MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > 70 Dollars to fill up my gas tank!!!!!!!...

70 Dollars to fill up my gas tank!!!!!!!!!! libs EXPLAIN!?

I drive a freakin' Chevy Impala! EXPLAIN HOW THIS HELPS ME OR ANYONE ELSE!?

Inflation up 5.4% since 2020
wage increase 4.6 % since 2020
gas up 42.1% since 2020
used cars 24.4% since 2020
TVs up 12.7% since 2020
Furniture up 11.2% since 2020
Meat, poultry, Fish, Eggs up 10.5 % since 2020
New cars up 8.7% since 2020
Energy prices set to increase by 54% this winter


Inflation, and it's happening worldwide for a number of reasons. The increased demand for goods and services, the supply chain problem, the inability of shipping and trucking companies to hire enough people, all related to covid and the easing of lockdowns. It's freed pent up people to spend, not just in the U.S. but worldwide, causing demand to greatly exceed supply. Biden has to deal with all that, and blaming him, as you seem to be doing, is absurd.


I'm old, and have listened to this kind of president blaming for every single president. Every time. It's so dumb


Oh please...if Trump was in office you can be damn sure EVERYONE wold be blaming him for include every. single. Democrat/Liberal/Communist/Socialist in congress, state legislatures, school boards, city councils, county councils, teachers' unions, and even the frikkin' dog catchers.


maybe, but why? the president doesn't SET gasoline supply/industry demand/brokering prices.

that's what I mean, I hear if from EVERY presidency - why are people so dumb? Why don't they look at MOBILE or whoever posts world record breaking profits when they hike gas up to $4.99 a gallon a few years back?
what does the pres have to do with any of that. they are usually sock puppets


"...why are people so dumb?..."

Because the Democrat/Socialist school boards have succeeded in dumbing down education so much that we have a generation of idiots ruled by emotion rather than logic or fact.

They are poster children for Marx's "useful idiot" characterization.

That's why.





Maybe look at the president who preceded Biden as to reasons why


Yeah, I heard that for eight years while Obama was president. Seems to be the thing to do if you're a Democrat. Don't own your presidency, and your screw ups. Just blame the guy who proceeded you. I guess we'll get another 4-8 years of excuses.


It was true for Obama, who inherited an economic mess from Bush 43, as it is for Biden, who inherited a godawful mess from Trump.


if thats true then Trump inherited an economic mess from I seem to recall, Trump turned things around and everything was going great until a planned pandemic was released.

dementia Joe said he would build back better, when will this happen and how long will it take?


Trump inherited the recovery economy Obama had built, and it had been humming before Orange Man came along. Trump's "everything was going great" was just a continuation of the Obama upswing.

And "planned pandemic?" Please. Is this the latest conspiracy theory, that the Dems planed and staged the pandemic just so they could get rid of Trump?


Ahh sweet another schizo post


AHAHAHA!!!! The "Obama Upswing"... I can't...


The only "Obama Upswing" in under Big Mikes dress


Either that or "Admiral" Dick Levine's... Pffffffft!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!


I'm not a Trump supporter, but the economy was doing fine until COVID.


you are right. i miss when bush and trump had me filling up $90!!! we should bring them back


Ah your copy and paste skills are incredible! Also the president has no control over this stuff.


He cancelled the keystone pipeline.


That has nothing to do with gas prices.


It has everything to do with Biden having control over this stuff.


Ridiculous comment.


But is it?


So what are you saying here? That Biden had zero control over the US economy?


Is this your idea of a "gotcha moment"?

I was commenting on your "Biden has control over this stuff" line and how ridiculous it was. Because it was ridiculous.


>Is this your idea of a "gotcha moment"?

I want to know why it's ridiculous.


another pipeline too, I thought. Awful president.


Regulations, tax breaks and other stuff the president can control effects how the gas companies raise or lower prices.

Biden is a diseaser..the Democrats literally have no idea about real world problems.
They are trying all their fantasy stuff , but it's just not working.


It's called supply and demand. It would have happened no matter who is president.


Completely false. This is very bad leadership and decision making


By that logic Trump did well because he fumbled the pandemic response causing the gas prices to plummet.


How do you fumble a brand new virus with so many unknowns?
What country is the model is the virus response.

