They're turning people of different cultures against each other and creating tension that wasn't there. That makes me extremely angry. So much that I can't watch or read anything related to current events because that's all you see. We are headed down a slippery slope. Anyone else feel this way?
"They're turning people of different cultures against each other and creating tension that wasn't there."
Do you have any sufficient evidence that actually shows this happening? Or is it something that pulled out of your ass? Because it seems like the Republicans are doing the exact same thing, where they are ranting and raving on Fox News to have people be divided and do nothing to help with the problems that are there (which I'm suspecting they've created most of them).
Okay how about Joe Biden saying any black person that didn't vote for him isn't a real black person? Or him making up a lie in his speech that all the republicans that just won in the last election want to get rid of medicare? Or how about all the people who got mad at Trump for boarder guards putting illegal underage immigrants into cages when it was actually Obama that started that? Or how about the fact that the democrats call anyone who is against abortion extremists?
Or the fact that in my state of Illinois, Laura Lightfoot, the mayor of Chicago who made Chicago a Criminal's paradise by making it so cops can't go after suspects without permission from City Hall, insists the people who didn't vote for her in the primaries this year are racist? You're telling me the liberal democrats aren't being intolerant to conservatives? Now, maybe Conservatives shouldn't attack liberals but both sides are guilty of being hateful to each other and it could lead to a Civil War. We should all get along and both liberal and conservative politicians are guilty of being hateful.
For us to have democracy the liberals can't have everything they want and conservatives can't have everything they want. Cause if either side gets everything they want 100% of the time then our country is a fascist state. I wish both sides could just make compromises but people like Alexandria Cortez, Joe Biden, Kamala Haris, Chuck Shumer, and some of the republicans will not do that ever. Our country is doomed.
Okay, when I meant by evidence, I meant stuff said by the people that you accuse of "ruining this country". Instead, you just said a bunch of random stuff that isn't backed up by anything but opinionated conservative shows that don't care about reporting for the facts. I'm not even going to rebut your statements because it's just incredibly outrageous.
You're the blind sheep that basically believe everything that Fox News/InfoWars/OAN/Newsmax says, without any independent research given in whatsoever. You're only hearing one side of the story, so why should I listen to you when you think that Republican fearmongering is more truthful than what anybody else is saying?
I don't even want to talk to you. You are a stupid leftist who is the actual one who has been brainwashed and can't accept reality! You think all democrats are saints and all republicans are scum because you're willfully stupid!
Actually, I don't think all Democrats are saints. But yeah, do tell me how I'm "stupid" because I'm not a Republican shill. Do tell me how I can't "accept" reality when the one you believe is in written up by Rupert Murdoch so that Republicans can get more votes. Do tell me how being a leftist is "bad" according to your logic. Do tell me all of that while your lord and savior is being indicted for criminal charges as he used hush money for porn stars to stay quiet. Do tell me how someone who is trying to make your life worse by taking away more government programs and simping for dictators like Vladimir Putin is a better candidate than Joe Biden and should win in 2024.
Conservatives are the ones turning against others because they can't deal with reality. They can't accept people different from them. They are ruled by their fears. This is undeniable.
That is bullcrap! I'm done here! You liberals are all stupid ignorant fools! I hope this country gets economically bad just to teach you all a lesson you won't ever forget! You stupid liberals think the government has no debt and can just spend as much as they want on whatever you want. You think taking 50% or more from all billionaires and millionaires will not effect the distribution of products or the funding of stores and restaurants. You think Canada's and the UK's universal healthcare is really good when it actually is horrible! I hope you get what you want! I hope a situation worse than the great depression happens just to teach you stupid people a lesson you will never ever forget!
People can't get a lot of procedures done there or see specialists because the offices that do that are always booked Because there are a lot more people going to see them because of universal healthcare doing that. My father is a doctor and people from Canada and the UK come to him to get surgeries done because they can't do that in their own country. It would also be bad because to conserve costs some healthcare agencies will get rid of doctors and only have nurses do the jobs of doctors. Thus making it so surgeries can't be done in some areas
My dad who is a doctor has told me all these things and I trust him more on the subject than liberal politicians like Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Cortez, or any of the other liberal democrats. To me what it means to be liberal is to be ignorant and blindly vote on things without thinking of the consequences. Which is what liberals want cause a lot of the things they want will be harmful in the long run. Being conservative means thinking of the consequences of things before voting on them. I do not think most democrats do that. Obamacare is the complete and utter definition of that. None of the denocrats actually read through it or even thought of the negative aspets of it. And it hurt a lot of people and made health insurance less affordable.
It's being overrun by people (i.e. illegal immigrants) getting NHS treatment even though by definition they shouldn't be getting it. In case you're wondering, it's a left-wing policy that allows them treatment.
BTW nobody is stopping anyone from getting private healthcare in the UK.
It's honestly really sad. They'll rather listen to Tucker Carlson rant and rave about a bunch of made up stuff than a political expert because they're "biased" against Republicans. Even if you say something that's backed up by science, they'll think it's a bunch of mainstream media propaganda. Really comes to show that we need more than two political parties in the US, along with the fact that the GOP has been taken over by conspiracy theorists hell bent on making people scared while they're in La La Land.
I am not a bot. That's what's wrong with this board. If you are a conservative you are stupid. But a leftist dismisses facts and they are right. All those things I said about those politicians is true and that poster could have looked them up. But instead he riles me up by saying true things are false.
Not you. Deleted. He insisted that all the things I said about Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Laura Lightfoot are false when they are all true. They did indeed say and do all those things.