MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > The only way i'd believe for a second th...

The only way i'd believe for a second this really happened is if...

a quick google search shows that anywhere between 55 and 75 camaras are rolling at the academy awards at any one time. even 360 degree camaras, one of these camaras would have caught what happened from Will going from sheer laughter to anger in the space of less than 5 seconds, i want to see what made him change so radically. the interaction between him and jada.

I think the camara people and directors made a mistake or Will did, he wasn't supposed to be filmed laughing like that, the joke was supposed to be told, then appears will, he slaps chris, sits down and then starts shouting what he did.

They can't show Will going from laughing his ass off to anger in less than 5 seconds, because if you weren't born yesterday then you'd know that it's not realistic.

When that video comes to light, then maybe......until then it's a staged hollywood bit. especially when we see him laughing before and after the slap.


Why would they fake it?


Oscar ratings have been tanking really bad over these last 2-3 years. Used to get 40 million viewers now between 10-15 million. This really looks like a publicity stunt.


Will Smith has withdrawn himself from future consideration. Why would he do that for publicity? Why would either one of them participate in such a sham? Sorry but this whole idea that it was staged is dumb.


And that is so real and undoable.
You know, such an official act toward such a serious institution like the ampas...
Has he ever resigned from the Mickey Mouse club too?


>> One of these camaras would have caught what happened from Will going from sheer laughter to anger in the space of less than 5 seconds, i want to see what made him change so radically. the interaction between him and jada.

I am also very curious to see this. Will Smith literally went from the coolest and most charming version of himself -- to a batty moron in the span of 5 seconds.


The whole problem with this conspiracy is the same as the flat earther's have: why?

On the conspiracy side, we have the Oscars getting and *possibly* benefiting from the buzz.

On the no conspiracy side, we have an Oscar winner deciding that acting like a complete and utter asshole, striking a generally liked comedian without giving him any warning, yelling obscenities at the top of his lungs, bringing his wife's alleged hair issues into public, bringing his wife's (and his) infidelity into the light, and getting more than half the world disgusted with his behavior was in some way beneficial to him or his wife.

Why would Smith do this? What did he have to gain? Why would the world leaders, who can't agree on anything, decide to hide the fact that the Earth is flat?

Just because an abusive husband falls down the stairs and dies doesn't mean the wife pushed him. Most bad things that happen have an upside to *someone*. This whole conspiracy is predicated on the Oscars somehow benefiting from the fallout of this disgusting sordid incident.

Yeah, it may have generated some buzz, but more importantly it turned the formerly glamorous Academy Awards into the Jerry Springer Show.

I have a feeling there are flat Earthers here on MC ...


I think that the reason people could be questioning this is that these are actors. This was on tv. We know that 'reality tv' is anything but 'reality'. These are actors.

You ask about the Oscars benefiting, well 1.5 million more people started watching after the slap. That's good news for them.

It seems the only person who isn't really benefitting is Smith, as his popularity has gone down, but who knows how long that will last. Rock's comedy tour is doing a lot better as sales and prices have gone up.

We live in a post truth world with information coming at us from all directions at all times. The night of the awards I thought it was staged. I'm pretty sure now that it wasn't, but I'm certainly not at 100% anything. Knowing that tv is all about the ratings, I wouldn't put it past the producers to do something like this.


if in order to disprove something, or try to disprove something you equate someone asking if this is a hollywood bit akin to kaufman and lawler with people who deny science and say the earth is flat, then.. i dunno, it's the same rational people use who say every politican they don't like is the same as adolf. it's just childish... it's getting to childish extremes...


And now that Will Smith has resigned from the Academy and they immediately accepted his resignation, this again comes back to the main point: why?

Again, it's no different than the flat-Earther's argument that (forgetting the science here) totally misses the point of why? Why would they hide the "fact" the Earth is flat? For what possible reason? I think the analogy is fair.

