MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > Stats on Black Crime

Stats on Black Crime

According to the US department of Justice, in 2019 there were 11,060 murders, whites committed 5,070 of these crimes and blacks committed 5,660!

The thing is, whites make up 76% of the population while blacks make up 13% !

Furthermore, this violent minority group committed 39,000 robberies compared to 32,000 by whites!

The statistics speak for themselves.

So when they say that the Will Smith slapping perpetuated a 'violent sterotype' I would say that it is not a stereotype. Its a fact.

We need to have a conversation in America why this minority group is killing and robbing people on a scale hugely disproportionate to their numbers!



I know moviechat has pretty much devolved into an unofficial sub forum for stormfront(dot)org these days, which they even admit (e.g. but the OP's ham-fisted attempt at connecting this rather generic anti black rhetoric to Will Smith is lazy & pathetic even by their standards.

-It goes to show how much moviechat has degenerated into a white supremacist cesspool, where you have a completely irrelevant anti-black shit post like this become the busiest topic on Will Smith's discussion page despite having fuck all to do with Will Smith.


From pseudo-science to lying with statistics
Craniometry was eventually replaced by a different kind of “proof” of black inferiority: crime statistics.

Whereas the idea of racial difference was once perpetuated by pseudo-biological evidence, by the late-1800s new forms of statistical data — including datasets with a nationwide scope and new sampling techniques – became widely available.

This new statistically based brand of social science seemed to provide a way to objectively measure how well black people had adjusted to life outside of slavery.

The numbers showing that African Americans committed a disproportionate number of crimes appeared to affirm what many social scientists already believed to be true.

In his book The Condemnation of Blackness, historian Khalil Gibran Muhammad argues that this “racial data revolution” created a permanent linkage between blackness and criminality.

[5] The myth that black people possessed a unique proclivity for violence became the most enduring way of communicating black inferiority and justifying continued discrimination.


have no idea what you're talking about; you're obviously afraid to talk about statistics and facts. SAD!


facts prove things. people don't like proof, just feelings.
I bet voicing feelings instead of facts would prove far more offensive than facts. :D


You're the sad one. Very much so.


libturds hate facts...


𝗕uy 𝗟arge 𝗠ansions


did we solve all this yet? :)

here's more facts people are welcome to not believe even though they, themselves can prove it with their own eyes:

the majority of quality, skilled, powerful, in demand sports athletes in basketball and football are black. they are better than whites, speaking of the majority
you can prove this yourself by simply LOOKING. If your eyes work.

do we say that more BS fake stats by white racists?

here's a bunch of white people pointing an issue, discussing it to try to find some solution to it, and yet they are barked at for being racist white supremisists. I guess I now live in bizarre-o-land


you bastard!!


Sacramento shooter was blm.

NYC shooter was blm.

and the news has gone silent on these 2 facts...


And now imagine they would have been Trump supporters...


would be riots and lots of burning, looting and murdering across the nation. but it would be approved by the liberal mainstream media.


So, you're looking for statistics to back up your racism then?


Fucking hip hop has poisoned the minds of an entire population beyond all repair


Looks like Afromongrels and Euromongrels are cut from the same cloth. Both crater to a racist Semitic God too for some reason.
