MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > 70 Dollars to fill up my gas tank!!!!!!!...

70 Dollars to fill up my gas tank!!!!!!!!!! libs EXPLAIN!?

I drive a freakin' Chevy Impala! EXPLAIN HOW THIS HELPS ME OR ANYONE ELSE!?

Inflation up 5.4% since 2020
wage increase 4.6 % since 2020
gas up 42.1% since 2020
used cars 24.4% since 2020
TVs up 12.7% since 2020
Furniture up 11.2% since 2020
Meat, poultry, Fish, Eggs up 10.5 % since 2020
New cars up 8.7% since 2020
Energy prices set to increase by 54% this winter


Dude, get a Costco membership and quit your whining.


I wasn't whining. I was stating facts. How does any of what has happened since Biden took office help anyone? I'll list it again and I expect you to address each concern individually, and explain to everyone in the US how any of this helps us. Start with Inflation, and work your way down to energy prices that are set to soar this winter. Please, by all means educate me, and the rest of the United States about how any of this will help us.

Inflation up 5.4% since 2020
wage increase 4.6 % since 2020
gas up 42.1% since 2020
used cars 24.4% since 2020
TVs up 12.7% since 2020
Furniture up 11.2% since 2020
Meat, poultry, Fish, Eggs up 10.5 % since 2020
New cars up 8.7% since 2020
Energy prices set to increase by 54% this winter


Among the first things biden did was fuck up the energy independence Trump was establishing, which had held gasoline prices stable and relatively low for a long time. The result was that gas prices immediately started rising and have been on a steady climb. Thanks biden!


Gas prices were extremely low in the early days of the pandemic and lock downs due to decreased demand. There was a glut in the oil market, causing a the price of oil to plummet to negative $40 per gallon, and oil companies responded by lowering production levels. Once lockdowns ended, here and abroad, economies have rebounded and prices have increased as expected. Gas prices are now at pre-pandemic levels.


Do you work for CNN? The pre-pandemic price of gas was about $1.35.


OP: Don’t forget overpriced Chinese Food! Follow the money. Biden is up to his arm pits in China and the terrorists in the Middle East.


Are you for real? Do you HAVE TO use a movie board to spew your right wing hate? And don't you get how a year long world wide pandemic - that was not helped by the inactions of Trump administration - would probably skew the economy and f**k up oil prices and inflation??

Also, since you're so angry at the increasing prices of everything, how about taxing the rich to level the field? Or are you such a conservative bootlicker that you're here to defend the tax cuts for the rich by Trump and his GOP cabal?


A flat tax on everyone would be fair. Taxing someone more because they make more is not fair. Also, right wing hate? Did I say that I hated anyone? Did I say that I was right wing? I posted facts about what is going on under the Biden Presidency. In case you live under a rock you should have noticed by now that the price of everything has skyrocketed. I would like to know how this massive inflation is going to help out the poor, the needy, the sick, the disabled, the middle class, etcetera...

In closing (to you) at least I'm man enough to respond, and not post a lot of expletives, and assumptions about a poster and then delete it and run away, but just in case anyone is wondering who you are my message feed listed your reply as being from a poster named SuqMadiq...


It's Trump's fault ...


Read this V E R Y carefullliey



I don't blame Biden and the dems for the winter storm that plauged Texas. But I blame them for trying to get rich and more votes rather than help America with it's economy.
