Putin is.

It's as brain dead as football teams trying work themselves up murder the other team.

American has no right to vilify leaders in the media, and a country, for years with what are mostly piles and piles of lies and then decide is it judge jury and executioner because it has brainwashed its citizens to jeer overtime Putin's name comes up.

If you look back through history of the last 100 years the US has murdered leaders democratically elected, bribed and extorted leaders to betray their people, bombed and murdered millions of innocent people around the world with the most idiotic stories to back them up.

The odds are the stories about Putin and Russia are not any better than any of the other lies we've constantly been force fed ... especially because shills on the internet shout the lies out forcefully and other shills to back them up.


Deserve's got nothing to do with it.


" "Taking Putin out" would be totally stupid, immoral, wrong and make America a pariah in the world. The whole Media pile on thing people complain about when it is woke or politically correct, and that is exactly what most of the BS about Putin is."

Well, I beg to differ with that opinion.


Then you're begging for nuclear war.


If Putin was disappeared, a new leader would take his place. One who might even be democratically elected. Probably a rational leader who wouldn't want t6o play a game of nuclear chicken with the rest of the world.


The grass ALWAYS looks greener on the other side, until you actually get there and realize it's a toxic, burning wasteland.

The next guy is usually worse than the one preceding when it's a violent takeover. Not always. But a lot of the time.


Yeah, the guy that followed Hitler was a lot worse.


Goebbels? or Donitz?
Goebbels was a bag of shit, I agree. Quite possibly as equally terrible as Hitler was, if not worse, correct...or were you trying to be sarcastic while simultaneously not knowing who succeeded Hitler?
INb4: "He WaS oNlY lEaDeR fOr A dAy!" He was still leader for a day, which means he followed Hitler.

Dontcha know that mentioning Hitler/Nazis in a debate (not about Hitler or the Nazis) is the fastest way to not be taken seriously though?


Yes, that was an attempt at sarcasm.
However, the fact remains that Germany has had a much better government post Hitler/3rd Reich. I am not a history major by any stretch, but that seems difficult to debate.


Putin's a fucking terror leader right now. I wish he'd drop dead, but idk what would happen next. I've heard there's a new political element in the Russian gov that supports the idea of "finishing" the Ukraine war which means greater death and destruction than we've seen already.


There is a massive amount of stuff Americans do not bother to inform themselves about this war, and the media are sure doing everything they can to keep it at the jingoistic level. Russia tried to avoid this for years, but the CIA kept driving Ukraine's elections, shipping in weapons, training soldiers ( especially the Ukrainian White Nationalists ) and the goading Zelensky to pass laws to oppress the Russian Minority, and the allowing the Nationalists to attack the Donbas. This was all to provoke the Russians to react.


Looks like the cia didn't ship in enough weapons. Do you come from a Russian sympathizing region of the world?


America. I just started reading up on this and changed my mind totally about it.

My sympathizing is for peace. Ukraine would have been better off negotiating with Russia before the war, but Zelensky was being controlled, and still is, but the US government, CIA, State Dept, and NATO - less so by NATO.

You should go to YouTube and watch some of the videos of Stephen Cohen, John Mearsheimer, and Oliver Stone. Also employ a little critical thinking about how the US government has lied to all of us big time since forever to justify all sorts of coups and military actions.

The Ukraine documentaries by Oliver Stone are also very informative.


"employ a little critical thinking" do you realize this is a condescending statement? Nothing is black and white, I'm sure mistakes were made on both sides, but nothing can justify what Russia is doing now. Oliver Stone is not on board with Putin's decision to invade Ukraine, he stated this in an online post after Feb 24th. Putin lost him, regardless of the events and arguments shown in Ukraine on Fire.


>> do you realize this is a condescending statement?

One can honestly be condescending to people who pretend superiority, in fact it's impossible not to be,

>> but nothing can justify what Russia is doing now.