Same with this incident. Why on God's green Earth would Will Smith, and accomplished A-lister and (then) Academy Award nominee agree to this? Without that, the whole "staged" theory is garbage.


everytime that someone questions something you think is 100% factual, i mean because hollywood wouldn't lie right? they never stage things! they they are akin to flatearthers...



were the people who questioned jussies account of going for a subway in -40 degree weather and being attacked by maga people in the heart of the most democrat city in the country flatearthers too? just asking...

because nobody lies, never ever ever! especially when with all your little heart you want it to be so! hahahaha

biden voter right?


biden voter right?

This says so much about you, you have no idea.


i just know for a fact that someone like you believes that everything is true, if it's on the news, then it's true, i also know for a fact that anyone who questioned jussies story around these parts a few years ago would be a "loon" right? some people have critical thought, they can look at something and say that maybe something is off here.

others can't, they take everything at face value, and that explains why the world is such a mess.


i just know for a fact that someone like you believes that everything is true, if it's on the news, then it's true,

This only further confirms that you only believe what you want to be true. Your behaviour here has been very odd from the start.

i also know for a fact that anyone who questioned jussies story around these parts a few years ago would be a "loon" right?

That's not how I remember it at all. Personally, I never bought his story. It smacked too much of "look at me, I'm a victim". Just like that gay pastor who bought a cake, then added anti-gay slurs so he could complain about it.

some people have critical thought, they can look at something and say that maybe something is off here.

Yes indeed. You are not among them. Case in point: "biden voter right?" I'll just bet you think the election was "stolen", too.


yep, i dare to question something between two actors that every newspaper and tv show on earth has also questioned if this is real. so yeah doll, that means im a flat earther, i think birds are robots, i think elvis killed jfk, yeah you've caught me, well done.

something will be off if they dare to question your celebrity obsessed mind, where everything that they tell is us the 100% truth.

i repeat, i know for a fact you were here years ago saying "but why would jussie lie!? do you believe that they faked the moon landings too?"

but now, you'd never admit it


yep, i dare to question something between two actors that every newspaper and tv show on earth has also questioned if this is real.

Wait a minute, in your last post you said:

"i just know for a fact that someone like you believes that everything is true, if it's on the news, then it's true,"

But now you're saying that all the news outlets have questioned the narrative of the Oscars event. By all logic this means that you are accusing YOU of mindlessly following the news - because it certainly cannot apply to me, since I am going against the news according to what you are now saying.

something will be off if they dare to question your celebrity obsessed mind

"Celebrity obsessed mind"? I'm not posting here any more than you are.

i repeat, i know for a fact you were here years ago saying "but why would jussie lie!?

Oh, you know for a FACT, do you? Then I know for a fact that you have no idea what a fact is. I also know for a fact that you're a moron. And quite possibly a schizophrenic.


you win, i can see it means so much to you, quotes and everything, it was 100% legit, you win. it's getting boring now, wanna believe it's 100% real? great.


Your problem is that you have this theory you're in love with, but you can't back it up with anything. And when people question your little theory, you get mad. You still haven't been able to ask the fundamental question: what's in it for Will? You still haven't even attempted an answer, and for some reason, you don't care. I think you're the kind of guy who's kind of addicted to conspiracy theories.


Conspiricism (I'm coining it) has almost become a mainstream religion, and like most religions, it has its fundamentalists... Conspiracy Fundamentalists. With the advent of YouTube, more and more what were once individual conspiracy theories (some plausible and others less so) have morphed into a Grand Narrative which quite literally convers all of human history, with conspiracies as the default setting. To doubt a conspiratorial theory means you are doubting the faith. This makes it hard for one to differentiate between a real conspiracy when it happens and a fake one. Sadly, what was once a sincere search for truth devolves into pride and vanity - the need to feel wiser and more discerning of reality than others.

