So depressing

Her new look is so depressing
...I thought Linda Hamilton looked aged as F or Kelly McGillis and let themselves go ...but Bridget Fonda sadly is the saddest transformation ever,she was stunning as a young upcoming actress, she let herself go?What happened?She had an accident I think...We all age it's inevitable but I think she let herself go for some reason.Monica Bellucci is at the same age and she looks stunning or Salma Hayek(2 years younger)


That’s what happens when you eat Pop Tarts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


Have you ever put butter on a Pop-Tart?
If you do it's freaking good!

Have you ever put butter on a Pop-Tart?
If you haven't, then I think you should.


I tried it. Thanks Peter!!!


All together now:
Have you ever put butter on a Pop-Tart?
If you do it's freaking good!

Have you ever put butter on a Pop-Tart?
If you haven't, then I think you should.


I know, now she's a whale.


Wow, that's crazy! I used to think she was so adorable, and she was. But now, geezus man!


Gonna need a DNA test....


I had to zoom in. I still don't see how that's Bridget Fonda. Her face looks completely different. She had a distinctive tip on her nose that's not there anymore.


My feeling exactly. I was like, "Is that REALLY her or is this some kind of troll job?"

It's extremely difficult to believe that she has allowed herself to get into this condition. She doesn't seem like the type. She was still rail thin as recently as the Inglorious Basterds premiere, and probably for some time after that, so she knows how to stay in shape and it has always seemed to be something that's important to her.

Frankly the only words that come to mind when I look at the picture are: WHAT. THE. FUCK.


I assume it's an illness. Maybe that's why we haven't seen her for 12 years.


Correct morbid obesity that is the illness.

I expect in future we will hear the same old type of stories from these sort of people about having hard life abuse/depression etc.

To get in the state she is in takes a lot of years abusing yourself.


Not too much of the wrong stuff with no exercise and weight gain can happen quite quickly.



It takes a while to gain mass.

As I said years to become this way which is correct it's backed up by something called science.

If you have other health issues it can speed it up but it wont happen quickly as you claim.

Obese people like to use all sorts of excuses.


One has to say - when the new pics of her came out in 2022 - I didn't believe it was her. She hadn't been in a photo since 2009. The 2022 pics looked absolutely nothing like the Bridget of 2009. So - I didn't believe it. Well, turns out the pics were confirmed in 2023 by new pics of her with her son. I'm a fan of Bridget so I paid attention to the story. There is absolutely no doubt, the new pics of her, from 2022 on - is the same Bridget Fonda that was big in the 90s ("SIngle White Female", "Point of no Return", etc). She looks like a completely different person now. As to how could someone change so much in 13 years? One has no idea.


Age and having children are a big factors for women.

I expect she had a child and never even attempted to get back into shape and continued the same life style as if she was pregnant.

The timing fits.


Ok, not disagreeing, but just playing Devil's advocate......

The photos of her in 2009 - this was 4 years after she had her son. You should check them out - she looks like Bridget Fonda.

Then as I said, she shows up again in 2022 - looking like - I don't even know what to call it - how about this - she showed up not looking anything like Bridget Fonda.

So again, the dramatic change , it seems anyway, had nothing to do with the kid.


[–] MillerJones (433) 3 days ago

It takes a while to gain mass.

As I said years to become this way which is correct it's backed up by something called science.

If you have other health issues it can speed it up but it wont happen quickly as you claim.

Obese people like to use all sorts of excuses.

You have not provided any scientific evidence you have only said the word "science".

I speak from lived experience, it does not take "years".


I speak from conducting science for over 3 decades.

n=1 is what you are using not valid.

I am waiting for you next to claim CICO is valid (Which is it is not any person with basic understanding of human biology etc would know this)


Well, assuming you did, let me tell you that there are exceptions. I am a 400lb man living in a 6'2" 188lb frame. Obesity runs in my family and I was about 265lbs after college, but even then I "watched" what I ate. After my kids were born, I decided I wanted to see them have their own kids, and lost the weight and mostly kept it off (I've snuck up 15-20 lbs over the years and then dropped back down).