Total malign propaganda there. What justifies what the US has done thousands of times more deadly. That is the scale that again you are being dishonest to pretend doesn't exist.

What Oliver Stone thinks about Putin is off the table, it doesn't matter. What matters are the facts in all these other sources that you naturally dismiss because you don't want to pepper your brain with facts.


You could have just ended your comment with "There's a massive amount of stuff Americans do not bother to inform themselves about", and left it at that.


I couldn't have because it didn't and it wouldn't occur to me to post your comment - you post it and do something productive.


I'm not sure what your reply is trying to say, so I'll just say "okay".

Okay lol


There are strong elements which are asking for an immediate mobilization, in order to occupy the entire Ukraine for good. The odds are, if Putin were to be taken out - they'd be in charge.


But how would that go? Everything I've seen argued Russia can't hold Ukraine. I'm more worried about that extreme war wing using nukes in Ukraine to help commit genocide and show the world they're willing to go there, don't bother attacking unless you want the same.


Too bad the motherfucker also took out an innocent family.


We don't know that for sure yet but it's 100% likely.


He droned an innocent family last year after his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. This was around the same time he made the Taliban the 3rd most heavily armed military in the world.


He's slapping them in the face while giving them a handjob. Excellent strategy, it keeps everyone confused.


Al Qaeda is looking for a few good idiots--you should join up!


LOL! Moviechatuser666 and lord snake have become Al Qaeda supporters!
You go, girls!
Ha ha ha ha ha!


LOL nice try dickhead, how many dots did you have to connect to reach that conclusion?


You and Lord Snake will probably join up with Al Qaeda together! Ha ha ha ha!!


They're setting up the tent as we speak!


Ha ha! Since it was President Biden that took the terrorist out, I would expect Al Qaeda recruitment to be high from MC Forums!


Being against Diaper Joe taking out innocent people makes me an Al Qaeda supporter? WTF kind of backwards as fuck logic is that?

Also you people love Al Qaeda that is when a Republican is in office.


Are you and lord snake shedding tears and holding a memorial service for Ayman al-Zawahiri right now, or are you booking a flight to his homeland so you can pay your personal respect?


Diaper Joe just randomly bombs innocent civilians, eventually he’s bound to get lucky and accidentally take out of a terrorist.


Aw, you are sad for Ayman al-Zawahiri. The tears are flowing.


You would be calling Trump a war criminal if he were president right now.


If Dementia Donnie was president right ow, he would be partying with terrorists at Camp David. Then he would go golfing with them at his flea bag motel & golf courses and charge the US taxpayers m(which would exclude you) about one hundred times extra for the security detail.

Thank God for President Biden.


If President Trump were still around Afghanistan would not be in control of the Taliban. Diaper Joe literally gave the country to terrorists and then made them the 3rd most heavily armed army in the world.


Aw, dry your eyes, moviechatuser666; there will be more terrorists for you to cry for.


The DemoKKKrats are literally the party of terrorists.


Aw. Dry your eyes, moviechatuser 666; Ayman al-Zawahiri is gone and you cannot bring him back. Save some tears for the next terrorist.


Diaper Joe murdered innocent people and he accidentally killed a terrorist and now he wants credit for it. He’s a narcissistic motherfucker.


Cheer up, moviechatuser666--there will be other terrorists for you to root for.


The DemoKKKrat party are the party of insurrectionists and terrorists. If Trump had taken him out you would be calling him a war criminal.


rump caused the death of 176 innocent people, including 15 children, because of his mishandling of the assassination of Qasem Solemani.
And I'm sure you don't mind that one bit.


Show me you are serious about impeaching Diaper Joe for giving the Taliban: A) Afghanistan and B) 80 billion dollars of military equipment and then maybe we’ll talk about what Trump may or may not have done. I have a feeling what you just cited is fake news as is most are your assertions.