NOTE: I assumed the slap was fake when I first saw it, too. Then I watched the entire event in context and reality got in the way. Reality has a nasty habit of doing that.


it's not really a theory, you're taking it too far. time to turn off tv and go and do something with your friends. i simply think it's fake along the lines of the lawler kaufman bit on letterman.

if it bothers you so much, then ok, ill play along like a father and son watching WWE. it was real, ok? 100%


And now he's deleted himself. Or maybe gotten the boot. If so, it was probably his riveting personalities. But who knows? Maybe we'll see bensonhurst5 reincarnated as bensonhurst6.


were the people who questioned jussies account of going for a subway in -40 degree weather and being attacked by maga people in the heart of the most democrat city in the country flatearthers too? just asking...

I don't see your point - you seem to be supporting my claim. Smollet's attack story made no logical sense from the get-go, and it comes down to the question of "whys". That's the whole point.

Unlike Smith, Smollet had a good reason to fabricate an attack: notoriety, sympathy, and to get shots in on Trump supporters at the same time. All wins if it worked, which is why his story was first suspected to be false even before the ridiculous scenario of white supremacists being in the middle of Chicago with MAGA hats on was considered.

Smith had no wins in this. That's the point. The question of why Smith would do this to himself intentionally with no good answer whatsoever rises to the same level of those who believe a conspiracy exists to hide a flat Earth. Neither makes any logical sense.

If you want to take a flyer, then one might argue that Smith cracked and intentionally wants to torch his career and legacy for reasons that we don't understand. That doesn't make much sense either but at least insanity would explain it a **little**..

biden voter right?

No sorry, but I'm concerned that you think that someone with a logical thought process might be a Biden voter.


and this also makes no sense, i see the same lack of logic here as what people saw with jussie and his fairytale.

we have to believe that a man laughs before and after slapping someone, thats how angry he was, we have to ignore we don't have footage of the interaction between jada and will.

we have to accept that chris ignored basic human behaviour and put his hands behind his back when faced with someone coming at him agressively, we also have to pretend it's normal to lean into a slap.

we have to also ignore that the academy said they asked him to leave, then said they had lied and didn't i could do on forever...

the same inconsistencies exist here as they did with juicy... but you equate one with flat earthers! simply because you choose to believe it...

and i know for a fact you were saying that people whjo doubted juicy were just like flatearhters! i know you did!


Your "evidence" doesn't support the conspiracy. For instance, body language *experts* say that Rock putting his hands behind his back was showing he was not challenging Will's anger and was an attempt to defuse the situation. Rock was also showing a bit of contriteness.

Ever watch youtube? Literally thousands of videos of assaults caught where the assaulter is wild with rage and has all sorts of expressions, including laughing.

You want more footage and think that's evidence to support a conspiracy? What possible reason would the Academy have of releasing even *more* fodder for the people to chew on? The Academy is embarrassed by the whole sordid affair, and will not supply any more videos for people to analyze. The faster this thing ends, the better for everyone.

Your confusion is troubling - or perhaps you're just too stubborn to realize you backed the wrong horse.

Why won't you answer the question: what possible motive could Smith have had to trash his career and show himself to be an complete and total asshole on live TV?


I 100% agree with you, 100% it happened

and anyone who doubts that two maga fans were in chicago at 2am in -40 weather is also a flatearther and believes the moon landings were fake.

case closed, this slap was 100% legit.


As you can see from all three replies, he never actually answers your specific question.

Either he's too stubborn to admit he fell flat on his face on this -- or a sad troll with nothing better to do than create an account 2 days ago to post only on this subject.

I'm leaning towards the former since his first post said it was obviously fake, and that we're all too naive, to beginning to crab walk with "the only way I'd believe" and a "maybe" with this post. First, it was all about mics, acting, and youtubers proving it was fake -- now suddenly there's a crack of daylight depending on Will/Jada's reaction in missing footage. What a difference a day makes.


Yeah, I don't get the "missing footage" argument either. The Academy got a black eye over this. The **last** thing they want is to keep fanning the flames by releasing more camera angles, adding graphics, producing some 3D multi-angle edits, some animation, a Jomboy breakdown (he actually did one!!).

