ima go as far to say, harvey's existance and actions are only symptoms of the real truth about how bent our society is.
With the OBVIOUS hard wiring humans have to bone and be boned to produce off spring (and anyone not believing or understanding that truth needs to bail right here and now), our society is designed to provide attractants to keep that happening.
Note the "attraction" to rich sports players and rock stars... and the thousands of women who purposely CHOOSE to bang those people, for WHATEVER reason.... fun, babies, lawsuits, whatever, it is STILL a VERY LARGE DRAW for the females in the herd. And why is that? I don't know, ask the women. BUT, to me, it is obvious having to do with hard wired markers of mating with the best of the best, these days calculated by dollar income. Pulling millions has replaced killing buffalo - the "this guy is a big PROVIDER" marker in our genes.
Harvey was nothing more than another sports hero / rockstar, however, he actually had SOMETHING to offer up for participating: movie careers. No one banging a sports hero or rockstar ever thought they would BECOME a sports hero or rock star because of it.
Circling back to Harvey.... BECAUSE he offered business venture or lack of as a result of banging him, HE got the legal system thrown at him for it. Because it was work place related. and ONLY because it was workplace related. Let's not look at all the current actors/actresses who get a constant flow of fan sex - lacking the expectation of a business proposal as a result. Just free famous sex.
Back to our society... our transferance of actual provider skills replaced with large financial stability and or the thrill of banging someone larger than real life, and we see the seeds that spawned Harvey, and ALL the other unconvicted Kings of Hollywood from all the previous decades.
Harvey is a criminal AND the obvious symptom of our overall, and continuously corrupted human narrative: women bang for power, money and thrill, instead of banging the best buffalo killer for providence.