His administration is one for ten in drone strikes including the death of a three year old girl. I tried to find a recent article on what’s going on with that family (including six children) that were vaporized in the 2021 hellfire missile strike. I was unable to immediately find any updates. No court-martial, no relief from command, no congressional investigation, no Pulitzer-prize investigative journalism, no consequences. Well, probably several al Qaeda fighters created among the survivors that day


You should join up also!


Okay Kamala


Al Qaeda is looking for a few good idiots--I am sure they would welcome you with open arms!


Can’t spell immattj without imam


As I previously typed: Al Qaeda is looking for a few good idiots! Ha ha ha ha!


The Taliban was already heavily armed before Biden (or Trump for that matter) were even President though.
To say Taliban suddenly became heavily armed around the time USA was withdrawing from Afghanistan is inherently untrue.


Diaper Joe left them $80 Billion in military weaponry including night vision goggles so they can now fight at night. I never said they weren't armed before, but Diaper Joe made them the 3rd most heavily armed militia in the world.

Your logic is fallacious at best, just because a terror movement has guns doesn't mean it's OK to give them more guns.


Your ability to understand and contribute to a conversation/debate is fallacious at best. In the two sentences I had sent, not once anywhere was it even insinuated that it's "okay to give them more guns".

If you're going to reply to someone, it would better serve the conversation if you reply to what they ACTUALLY said, instead of replying to the words you put in their mouths, no?

Are you a grown-up yet, though? You seem to be incapable of referring to people you dislike without adding little childish names. "Diaper Joe" this, "Diaper Joe" that. Wouldn't it be easier to just say "Joe", or "Biden"?
I don't like the guy at all. I'm not even American and give absolutely zero fucks about him, Trump or any other politician. Even American policies...don't care.

That said, as an adult, I (as well as most of society) am capable of just referring to people I don't like or care for by their names.

He helped em get some night vision, yeah. They started going real high-tech and got their first taste of night-vision in/around 2014 though. Didn't "Diaper Joe" assume office in 2021?
How was "Diaper Joe" the President who was supplying the Taliban with high-tech weapons since ~2014 if he wasn't the President, and wasn't supplying the Taliban with high-tech weapons since ~2014?


Your logic is fallacious, Diaper Joe gave the Taliban $80 Billion in military weaponry, you then claimed that I said that they weren't armed before Diaper Joe came along and I never said that. It's also a non sequitur because whether or not a terror movement is armed or not giving them guns, tanks, night vision goggles, etc. is still treason and grounds for impeachment. The DemoKKKrats are the cult of terrorists, insurrectionists and communism.




If that happened, it was acceptable collateral damage to take out one of the most wanted men in the world. And lets not pretend like drone strikes didn't kill civilians under the Trump Administration.


No it wasn’t, Biden didn’t kill the terrorists all he killed was innocent people. Also deflecting to Trump is irrelevant, no matter what Trump may or may not have done doesn’t change the fact that Diaper Joe is an evil sadistic motherfucker


Wipe your eyes and save your tears for the next one.


My tears are for the family that Diaper Joe murdered. They were innocent victims.


Try not to have a breakdown, moviechatuser666, even though you lost your favorite terrorist.


LOL, I’m not an advocate of terrorists, that you and your cult. You support Diaper Joe who is just as bad.


Zawahiri was killed in a drone strike this weekend, along with his immediate family. Now excuse me while I go shed a tear over their unfortunate deaths.


Please show me where I was shedding tears over their deaths? Last year Diaper Joe bombed an innocent family and took out zero terrorists, that was what I was alluding to.

I'm not quite sure why the DemoKKKrats are bragging about this, they love Islamic Terrorism, at least they did when Bush and Trump were in office.


Oh, so you're talking about a completely different incident? Why? This thread is about the drone strike that took out Ayman al-Zawahiri.


Yes, it was right after Diaper Joe fucked up the Afghanistan Withdrawal, he bombed an innocent family and no terrorists.