It's the same point as the "what did Smith possibly have to gain" from this - how would making public even more camera angles to spur on debate help the Academy end this sordid mess?


It never made the slightest bit of sense. Even the ratings argument some cling to as their only slice of logic. You don't devise a bit centered around violence and profanity, then sell it indefinitely, to help a show whose brand is about glamour, nostalgia, and teary acceptance speeches. Will Smith nuked what should've been the night of his life. The producer of the show handled it poorly while desperately trying to control the damage by pretending the Academy was onboard with his call. Those giving a standing ovation lived into the worst assumption of Hollywood types. Rock is the only one who was partially helped, mostly b/c he kept his cool -- but even he loses when every audience tethers him to Will Smith. You think he wants to be reduced to "the slap" as Chris "F*ck Will Smith!" Rock forever?


To be fair, I didn't watch the show and indeed didn't know it was on. My first knowledge was on social media where I read that there was a fight on the broadcast between Smith and Rock. My first inclination was that it was staged to give the show some buzz. There is a tiny bit of evidence there to support a staged event.

But all that disappeared when I actually saw the video. Smith showed a side of him few people knew: he's an asshole. He cold-cocked the host, then screamed F-bombs when he got back to his seat. As you say, he ruined the greatest night of his career.

At that point, anyone with a bit of logic and self-honesty (like me!!) would admit they were wrong and that this ambush wasn't staged.


But don't concede anything with this Rock body language stuff to anyone. That theory is stupid too. Why would Rock think he had anything to genuinely fear from Will Smith on national tv. This isn't some crazy fan that broke into the auditorium. It's Will Smith, who he thinks is riffing off his joke into some improvisation of his own. Rock is rolling with what he expects to be another joke of some kind, like pretending to strangle him, like kissing him on the lips, or fake slapping him, or picking him up under his arm and carrying him away, etc, etc. All this stuff about instinct and danger is ridiculous. He was simply rolling with it, and that's why he stood there and leaned into whatever joke he thought Smith was going to run with. He was stunned and confused that Smith actually struck him, and any lingering thought that it still might be a joke was extinguished once Smith started shouting from his seat. Like I said to someone from the start, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


The cameras are on but they are not all separately recording. The signals are going to a control board where they cut from camera to camera in order to put together the show live and from there the signal goes out. It's possible a few separate cameras are being sent to multiple recording devises but it would be pointless to have every camera recording to a disc and also sending the visuals to the control board to flip between. It's not like much actually happens at these shows where you'd want to save all the angles for a directors cut.


It would be weird if they didn't record from all cameras. It's a big show.


so they all just happen to miss this interaction, ok... totally legit


The guy at the control board switched to the camera on Chris Rock too fast because he didn't expect anything more from Smith. If it was staged they might have had a camera on Smith that was also recording to a device separate from the main feed, but they wouldn't release it.


logically and historically when something like that happens, you'd go to comercial, why did they put the camara on will and allow him to scream the f word? why not cut his mic or the mics around him focus on chris and get on with or the show, or simply cut to comercial? why?

these events have like i said up to 75 camaras, many of them 360ª so they can catch every little cute smile, reaction... whatever... thats how it's always been. now you want to believe that all these camaras 360 degrees or not all missed it, and if they did get it they wouldnt release it?

so they won't release it, to save their reputation no? but wouldn't go to comercial but do cut straight to will smith screaming the f word, thats ok.. but releasing the 5 second interaction a clear no no?

complete childish fiction


I don't know about the 360 cameras, maybe they record everything to their own drive and who knows. But traditionally with live television events, the signals coming from the cameras are going to a bunch of monitors where the director or operator is choosing which shot to cut in and out of. The cameras are seeing what's happening at the moment, but what is recorded and saved is the shot the control board operator chooses to send through to the recording device or through to the live feed.

