I mentioned in another thread recently where I once worked in a body shop and I've seen firsthand what deer hits can do to a vehicle. And from what I've learned of these accidents, in many of them, the vehicle is declared a total loss. The one that I remember the most was where the deer had gone through the windshield. There was blood and guts all over the inside of that car. But what really amazed me was how the driver had survived that.
Some years after that, I worked as a delivery driver making weekly deliveries to another town 40 miles away. At some point, I had to leave the interstate and get on a two-lane state highway during the final miles of the trip. It was dark (8-9 o'clock at night), a winding road through a heavily wooded area, and it was notorious for deer hits. It was advertised in local newspapers to be especially cautious when driving through there and I was always on high alert. I was lucky. Never saw a single deer except ironically, for a couple of carcasses actually along the side of the interstate as I was approaching that highway.