MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > I feel bad for this guy. Really bad.

I feel bad for this guy. Really bad.

If this was real - and I was not sure it was at first - Will is cracking finally. I thought the slap looked very fake, but both of their reactions after seemed quite genuine. I honestly don't know if this was staged or not, but if it was not staged, this has been a long time coming.

The writing has been on the wall for years now. His kids are a weird and his wife openly bragged about cheating on him on her own show. Can you imagine what she's like to live with if she has that kind of blatant disregard for him? I have always liked Will - he seems like a genuinely nice guy - but can't stand his bizarre and obnoxious family. I think living with them has just driven him nuts.

He was on CBS Sunday Morning just a few weeks ago and point blank told the interviewer there was no infidelity. He got upset at the question, but we all know what she said. To his face. He looks like a lunatic for smacking a guy over a pretty weak joke, but I do genuinely feel for him. I think this guy is hurting BIG TIME.


Lol so fake.


Why stage this though? His family is already a sore subject. No money is to be made from hyping up a fake beef between these two. Makes no sense.


Publicity. no one cares about the Oscar's.


Why would Will care about Oscar ratings?




Oh, now he was paid to do it?


Who knows? It's Hollywood.


Maybe, remember he won.

I dont think is totally impossible it was faked, the Oscar is dying, today for the first time everybody is talking about it after the ceremony for something more than just say how boring it was and how hit a new low in terms of ratings


Doesnt matter if he cares, it what the hollyweird elites want.
Actors are disposable to them. They consider actors way below them


Like Will Smith is in danger of getting a fucking Oscar!


So Chris Rock faked watery eyes and that stunned delivery? I've never seen Chris Rock act that good.


If you smacked a guy , you think he would be able to take it as well as chris Rock did.

That was a total wwe slap.
Hollyweird fake all over it.


Every time someone is slapped, they get knocked out?


A slap rarely knocks someone out.


"you think he would be able to take it as well as chris Rock did."

"A slap rarely knocks someone out. "

You're a moron.


If you buy that slap, Biden and company have a whole lot more to sell you.

Your naivety is off the charts.


Well you said the slap was fake because "Chris Rock took it well", then you said a slap rarely knocks someone out. So how can you know CR took the slap well?


Tell someone to slap you at compare.


I am asking you, because you seem to be the expert in slapping despite contradicting yourself.


How did I contradict myself?

I said the slap was fake.

Someone asked me if every time someone was slapped they got koed?

I said a slap rarely knocks anyone out.


I literally copied and pasted his conflicting comments and he still doesn't get it.


What he means is it would get the guy angry, upset instead of all smiles and jokes. he never said it would knock someone out.



The slap looks fake, but you can clearly hear it happen on the audio. Perhaps fake audio?

Chris Rock took it very well - I agree. I think a person in a situation like this would have reacted in one of these 4 ways:

1. Started crying.
2. Left the stage.
3. Gotten angry and returned force on Will.
4. Calm and in control of oneself - like Chris Rock was.


There was nothing fake about it.

1) In slow-mo you can see the hit connect.
2) Neither of them have anything to gain from staging such an incident.
3) Chris was clearly stunned after the strike.
4) The raw anger and emotion coming from Will as he was yelling his F-bombs was not an act.
5) His Oscar acceptance speech was clearly not an act.
6) Why would Will risk being arrested, kicked out of the theater, losing his chance at an Oscar, etc....?

The guy is simply a db who is clearly coming off the rails. I hope Chris presses charges and sues....but more likely, nothing at all will happen. Security should have removed him immediately. He committed a crime on live TV.
He should


True. Neither gained anything from this.

It also re-enforces the negative stereotype of black people.


It's not fake, but the person I replied to think it is.

I agree with everything you said. Chris was clearly stunned, and you can't fake that. If he could, he would be an amazing actor of the highest order.


He does tear up


It looked like every actor taught how to slap someone and how the person reacts.

So gay


Lol, it wasn't


I think Will might not have just faked this event but faked his own sham cuckhold marriage competely and is actually a closted gay. the weird kids, the cheating wife, all a propaganda stunt to encourage open marragies or some shit


He's gay AND wants promote open marriages?! LOL, do you hear yourself?


lots of gays get wives and kids to fit in around normal people to be successful. if ur fucked enough in the head to put ur dick into dirty hairy dude asses a putting ur dick the putting ur dick in a pussy is a walk in the park. all these hollyweird a lists sold there sold to the tribe and say and do whatever is told from them


Yes the price of fame and fortune comes with a heavy toll.

What these actors must see and endure for that fame breaks their souls. Totally not worth it.

The most affected are the child actors.


yes childhood actors have it the worst since they have no happy childhoods to lookback to while they navigate the snakepit


That's the least they have to worry about.


Did you recently hit your head?


He’s also faking this whole “Will Smith” thing. We all know this is actually Fresh Prince in disguise.


fresh cuck of belair


The thing is, Will was laughing at the joke at first. Wasn't until he looked and saw his wife rolling her eyes he felt he had to do something.


yes i noticed that too. i caught his smiles the second time i watched, and i thought'' wait, he's smiling huge, then seconds later is on stage acting angry? doesn't compute.

but if you take the smiling clip away, the whole thing does look authentic to me. i watched the unedited version from japan.


What is it you think that means?



This is like saying you feel bad for the school shooter because he was bullied. smh


You have some of the worst opinions on this site. It's astounding how often you are wrong.


Pot calling the kettle black.


Nope, he's right. You're a moron. It's Chris Rock who should be getting the sympathy. Will Smith behaved like a wild baboon and should be ridiculed for it.


Saying I feel bad for Smith therefor I feel bad for mass shooters is the epitome of a logical fallacy. It's next-level kind of stupid.


You are right, his opinions are horrible. I sympathise with both. Having an open relationship with your wife and rebelling against God tends to yield negative outcomes though, such as becoming mentally unhinged, so no one should be surprised by any of this.


Oh, I definitely feel bad for Chris Rock - that was humiliating - but Will is living "in hell" imo. He's a very unhappy man. What happened to Rock is over, Will lives with that weirdo family every day.


Agreed, the highest point of his career has now become his lowest point. Him crying during his Oscar acceptance speech and how bizarre it was spoke volumes to the state of his mental health. When he said "People disrespecting you" he could have easily been referring to his demon of a wife disrespecting him like she did when she cheated on him and bragged about it on her own show.

I don't condone his behavior and he definitely should have apologized in his speech to Chris Rock but I hope he gets the help he clearly needs.


"Him crying during his Oscar acceptance speech and how bizarre it was spoke volumes to the state of his mental health"

Bingo. We all know it wasn't about the win.


Why get so angry about someone insulting your cheating wife?

People are roasted at the Oscars every year. If you can’t take it, stay home.


I could see if it's a sore subject, could be she's really stressed out about the hair as most women would be. Also it could be interpreted as Chris calling her ugly, if one doesn't step back and remember GI Jane was a hot chick with short hair.
I think it's probably misplaced aggression and the real agitation is with the cheating wife. He really wants to slap her and the guys she has been with but is forced to play along, so he slaps Chris Rock.


It wasn't fake but it was kind of half-hearted.


Yeah there's something going on upstairs that we don't know about yet with Will Smith. Which is sad and on his big night as well. Doesn't make what he did to Chris Rock right though.
