Should mentally challenged be sanctioned to post online in comments, forums, replies etc?
Is it a good conception for them to verbalize along side not challeneged people, where they will probably get ridiculed, travestied, slammed for being imbecilic?
Do we optate to sanction their convoluted, very erroneous perspectives to waste everyone's time online?
Should there be imposed a competency level law for access?
DSM-IV defines mental retardation as significantly subaverage intellectual functioning (i.e., IQ no higher than approximately two standard deviations below the mean), which is accompanied by significant limitations in adaptive functioning in at least two of the following areas: communication, functional academic skills, health, home living, leisure, safety, self-care, self-direction, social/interpersonal skills, use of community resources, and work. Onset of these conditions must occur before age 18. The condition is further divided into four levels of retardation based on IQ, which include mild mental retardation (IQ between 50-55 and 70), moderate mental retardation (IQ between 35-40 and 50-55), severe mental retardation (IQ between 20-25 and 35-40), and profound mental retardation (IQ below 20 or 25)
oh I dont know, but it is good to have a base line of some kind.
for all the moronic things I see online, I feel we need a standard for access.
"The flat Eurff is run by reptilian space pizzagate zombie vampires and illuminatii politicians who want to kill all humans and drink thier blood baby blood for nurishment!"
is kind of a dead giveaway.... as well as the people that blindly believe everything with zero proof.
Usually people who can't even type proper sentences and spew out a bunch of nonsense over on Quora get no response from me. Either that, or I tell them to go back to First Grade and relearn how to write.'s hard to track them down. It's like trying to figure out who the mental patient in the room is simply by looking at them. There's no way to tell them from a glance. Some are good at fooling people into thinking they're intellectuals, others don't bother hiding it, but you don't know they're nuts until they actually type something.
You can't trust some online organization, government entity, or online bot to be able to decipher whether someone mentally ill is typing or posting online. They would either be biased, or simply don't have what it takes to weed them out.
Frankly, it's better to let Public Opinion rule on this one. People will naturally end up either shunning or ridiculing the mentally ill person enough to either deter them, or make them leave and go somewhere else.