The scariest part of everything is many Americans blame trump for the virus and will not dare accuse China.

Shows a tremendous amount of weakness.

As many Americans are heavily conditioned to never question or criticize a person of color, a foreigner, or person of abnormal sexual

But they are also heavily conditioned to completely go after white people.

As we see with China virus.
Many are afraid to blame China, but when it comes to white people they go all out


Simply put it's class warfare and the elites don't care.


We have also seen a noticeable increase in students who only speak Spanish.


oh god the horror!!!!!!!


Well, yeah, it is horrifying. Because it costs us billions to provide Spanish speaking teachers across the country. And that bleeds over into every aspect of society. These Latin American countries can't get their shit together so they have to come here and bring this country down.


lol okay.

lemme guess, you ARENT racist tho


Why can't these countries get their shit together? Why come here and disrupt our country?


i never said they arent fucked up places. so what? most of africa is fucked too. in what ways have they brought down america?


In what ways? Go to LA. Then you will see the answer. They have turned that state into the biggest pile of trash in the country.


ah yeah, the "go to LA, PERIOD" argument. tell me, what is wrong with LA other than it has bad traffic and lots of libs there?


Nothing is wrong with LA, other than it's like going to a third world nation. It's the most disgusting place in America.
These illegal aliens soak up all kinds of resources, medical, education, police, fire dept, they vandalize and rape and murder.
An illegal alien raped a woman while a bunch of liberals took out their cell phones and recorded it. Not one called the police.
Another illegal alien followed a woman to her home, waited til she went to sleep, entered and then stabbed her to death.
Another illegal alien ran over a legal immigrant while she was waiting for the schoolbus.
Another illegal alien ran over a recent college grad, his body pinned to the wheel of the car and he dragged him to his death.
There are countless examples.
Not to mention MS-13 is now in almost every state.


And the founding fathers didn't?


Latin American immigrants play a very important role in keeping the US economy growing. We are currently suffering an acute labor shortage in large part due to tightening immigration under the previous administration. The labor shortage is in turn leading to higher inflation.


The only reason there is any labor shortage is the Dems are paying people more to stay home. Then they are allowing millions of illegals, who they want to then give amnesty to and create millions of Democratic voters. They hope to turn Texas blue. That's what this is about. They have no love for Latinos any more than they do black voters. They just want their votes.


No, expanded unemployment benefits ended in most states several months ago. Large numbers of Boomers are retiring, and 2020 had 20% more deaths compared to 2019. We simply don't have enough workers to fill all of the jobs.


No, there are all kinds of unemployment benefits still available for the majority of workers. My sister in law is on them right now. You want to tell her those ended several months ago?


The US was basically at full-employment just prior to the pandemic. The pandemic simply delayed the labor-shortage problem. Economists were warning back in the late 2010s about the convergence of Boomers retiring and tightening immigration.

Here's an article that explains the problem. The labor shortage is even worse in the UK due to Brexit. Immigrant labor is extremely to keep economies growing.


CNBC? Nah. Liberals want to turn Texas blue. That is the main reason they are allowing millions of illegal in this country. Period. End of story. CNBC would never have the balls to admit it. But it's true.


Immigrant workers lowering wages in the UK is why people wanted Brexit in the first place.


"tightening immigration under the previous administration."

Bullshit. Trump let in just as many legal immigrants per year as Obama did.

Trump busted Sholom Rubashkin out of jail in his first year, signaling to everyone that all his rhetoric was bullshit and you can hire as many illegal aliens as you want. (For anyone who was still clinging to the fantasy that a hospitality industry tycoon had any interest in raising the prices of his gardeners, busboys, valets, dishwashers, etc.)

Trump never pressed for bigger budgets for ICE and Border Patrol, hence fewer agents when he left office than when he was sworn in. The 2 miles of his border wall that actually got built has probably collapsed by now.


It's unbelievable that this total idiot is the face of the United States of America, Putin and his Chinese counterpart are having a blast..


Trump isn't president anymore.


I told my dead uncle not to vote for Biden but he did anyway... Guy was always stubborn....


Look, we have a comedian here!


That's what your momma said last night when I told her that one day you will grow up to be a man.


No shit Sherlock! everything is going to shit with your retard president..


The solution is that we need to allow more immigrants into the country to help with labor shortages.
