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NASA: Chances of 'city-killer' asteroid hitting Earth have increased

The odds of a 'city-killer' asteroid smashing into the Earth on December 22, 2032 appear to have ticked up slightly. NASA previously estimated that Asteroid 2024 YR4, a nearly 200-foot-wide space rock, has a one-in-83 chance (1.2 percent) of striking our planet. But now, the agency's 'Sentry' Earth Impact Monitoring system reports a one-in-77 chance (1.3 percent) of a direct hit."

Astronomers have also calculated a predicted impact zone that stretches from South America across the Atlantic Ocean to sub-Saharan Africa. The asteroid has the potential to cause significant damage, especially if it lands in a densely populated area like a major city due to it being the size of another space rock that hit Earth in 1908 with a blast equivalent to detonating 50 million tons of TNT."

Though estimates suggest a very small increase in the likelihood of impact, astronomer and professor of planetary sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) told that it is nothing to worry about. 'The difference between 1.2 percent and 1.3 percent doesn't matter,' he said. 'Until the data are sufficient to pinpoint which of these two final answers is correct, we can expect the probability numbers to wobble around a bit. This is simply how scientific data measurements play out,' he added."

Regardless, the odds of this asteroid impacting our planet are still very low. Astronomers say it is much more likely to safely pass us by , coming within roughly 66,000 miles of Earth. Astronomers believe 2024 YR4 is roughly the same size as the Tunguska asteroid, which caused the most explosive impact in recorded history when it shot through Earth's atmosphere in 1908, reportedly killing three people. It exploded in the air over Siberia in what's known as an 'air burst,' flattening an estimated 80 million trees over 830 square miles of forest."

If 2024 YR4 infiltrates Earth's atmosphere, it could cause a similar event, astronomers say. Alternatively, it could remain intact during the descent and slam into the ground, creating a massive crater and decimating human communities in the impact zone. Asteroid 2024 YR4 shot to the top of NASA 's automated Sentry risk list that ranks known Near Earth Objects (NEOs) on how likely they are to collide with our planet. NEOs are asteroids and comets that orbit the sun and pass close to Earth."

Experts will need to determined the asteroid's composition and true size before calculated its impact, which can only be done when it moves closer to our planet Rankin told 'Size and composition are big players in possible damage, along with impact location,' he said. 'It's hard to constrain size and composition with the current orbital situation, as it's outbound,' or moving away from us, he added. But best way to measure an asteroid's size is with radar observations, he added."

Due to these risk scenarios, astronomers will closely study and monitor 2024 YR4 in the years leading up to its approach. But 'people should absolutely not worry about this yet,' Rankin said. 'Impact probability is still very low, and the most likely outcome will be a close approaching rock that misses us,' he said. Now that 2024 YR4 has been identified as a potential β€” but unlikely β€” threat, the race to learn as much about it as possible before 2032 is on."

Wow!!! Well, it's bound to happen at some point folks, but who knows?? You'd think with the Military and or NASA, They'd have something designed to blow it apart, maybe Musk can design something?? We shall wait and see πŸ€”


If you follow Randall Carlson, he's big on this idea.

Why worry about something we have no control over.

The aliens on the moon will protect us : )


That or you'll finally meet God. It's bound to happen at some point. The movie DEEP IMPACT is the one movie that's not only realistic but grim in the end, even with a new hope


I meet God every time I play with a dog or see a child smile.

He told me to tell everyone to get their act together by the way.




I thought they were in the ocean?


I been watching these reports for decades.
Only NOW with prevelient INTERNET SENSATIONALIST NEWS progagation do they mention every two weeks that some asteroid COULD hit the earth today.
it gets old.

If they project the trajectory, just tell us. Or don't. It's stupid to constantly publish potential FEAR.


I wonder what happens if a rock that size hits the ocean, which is the most likely location if it does collide with us.

Not only does it only have a 1.2 chance of hitting us, but the composition matters, too. Could it be made of ice or something like that?

How close would it have to be to pinpoint the impact location? If it ends up being a populated area, I guess we're looking at a major evacuation effort if it can do major damage. How long would we have to do that?

Complicated situation. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta what-have-yous. And, uh, a lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands in old Duder's head.

I'm glad we've got smart people to handle these things.


If it hits the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii is gone


Wow, NASA will do anything to get attention these days. I've heard nothing-burger reports like these for years, how this or that asteroid is gonna come close to earth, or very nearly miss us. Kinda reminds me of all those people who keep saying the world's gonna end a few years from now, and when that year comes, nothing happens.


Eventually, this so called "Nothing Burger" as you call it will eventually happen. We scoff at this stuff too much for our own good


Right. It's a slim change this time, but the consequences could be catastrophic. It's definitely worth the investment, being able to detect these things.


Let's just hope it happens when we're all dead and buried. Let the great-great-grandkids worry about it.


☝️Typical MAGA response. Not my responsibility. That falls in line with Trump's climate hoax: "Why should I care, let my grandchildren & beyond deal with it, just drill baby drill.."


I think Neil Tyson has been warning about this one for a while


I heard they only discovered it recently


Nah, I'm pretty sure I've seen Neil talk about this years ago



The last major asteroid to hit earth and cause damage was the Tunguska event when a 40-meter asteroid hit Siberia in 1908, destroying a forest the size of London.

But even if another asteroid were to hit earth soon, only 14% of the earth's surface is inhabited. It would probably plunge into the ocean.

If we're lucky it will hit Musk's house.