I don't know why they didn't cut to commercial, or why they cut to his reaction. Maybe it was staged and they wanted to show it. It does not make Smith look good. Devils advocate, it's live TV and they didn't think Smith was going start cursing him out because Rock was joking around about it. But I could go either way with it because I'm 50/50 about it being staged. The main reason I think it might be legit is the event makes smith look like an idiot, up until that point in his career most people viewed him similarly to Tom Hanks.


logically and historically when something like that happens, you'd go to comercial, why did they put the camara on will and allow him to scream the f word? why not cut his mic or the mics around him focus on chris and get on with or the show, or simply cut to comercial? why?

These aren't the '50s. You're the first person I have come across to wonder "why didn't they cut to commercial?" They didn't cut to commercial for Janet Jackson's boob stunt either. Seriously, you'd need something close to an assassination before you'd see a channel cut to commercial these days. For the F-word? Seriously?

so they won't release it, to save their reputation no? but wouldn't go to comercial but do cut straight to will smith screaming the f word, thats ok.. but releasing the 5 second interaction a clear no no?

What are you talking about? What interaction? You're acting as if that would be some sort of smoking gun, but any interaction between Will and Jada would have been inaudible and completely uninteresting for the camera operator. And seeing as no one has called for the release of this supposedly super-suspicious interaction, why would they release it? "Extra! Extra! Newly released footage of Will and Jada talking! No audio."

As for cutting to Will screaming, just what do you see as suspicious here? In the case of Janet Jackson, they cut to wide shots of everything but her tit, but that would hardly work here - because the controversy here is the audio. It doesn't matter where you cut to, you're still going to hear the screaming, so of course you cut to whomever does the screaming. And it's not like the camera controller was ready-set-go to cut to Will, either. "Keep my wife's name out of your fucking..." - all those words were heard before the camera cut to Will, which happened just as he reached the word "mouth".


you don't get it, you're too emotional and celebrity obsessed to get it.

lets say that i shown you a video of chris rock telling the gi jane joke, will smith laughing and then i cut the tape there.

then i wait a few minutes and show you the video of will smith getting up on stage and slapping chris rock, and will screaming all what he did....

you'd ask yourself what the hell just happened right? what went on.... there is something that happened within those 5 or 6 seconds that changed will smiths mood, he went from laughing to slapping someone on live tv, it's been huge.

so what happened? and why hasn't this footage come out? why? it's like reading a book, it's like reading the first 100 pages, skipping the middle 100 pages and then reading the last 50.... theres something missing, and thats why many people, not just on forums, but real newspapers and tv channels asking if this is real. because it makes no sense.

i know you're not gonna get it because surely you take everything at face value. i don't...


you don't get it, you're too emotional and celebrity obsessed to get it.


you'd ask yourself what the hell just happened right? what went on.... there is something that happened within those 5 or 6 seconds that changed will smiths mood, he went from laughing to slapping someone on live tv, it's been huge.

Sure something happened. He caught a glimpse of Jada's reaction, perhaps she even chided him for having laughed at the joke. Whatever it is, there is nothing there remotely interesting for the cameras, because they aren't micked up. Why would you expect them to release that little snippet, if it's not going to tell us more than we already know either way?

so what happened? and why hasn't this footage come out?

Because no one has asked for it and it isn't interesting?




I need to see that transition on video, it would be the most bizarre thing ever. Even Jada had that ever so slight smirk at the start and then did her roll eyes, but we don’t see the rest, and the rest is what got Will onto that stage welcoming Chris Rock to earth ID4 style.


it's bizzare because it doesn't really add up, although around these parts to say something like this makes you a flat earther!!


I think the cameras were on Will and Jada because the show's director had the presenters' scripts.

As to why Smith went from laughing to punching in 5 seconds, I think that either Jada punched him in the kidneys once the red light was off, or he'd thought about staging some massive publicity stunt hissy fit at the show if someone gave him an opening, and it took him a couple of seconds to realize that the opportune moment had arrived.

I can't believe the whole thing was staged, because I can't see why Chris Rock would agree to be bitchslapped in front of the whole world, and without a punchline he could use to turn the moment to his advantage.
