MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Worst Christmas present you ever receive...

Worst Christmas present you ever received

Mine was a gumball machine, I was 13 or 14 years old and I had to share it with my brother.


As a kid I've always hated it when I got clothes or other things that I would have needed anyway, so from that time I can say the worst I ever got was a pack of socks and underwear instead of the toy I had wished for.


Expired candy canes.


This year I received 2 plushies from 2 different friends. Big ones, too. What am I supposed to do with these? I am a full grown adult, I don't play with plushies and they take up a lot of room in the house.


What are plushies, even?


Like stuffed bears or dogs or ponies, the stuffed animals little girls sleep with..?

I think they’d make fine archery or pellet gun targets👍


> I think they’d make fine archery or pellet gun targets👍

Probably although if my friends found out I destroyed them like that, their feeling would probably be hurt :/


My daughter has a room full of them and even she is saying, ‘please don’t buy me anymore.’


My daughter is first year of college and she still loves them. I bought a fuzzy rainbow Llama for her last week and she loved it🤗


Yeah it is what shogun yonkers said. Basically a big aubergine and a big dinosaur plush toys.




A dvd of a movie that wasn’t ’Welcome to Mooseport’ (2004).



My family had a thing of giving necessities like underwear, socks, deodorants and talcum powder. That kind of thing always sucked and seemed like a waste of wrapping paper.


A gift is better than no gift and those all sounded practical.


When you're a kid you don't care about practical.


They were getting you ready for the real world.


Not really, you can buy underwear, socks and deodorant all year round and by yourself. You don't have to wait to have it gifted to you at Xmas.


Well, you're old and alone and no one is buying you presents, may you look back and not long for a pair of socks or underwear.


Whiskey. I can't drink, so I ended up pouring the bottle out. I'd give it to a friend, but they're not drinkers either. So, adios.