BUT, I can put on 20lbs in two weeks easy, and put on a 100lbs in a few months if I ate whatever I wanted and as much as I wanted. Most days of my last 40 years have been hungry days. I stopped eating breakfast about 20 years ago, and 5 years ago stopped eating lunch. Now at 66 years old, I eat once a day, but I'm still below 190 lbs and I feel great.

Fonda could have very well packed on 100lbs in a year or so.


Obesity runs in family because of lack of education on proper nutrition and genetics can play a role it is not the "cause" it's something people like to use as an excuse.

Unless they have some type of medical issue will not be near obese if they have eaten a proper nutritional diet.

As I said before I have been involved in research for over 3 decades which is related to human diseases especially to do with the likes of metabolic functioning.

You don't lose weight it's fat (weight is the term mainstream uses it's incorrect weight can be lost through breathing, going to toilet etc)

People are only suppose to eat once a day unless you are very active and may require to eat twice.

Lets see you do strict Carnivore diet your results would be very different.

66 is tough one because you are female correct so hormone wise you are fighting a battle and depending on the numerous other diets you have tried you may not be in best health gut wise.

100ibs is a lot to gain in 1 year this would require as mentioned before health issues or some one is consuming a lot with almost 0 activity (mostly mixed macro foods fat/sugar processed foods)


I am not female. My health is as close to perfect as one can be at 66. My only med is a 10mg statin. My blood tests are almost textbook and I still work out and my wife and I walk 3.7 miles several times a week at the town trail near out house.

Obesity is part behavior and part genetics. My old business partner could eat like a horse and did. He had that type of physique that looked like his skin and muscles were stretched tightly over his skeleton. When we went to lunch, I would have an undressed salad with undressed tuna - just a glob of cottage cheese with anything resembling a carb and black coffee. My partner would get a cheeseburger and fries and put two sugars and cream in his coffee. He would usually get pie of some kind. He never gained an ounce in his life and still hasn't.

I played golf, softball, and bowled and he sat home watching sports and drinking beer and still is thin as a rail.

Did you ever see the products they sell so people can put on weight? Yep, it's a thing. Some people are just lucky (I wish that was my problem).

I wasn't born with that same metabolism as my partner was, but I can assure you that adding 100lbs in a year *for me* would be a sucker shot.


If you are taking a Statin you are not in good health.

Those things are poison.

No such thing as textbook blood work the numbers are made up for the ranges they use (A medical professional doing job correctly will build over time a profile for yourself)

Most of the skinny people who eat as they please are not in good health it is an issue with current society plus health service they use BMI which is another invalid metric to use.

A large % of these people I have seen throughout the years inside was in awful shape and later on Skinny Fat.

Nothing to do with luck.

Products for everything now days because people want quick without much effort fixes.


What you are saying now....

"Obesity runs in family because of lack of education on proper nutrition and genetics can play a role it is not the "cause" it's something people like to use as an excuse.

Unless they have some type of medical issue will not be near obese if they have eaten a proper nutritional diet."

To what you were saying then....

"[–] PoolOfZenda (31) 13 days ago
Not too much of the wrong stuff with no exercise and weight gain can happen quite quickly.

[–] MillerJones (443) 11 days ago

It takes a while to gain mass."

Talk about moving the goalposts.


Yes. A person can gain that much weight in a couple of years, or less, by eating too much and not exercising.


I just saw those photos. I don't think that's her at all.



Me too, probably a good troll job by someone is my guess.


Agreed. It doesn't look anything like her.


IDK. I'm also having an impossible time seeing any trace of Bridget Fonda in that woman. If that is her, well, that's what my mom and all my friend's moms looked like. Classic mom bod. I'm much more shocked to learn she's been married to Danny Elfman all these years. And looking him up, my lord, he's had a pretty insane body transformation himself.


Classic mom bod is not morbidly obese 265lbs.


heh heh it was where I grew up.


Wow, from elegant to elephant.


LOL damn.


What a cruel thing to say.


