MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Who are YOUR 4 horsemen of "I'm definite...

Who are YOUR 4 horsemen of "I'm definitely skipping that movie"?

A friend shared that meme in a group last weekend and it was pretty fun discussion.

Reasons why you skip their movies could vary from:

1. Hate their political stance.
2. Their movies just suck.
3. OR I Just hate them.

There were 2 or 3 overlapping names but the suggestions/picks definitely varied.

Here were/are my personal ones:

1. Gal Gadot - Apart from the first Wonder Woman movie, Don't really care for her. Also, very mediocre actress.

2. Kevin Hart - Never found him funny. Dude just yells.

3. The Rock - Was a huge fan of his wrestling career. And I actually like some of his early films but I have only enjoyed literally ONE of his films in a decade. Jumanji (2017).

4. James Corden - Prick. Nuff said.

Here are some of the most mentioned ones in our lil discussion group:

1. John Travolta
2. Nic Cage
3. Jack Black
4. Amy Schumer
5. Mark Wahlberg
6. Liam Neeson
7. Will Smith (recent thing)
8. Ryan Reynolds
9. Henry Cavill
10. Adam Sandler
11. Jared Leto
12. Robert De Niro
13. Timothy Chalamet
14. Angelina Jolie
15. Megan Fox

P.S. Your don't have to give a reason why you skip their movies. Just mention 4 actors whose projects you (almost) always skip.


Chris Rock
Melissa McCarthy
Adam Sandler
Woody Allen


people get way to hung up on worshipping actors , or in this case hating them.

They are an insignificant part of the movie.
The clothes the costume designer made are more important .

The director and the screenplay are what makes a movie good or bad.


Only 4? Okay, first 4 that come to mind:

Nicolas Cage
Diane Keaton
Colin Farrell
Ben Affleck


Honestly, none.

Even if I don’t particularly like an actor I understand most have something appealing that made them successful in the first place and that they are just a part of whether a film is worthwhile watching or not. Plenty of sucky actors have been in brilliant films. To avoid a movie because of one actor seems, well, quite dumb frankly.


I have disliked Will Smith ever since I heard he was rude to Kevin Kline on The Wild Wild West and I am unlikely to change or to see anything he is in unless it was hugely significant or included someone I really like.