Yeah, I remember that. It was a horrible accident, but why are you bringing it up here when the thread is about the drone strike on Ayman al-Zawahiri.


You said I was shedding tears over al-Zawahiri, I wasn’t, I was condemning Diaper Joe for bombing innocent civilians.


No, I didn't. Go read that comment again. I was making a point that I don't give a shit about Zawahiris family dying along with him.

And I really don't think you care about innocent civilians because you are fixated on one single incident and not the bigger picture, which is thousands upon thousands of civilians being killed since we started the drone program after 9/11. It doesn't matter who is sitting in the Oval Office. As long as those drones are flying, there are going to be accidental civilian deaths. If you sincerely care, then you should be advocating ending the drone program.


Thank you mr president way to go Joe a more ethical kill order than what Trump did


Thank God for President Biden.


In 2024 Trump and Desantis are gonna ride the Red Wave right into your home town, into your living room and right up your ass!


>In 2024 Trump and Desantis are gonna ride the Red Wave right into your home town, into your living room and right up your ass!

nah Biden is getting his second Term , DeathSantis is gonna get unseated by Nikki Fried also Trump will be in prison by then


It's coming. Pucker up buttercup!


>It's coming. Pucker up buttercup!

well see the future is not set


We'll see


LOL! Niki Horseface will take Ron Ratface out, and President Biden can spank both of them.


Five years after ISIS was obliterated by Trump. Yeah, big win. Let me ask you this, After seeing Trump unleash the military and break the back of ISIS in such quick fashion, how is it they flourished and grew under Obama, extending their terror beyond the Middle East and into the West? Here are some high profile attacks on Western targets under Obama's watch

Trump unleashes hell on ISIS in April of 2015

Fighting continues for a few months.

After that, large scale attacks on the West tapered off (with none against the U.S.). Perhaps the last large attack with several deaths was the Manchester bombing in May of 2017 or the truck attack in London in June 2017.

So, way after *Trump* stops ISIS from being a threat to the West, they finally get some high ranking ISIS member...great, I guess. What about real threats like China? I guess the Bidens will have to unattach their lips from Xi Jinpeng's dick to even think of a response.


At least President Biden didn't want to invite the taliban to Camp David.

And if Iskanka had to close down all her Chinese trinket factories, the ditzy bitch would be heart broken.




You're making no sense. Al Qaida went underground shortly after 9/11 making no really big moves against the West since then. The fighting element morphed into ISIS which dems encouraged to expand (how else do you explain its breathtaking rise under Obama), and wasn't crippled until Trump took over. Second, didn't Al Zawahiri die in 2020 from asthma?

Even if the more recent reports are true, it is just some geriatric retired terrorist on the run for over two decades. All he has done is release the occasional video. Haven't even heard much from him since he was critically injured in an airstrike in 2009 or so. Anyway, he wasn't a legitimate threat and hasn't been for a very long time.


> I guess the Bidens will have to unattach their lips from Xi Jinpeng's dick to even think of a response.





Ha ha! TearsofLys is shedding tears for Ayman al-Zawahiri. He has quickly became the cons favorite terrorist.


Well done indeed, although its unfortunate he couldn't be in the Situation Room due to having Covid.

What I'm most curious about here is if the Taliban knew Al Zawahiri was in the country, or if Al Qaeda is active once again in Afghanistan, which would be a breach of the Doha Agreement. Should be an interesting few days as this unfolds.


He wasn’t hiding in the remote mountains. He was hit in a prosperous residential area where he was living in plain sight for an American hellfire missile. We are back to square one in Afghanistan


Still sad about Ayman al-Zawahiri?


I’m happy he’s dead. And I give the administration full credit for the intelligence coup. It’s just an ominous sign he was living freely and openly in Afghanistan.


The US did not alert Taliban officials ahead of Saturday's strike.

Duh, at least Biden is not completely stupid. But I'm sure they considered it. 🤣


Oh bullshit!
