MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Democrats and liberals are destroying Am...

Democrats and liberals are destroying America!

They're turning people of different cultures against each other and creating tension that wasn't there. That makes me extremely angry. So much that I can't watch or read anything related to current events because that's all you see. We are headed down a slippery slope. Anyone else feel this way?


All thinking people feel this way.




This country is doomed. It's that simple.


pretty much, America will be a different place by 2025...


I tend to be more positive about it. It'll never be the way it was when I was growing up, but I don't think the people who love this country will ever let it be destroyed.


We don't actually have a choice. They've ruined the dollar. Even France -- FRANCE -- is turning away from it.

China floated the idea of using the Yuan as the reserve currency instead of the dollar. Now they're simply asking countries that do business with them to do it in Yuans. What they can't get by acclamation, they will get by practicality.

I'm not going to pretend I understand international finance, but they great minds are all saying that we can only run up the deficits and the debt that we do because the dollar is the reserve currency. Take that away, and our house of cards comes tumbling down. So China, who would love to take down the Western World but doesn't want to lob nukes all over the place and suffer a nuclear winter that would be suicide for themselves, can take down the whole Western World by taking down the US economy.

I love this country, but Biden's and the Democrats' spending has destroyed it. And pumping endless billions we don't have into Ukraine doesn't help, either, even if we could somehow reverse the effect of the bills they've already passed. We are, as they say, toast.

Invest in gold. I told my husband to do it years ago, but he wouldn't listen. If you have anything to spare, use it to buy gold. It's the best hedge against inflation.



I've noticed that libtards aren't on here as much as they were from 2008-2020.

I guess they can't defend the son of a bitch so they ran away to their safe spaces.


I've noticed the same thing.

How can they defend this Ad-Menstruation? It's a bloody mess! A blind person can see what's going on.๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™ˆ


Exactly, from 2008-2016 they were here nonstop lecturing us about how we only disagreed with Obama's policies because of his skin color and that we were too stupid to understand his genius, then from 2017-2020 it was about how much of a Nazi Trump is, but now that the Biden administration has been an objective failure they all of a sudden don't have a whole lot to say. Quite interesting.


Trump is the last hope to get the USA back on track, maybe DeSantis too.


I totally agree


Then both of you should be executed for treason.


I am a patriot and I am also an unbiased, objective source of truth. Biden is a traitor and an enemy of the United States.


With you, 100% โ—โ—โ—


Well thatโ€™s their goal. Theyโ€™re controlled by foreign interests that want the destruction of the US. This plan started in the 1960s with them killing JFK.


Don't be fooled into thinking that high ranking Democrats are just idiots like the woke crowd.
They're not.

All of these psycho policies have one common goal.


The destruction of the USA.

That's the answer to the riddle. Why are politicians so fucking crazy.

That's it.

Think about it.


Exactly. If you are for the betterment of the American people, and thus the country, there is no logical reason whatsoever to allow an open border.

There are however millions of reasons to have a closed border and controlled immigration. Like every other country on the planet.


What is the logic in replying to a 2 year old post


Yes. I could have told you that Democraps were destroying America years ago, but people would have just called me a conspiracy theorist and told me to take off my tinfoil hat (I don't wear those, and they wouldn't protect your brain from mind-control anyway). To see these left-wing idiots here on MovieChat falling for the lamestream media's lies and thinking "democracy" is being "saved" is as pathetic as seeing druggies happily sucking away on their cancer sticks and bongs because Trump isn't there to take them away and tell them it's gonna kill them anymore.

By the way, that CRT crap is based on the exact same propaganda that Mao's communists used to turn the Chinese people against each other before the revolution and civil war that caused communism to take over China. The only difference is, in China they turned different classes of people against each other, not different races. An older Chinese lady who had been there in the 50s when it happened observed this and issued a warning in the Epoch Times.
