I don't justify him. I don't like him. I hate him.
But everybody deserves an advocate. My line of defence is:
who here, in a position of extreme power, surrounded by hot, easy, slutty, flirtatious, desperate and ambitious pieces of ass, would behave like a monk?
who would not just go for it?
EDIT: this happened before metoo, in a time and place when such behavior was common and part of the game. Just to cut some easy judgments from different times.
You’ve just described the bedrock of literature, film, painting, sculpture, and all Christian-based moral thought for the past 2,000 years. Yet where you draw the line is discussing good vs. evil on a movie website.
There's a humongous difference between workmates having consensual relationships, and the predatory criminal behavior that he has been found guilty of.
Of course it's totally different, his predation constitues his crime.
But most of his misbehavior comes from mutual consense, or at least it was depicted as such. At the time he did it, which is anytime in human history before metoo, this was considered normal, obvious, almost strange if it didn't happen.
Let's be frank: he never FORCED himself on anybody. He didn't RAPE anybody.
He pressured his victims in situations that they would later regret, but they all walked into his room willingly. Once they were there, he tried to seal the deal with one clear strategy: do you want the part? Gotta please my part.
All his victims could have walked out at that point.
And if you take this point of view, is it that difficult to see the whole deal as a common request from a powerful man, who takes advantage of his position (which he worked his ass off to achieve) using his power to help this actress, asking for some sex in return?
I like a hot, easy, slutty, flirtatious, desperate and ambitious pieces of ass as much as the next guy, but no, I wouldn't do what he did, and neither would most guys.
I think it's always easy to judge situations we've never been in. It's obvious he pushed it too far.
But how would you or the next guy, pretending you are movie moguls, enjoy the company of such hot, easy etc, if not by moving the meeting to the casting couch?
Would you just wait for them to get naked begging for the part?
Your statement is cruelly deprived of any nuance. There's a difference between behaving like a monk and not coerce/take advantage of women. For example, I like to let women reach out, after the first meetup/contact (I never try anything physically intimate then). If she doesn't she's just not into me. Which is okay. If she does, letting her do the pursuing makes her in control of the progression of "our thing". It's not monk like behavior and it's not "Harvey Weinsteinish" either.
Well, no offence but it's also not very manly either.
Women want to be chased and want a man with balls that takes control.
They don't want to be in control, other than giving a green light to YOUR moves.
That's where this pig became a criminal, by pushing it too far pretending not to see the red light.
What I'm arguing is, if there was no red lights, wouldn't his routine be what most guys do?
Hmm... I kind of disagree, partially. Women don't like being chased that much. That's tv and movie bullshit. They like being noticed. They want you to pick their cues. You make the first move, and some after that, yes. You set the date (the "man with balls" part you're talking about). But after that, bother her with texts and phone calls and chances are she'll cool down sooner than later and start flaking out. So after your date, when she reaches out (they almost always do when they're interested.. they love to text), it's not time to be a pussy and talk about feelings... you set up the next date and keep the talking for then. You're right, they love you to be in control but it's really them who do the pursuing (at least, in the way I see things). After the date, you wait... when she reaches out again... new date. By just speaking the minimum it keeps them excited to see you. Somewhere down the line she might want to go steady with you.. or not... but it was fun. When she's not reaching out, yeah, you may try and it might work, but too much of you pursuing will "scare her away" (more like she'll think you're insecure), in my experience. Anyways, enough of this. Got carried away. It's a subject I like.
Oh I agree with you there. For sure he saw them red lights but pushed the pedal to the floor.
If there's no red lights. Well, technically, if there's no red light it means she's receptive. No? Because not being receptive is a red light. So if an actress smiled at me when I playfully flirt with her and she plays with her hair, shows no discomfort... I mean yeah, I'd make a move. But if she doesn't touch me first or if I gently touch her (on her hand or forearm, usually) and she doesn't touch me back... well I see that as a red light, trying to go further, at that moment, is the start of abuse, I think. She'll show signs of discomfort and I'm absolutely certain Weinstein got plenty of those but used his intimidating position of power to get what he wanted.
ok, I see what you mean with being not too pushy, that is correct, nobody likes to be overwhelmed. And mistery always wins over pestering.
But that's regular healthy flirting, not this hollywood prostitution we are talking about here.
This pig, just look at him, has no chance with ANY woman, let alone some hot actress. Yet, he knew what the game was and what they wanted from him and what they were willing to give in exchange.
In that situation, no red light means "let's go ahead with the transaction", I don't think much finessing is required, there's no dancing around with words, no waiting for her moves. It's blunt.
It's the scene in History of the World where Louis xiv asks "hump or death?".
