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LGBTQ+ friendly stores, what does this mean?

LGBTQ+ friendly stores, what does this mean?

how is this designated, is there a chart with degrees of it or something?
what does it mean when a store says that?


TARGET stores used to be like this for awhile, but now I think this hurt their bottom dollar and they aced this


wait.... you mean a small minority can't control how the majority is? Shocking. :D


No one asked you to be gay , just to not oppress them and call them "illogical throwback freaks" or whatever it was you were yelling about the other day.


This answers the question above... how?


The question the OP asked? I wasnt responding to that. I was responding to you complaining that the gays are trying to control you.


Minority never gets to steer a majority. That's not how reality work.


As I said , nobody is "steering" you , nobody is asking you to be gay


I demand there be a sign that says "HETRO-FRIENDLY" everywhere!
Maybe a "non-white skin tones welcome" also.
Let's cover everything

We need more signs for idiots! :D




whole thing stinks of obvious "Virtue Signalling" and we ALL LOVE THAT, don't we.


Do stores that sell rainbow flags need to say they are LGTBQ+ friendly? 🤔


That sounds like a self canceling double negative


Isn’t it fucking obvious?

It means queer people can shop there and not be hassled by nimrods like you.


did this complete your quota of nercro thread stranger insults for the day?

Congrats!!! You are a winner!


Hooray. What’s my prize? Please say it’s a copy of your new novel ‘The Modern Woman: A Comprehensive Critique of Everything Female’.

I hear it’s a real page-turner.


People that don't understand women always get mad at people who do. :)


On the contrary, I’m not mad at you at all, I just find your proclamations ripe for parody.

Still, I’d be fascinated to know what you think makes you such an authority on women. Is it your penis? It’s the only logical explanation.

And while I don’t profess to understand women (or men, to be fair) I do know how to treat people as individuals as opposed to constantly grouping genders like cattle while proposing a whole bunch of largely negative theories about the modern female condition. You’re always protesting at how others make your posts personal but, c’mon, the volume of your posts about women alone makes it seem like a completely personal issue for you.


off topic slightly ...

Do LGBTs use "LGBTQ+" , or is that just people adding extra letters on to take the piss? The sort of people who use terms like "Alphabet people"

Because doesent mean the Q mean the same as the G ?


in some cases i suppose you can tell if someone belongs to this "community" right? Everybody has seen or knows some really camp man, some overly butch woman and you just know that they are gay...

But theres a lot of people like neil patrick harris, i wouldn't know if he was gay...

So if someone runs into walmart quickly, grabs a few things and pays... 1. how do they know if this person is gay? and 2. how are they going to be "friendly" ?

Unless someone goes in singing show tunes and wearing hot pants, i don't know how the average interaction between a customer and a business would get even begin to get into sexuality or "identity"

it's bizarre!


the signs are just companies bandwagonning anything and everything to get more people in the door.

next year it will be "We are HOOK, and Autism freindly" if that is the next big 'social justice' push/protest.

its always about money


If very simple , if you suspect someone of being gay , and I can see from your post you have advanced gaydar and can tell a butch lezzy or a flaming flouncer , then all you have to do is *not* persecute them for it through physical or mental assault or any other form of bullying when in the store with the "gay friendly" badge.

Thats what the store wants from you - the average non gay man in the street .
Now, is that too much to ask ?
Thats the $1m question


Would the business be ok with their customers arguing or fighting with each other, as long as identity politics are not allowed?

If the answer is no, then it’s just a virtue signal.


thats akin to saying "All lives Matter"
as a way to dismiss the issues of racism and police brutality that BLM was trying to address.

It goes without saying customers arguing or fighting is not good whoever it is ,
but similarly to racism , somepeple seem to need to be reminded that its not ok to abuse queers in the street. or store.


It's not akin to that at all. I'm suggesting that a business that doesn't want any of that behavior at all, regardless of who is the perpetrator and who the victim is. If a group of LGBTQ people jump a "bigot" in the store, is the LGBTQ friendly business going to act as a safe space for them? No they are going to kick them out just as they would anyone else. No one that works in sales wants to be breaking up fights, and refereeing arguments, and no business owner wants their place to have a reputation as a dangerous place to go.

It's a virtue signal. It's advertising. They are doing it because there is financial incentive and thats it.


ok , i meant thats what theyre pretending to do : )


I don't think that the average gay person could care less if some business had a little pride flag on their google search, they aren't being bullied, harrassed or hated everytime they go to bed, bath and beyond... again i don't know how these employees have some superpower that allows them to identify gay people and then have the time to "hate" them..

The people who really get turned on and exited by all this gay friendly nonsense, is the 57 year old white liberal new york/cali mother who gets butterflies in her stomach telling herself shes an ally for the community and is dying for her son to come out just so she can show how inclusive she is.




why are people getting into their sexuality in a 2 second interaction with the girl ringing them up at walgreens? i also don't remember wild stories of people of people "bullied" when they went into sears to buy a pair of socks because of their sexuality, it's more lies from the left who want to control these so called minorities by telling them everyone hates them.

you're living in a fictional paranoid world where businesses can spot a gay man from 2 miles away and decide when their workers have some spare time decide to bully gay people, you must be living in saudi arabia, because i can't remember on case of this!

But the point still stands, the average interaction between a customer and a business is 2.3 minutes according to google, i don't know who during this short time is getting into their sexuality and has the time to be harrassed because of it.

more nonsense.


bottom line is: EVERY TYPE gets bullied or beatup because there are bad people in the world. Not just lgbtq

- white people get bullied and beat up
- straight people get bullied and beat up
- black people get bullied and beat up
- asian people get bullied and beat up
- [insert race or religion here] get bullied and beat up
- people for an opposing sports team get bullied and beat up

because bad people do bad things, like bully, beat up, steal, murder, etc

It's not against ay special group, it's all of humanity.


It means the store wants to go out of business.
