MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you watched Disney's Swiss Family R...

Have you watched Disney's Swiss Family Robinson movie (1960)?

For whatever reason I decided I wanted to watch this movie a few days ago, so we did. I thought I would enjoy the adventure aspect of it and watching them build their treehouse.

Well unfortunately, the family depicted was quite possibly the biggest group of idiots I've ever watched on film. I kept thinking it was a wonder that they all survived the experience because they kept doing stupid things, including riding ostriches, trying to trap a tiger as a pet and letting their youngest child play with bombs made out of coconuts. He was so annoying, though, that I wouldn't have minded one exploding. I think he got into high sugar drinks or cocaine when the camera wasn't on him.

Have any of you ever watched this movie and do you have an opinion on it? I really wanted to like it.



I have watched it and wondered about certain things but liked it better on a repeat viewing. BTW the snake was real and frightening to the actors. No CGI animals.


Well I will give it that. I like older movies because there is no CGI. It was a visually appealing movie but the characters were just knuckleheads.

That's an interesting fact about the snake. It's a wonder no one got kicked in the gut by an ostrich.


They filmed the snake on the last day of shooting in case anything happened.

In the book the snake swallowed a donkey.


"in case anything happened"

Yikes! 😳


Yep, James MacArthur told me that personally.


I think this is one of the first times we've ever interacted so I don't know if you're kidding or not. Did you actually have a chance to talk to him?


Yes, this was at Festival of the West 2007. It was the ONLY time I talked to him. He was SO COOL and I bought an autographed picture from him.


That's really cool. I'm glad I posted this thread so you could share that story with me. Of all the actors in this movie I did think he was the best and the most level-headed character, too.


He said "Tommy and I did our own stuff" for the most part, and it was a 200-pound anaconda and "I was scared." I remember those phrases specifically. The other thing I made sure to tell him was how impressed I was with his performance in Disney's Kidnapped. I saw it at nine years old and had seen however many TV killings a child of that age would have at that time (early 1970s), and that was the first time I ever saw anyone express remorse for killing someone. I even had to ask my mom why he was crying. It made a very great impression on and sort of revelation for me. He didn't find me a picture of the exact scene, but did find one of him and the actor who was with him in the scene, and I was thrilled and bought an autographed copy.


I told my husband your story last night and I'll tell him this, too. It's a little surprising that the actors were put at risk like that but it was a different time.


I remember seeing some version of Swiss Family Robinson as a kid in the 70s. It might have been the version with Martin Milner.


I think I saw another version years ago and liked it enough that I wanted to see it again, but this time watched the Disney version and it's kind of ridiculous.


I watched it as a kid and enjoyed it. I loved that house they built, and got to visit a replica of it in Disneyworld back in the summer of '96. You can imagine how sad I was when they repurposed it as the "Tarzan Treehouse" in the early 2000s after the Tarzan film came out.

Unfortunately, there were some parts of the film I didn't like. Fritz always annoyed me because he was always getting into trouble and wanting to turn every animal in the jungle into his pet, even if such animals were far too dangerous and wild. It was also annoying to see the two oldest brothers fighting over Roberta (hated her short hair, but there was no helping that, due to her disguise her grandpa made her put on), when it was pretty clear Roberta preferred the oldest, most attractive brother over the dumber, younger one.

The film balances itself out, though, because it was fun seeing an 18th century Swiss family building a home on a tropical island, all the fun animals, and fighting pirates. It certainly was more fun to watch than trying to read the book. I attempted it once and fell asleep on just the first chapter.


The youngest child was actually Francis (at least in this Disney version), but I agree with your assessment of him. He was indeed always getting into trouble and seemed to think every animal on that island was his.


Sorry, I think I was mixing his name up with Marie/Clara's brother from "The Nutcracker." I saw that actor in several other older Disney movies too. Was he in "Pollyanna?"


It looks like the actor who played Francis was also in Pollyanna and Old Yeller, though I have never seen either of those movies.


I only know about the older Disney films because my grandparents loved them and let me watch their videotapes when I'd go to visit in the summer as a kid. So I got to see a bunch of the older films. We had a few in our own video library at home back in the day, including "The Swiss Family Robinson."


I loved this movie as a kid. Haven't seen it since the early 1970s. I'd be curious to see if nostalgia can hold it up.

Sometimes I'll watch a movie from my childhood and wonder why I loved it. Movies are a product of their time. Some hold up, some don't.


If you ever watch it again I would be interested to hear your reaction. I think as a kid I would have enjoyed it. As an adult a lot of it just looked over-the-top unrealistic. For example, them deciding to float a pipe organ across the ocean from the shipwreck for their treehouse. πŸ˜‚


I did too. I was very much into adventure movies as a kid e.g., Tarzan, sword and sandals genre; you get the drift.


I think it's dumb Disney puts a warning label of "harmful Stereotypes" on this movie on Disney Plus. It's still enjoyable and a lot of fun.


I was a good girl and also posted the link to this thread under the actual movie's page. I'll do that with the Elephant Man, too, to boost the traffic on the specific movie pages. I do like posting these threads in General Discussion though, to get higher volume and immediate responses.