Ok, I now get you mean with the red light thing. To get back at your original post... I'm still convinced that l wouldn't go forward with it but if I was trapped in his body for all my life, and had that kind of power, I guess it'd be difficult not to be at least tempted to take advantage of the situation.
Women like men who are clear about what they want. Being honest and forthright doesn’t make you Harvey Weinstein. You’re likely missing out on a lot of consensual sex with an attitude like the one you just described.
Things are a little more complex than the very general idea I explained right there in just a few lines. Being misunderstood/misinterpreted on this board is the story of my life, lol. I can tell you that it's quite the opposite. Maybe I just don't know how to express myself properly on here (english is a second language to me and I know I seldom am satisfied with the sentences I end up posting).
I agree 100%. If women hadn’t traded sex for roles for the entire history of Hollywood, Weinstein never would have thought he could get away with it. No one had a gun to any of these actresses heads, and yet here they are...angelic victims.
From what I've read about the HW cases....there were no situations in which the woman could not have left if she chose......or scream....call for help.....report him immediately to the front desk and call the cops, etc.
C'mon.....this is a quid pro quo situation the women entered into with open eyes, and wound up resenting it (or wanting to cash-in on it 30 years later when the roles dried up).
Women leverage their bodies and sex appeal to their advantage every single day. But then, when convenient to their cause, complain about being treated like a sex object. I'm not saying HW didn't take things too far. He was at a minimum a manipulative cad. And sure....some of those social "norms" needed to change. But sexual dynamics can be very complicated.
Someone needs to "make a move" if sexual interplay is going to happen, right? And....making the first move entails (hopefully) reading the signals and receptiveness of the other person. We all like to think we're good at this...but obviously, many people are not.
In HW's world and in his mind...he may very well not even felt what he was doing was wrong. His mindset may have been.....he's doing an IMMENSE favor for each of these women, helping to launch million-dollar careers for them. And...he probably felt they were ready, willing and able to "date" him and have sex with him for those opportunities.....sex which he perceived to be consensual. Heck, he may even have felt they liked him. There are people out there with delusions, aren't there? I'm sure plenty of women PRETENDED to like him....to gain favor (and opportunities) with him. In some cases...THEY were using HIM.
He was manipulative, crude....took advantage of his power...and took things too far. But there were plenty of women who knew exactly what the game was...and they were more than willing to go out with (and be intimate with) HW if it meant getting million-dollar acting opportunities. And because plenty of women were willing to play the game with no issues or complaint....it began to feel normal, consensual...and not bad or harmful in his eyes.
I'm not saying any of this is right or wrong. I'm simply saying....that's kinda what happened, if we're being really honest here. And heck....if I were a young actor in Hollywood...and Bea Arthur was willing to give me a million-dollar role if I went on a "date" with her (and all that this implies)....I may very well go on that date!!
If a woman (knowing full well HW's reputation) gets invited up to his hotel room....and she goes....wearing an intentially revealing dress.....and he answers the door in a robe.....and she chooses to go in, there's a chance she kinda knows what's going on. When Harvey gets more and more inappropriate...she has a choice....to leave or stay. I don't for one minute believe he ever physically brutalized these women into submitting. I'm sorry, I just don't. He coerced them. He was inappropriate, and he was even a harasser. But I do not believe he is a rapist.
What you said was well reasoned and might be true. However, in this new world of 'metoo' and BLM etc tolerance to matters like this have worn thin,, harvey might be as he portrays himself and as you described - a patsy.. but if that is the case it makes no difference now.. The train has already left the station.. Harveys time is up .. there is no escape. and he is doomed
Pfffff. Working with a toe in movie industry, I personally know of 3 pretty hot slutty actresses who JOKINGLY said, "well, there goes my chances to sleep my way to the top".... jokingly.... but in a way (coupled with their actual actions and reputation) you know they were only half joking, and also serious. This is women in real life.
The reality is he didn't rape unwilling women, the women were really just acting like whores that thought they could use their bodies to get good parts in movies instead of selling them for money like regular whore. Only problem is they didn't get the payment they were expecting and so then cried rape.
The two women he supposedly raped admitting to things that no woman who was actually raped would ever do. The most ridiculous one was the woman that took Harvey to meet her mother... These are not the actions of a rape victim.
it is a shame more people cant see the common sense, and obvious reality in your response. the world would be a better place. yup, the facts paint a different picture than the metoo media
maybe some were consensual , so thats fine , but some apparently wernt.
I'd imagine the problem has occured when things suddenly got 'real' and the girl changes her mind and wants to leave , but Harvey's already got a bulge in his robe and really doesent want her to , and ,he first starts threatening "she'll never work in this town agian!!!" befero moving to even strionger maybe physical tactics.