Remember the Bloodhound Gang?
I was just thinking about the late 90's and this song popped into my mind.
I was just thinking about the late 90's and this song popped into my mind.
I don’t know them from their music, only from this:
Were you around in the 90's?
It was wild times.
I was born in 65.
shareSo you would have been in your mid 30's when that song came out. I can see how you would have missed it. It was popular among young people. Late teens/early 20's.
I'm in my early 40's right now and I have no idea what the kids are listening to. But then again, it's a different time. Back in the 90's most people would be exposed to the same music because we all listened to the radio and watched MTV. We weren't so fractured as we are today. Today we all not only listen to completely different music than each other, we live in completely separate bubbles, separate universes with alternate facts and alternate cultures.
I bought "One Fierce Beer Coaster" for one song only-
Haven't listened to it in years though, and lost total interest in them as a band.
I loved that song. I remember listening to it when I was a senior in high school '97/'98.
Here is the correct link. Your is censored.
shareHow did you enjoy the late 90's?
shareNeither have I.
That is why I act the way I do here sometimes. It's the way people used to act on the internet in the late 90's and early 00's on message boards. A wild amalgam of genuine, thoughtful dialogue, peppered with racial and homophobic slurs, and punctuated by relentless trolling.
"Whenever there's trouble, we're there on the double, we're The Bloodhound Gang. If you've got the crime, we've got the time, we're The Bloodhound Gang."
LOL at a band naming themselves after a segment of a children's TV show on PBS. It's like naming a band "Mathnet."
I think the idea is that there is humor in the juxtaposition of wholesome children's entertainment with hyper-obscene filth. At least that is my take.
shareI liked Fire Water Burn much better. Everybody was singing that in school at the time.
shareYes, me too. I loved Fire Water Burn when I was in high school.
I was already out of high school when Bad Touch was released, but I remember cruising around with my friends listening to it. Good times.
I've never heard of them but you just reminded me of a favorite band I haven't thought of in years:
shareWere you not around in the late 90's?
shareOf course I was. I'm still here aren't I? I had more important priorities than what I saw as so-called music at the time, until this musical prodigy really got my attention.
shareI should have been more clear. My point was that maybe you were too young to know what was happening in the 90's.
That song was everywhere in the '99/'00. So the only way you would have missed it is if you were either too young or too old to pay attention to what was happening in the culture. It would be like someone not knowing who the Backstreet Boys were or N'Sync. Whether you listened to them or not (I didn't), we all still knew who they were because they were everywhere.
Yes, I was preoccupied with a very demanding, stressful job at the time, and yes, I'm old school rock. I am aware of Backstreet Boys and N'Sync, boy bands popular with teenyboppers, not my cup of tea.
shareThat is the one thing I couldn't stand about the late 90's, the boy bands. Like you, I was old school rock so a lot of the music in the 90's didn't appeal to me at the time. It wasn't until years later that I would appreciate some of it because it would remind me of the fun times I had with my friends.
shareI get that. I remember how I used to enjoy this band during my teen years. I also remember them as actually having a weekly TV show, with this as the intro:
shareThe Monkees are based as fuck.
shareWhat does that mean?
shareIt means that the Monkees are awesome/great/cool.
"Based" is what the kids say these days.
Ok. Some slang I've been unaware of. But I am aware of "dope", which is another substitute for "cool". Why does our lexicon have to keep changing like that?
shareOoo, you're lagging behind old chap. It's been a while since "dope" was a thing.
Come to think of it, "based" might not even be a thing anymore. I'm going by what the kids were saying in 2016. Time flies too goddamn quick these days.
And yes, I'm afraid that is the nature of lexicons. Like most things around us they constantly change and evolve over time.
"Fire", That's it.
From now on you're going to be the go-to guy. When we older folk need the 411 on the kids, we're going to hit you up, and you're going to get us the intel from Ali, your agent in the field.
So, "cool" eventually transitioned to "fire", completely the opposite. But you could never use that like "chill", that is, "I'm firing out" because it makes absolutely no sense as slang for relaxing. But it's better than "dope", which I saw as completely stupid. And I seem to remember "the shit" as preceding "dope", another really stupid one. "Cool" seems to have a very enduring quality. I'm guessing it goes back to the beatniks of the 50s.
shareBut what became of the notion, "If it's not broke, don't fix it"? What was wrong with "my mistake", that it had to be changed to, "my bad"?
shareHey, you're preaching to the choir. I especially don't like it when we change words for politically correct reasons like calling the homeless "unhoused". Or even black people "People of color". Especially since "people of color" literally means the same things as "colored people", which is considered racist. It's why I say "colored" on purpose, it's a way to make fun of this very thing while also taking the piss of out the Wokes.
shareGreat song. Great video. Cute lead singer.
shareMy comment about you in the other thread was unkind and inappropriate. I apologize.
shareNo need to apologize. Like I said, I usually play the villain, and I'm pretty good at it.
But still, thank you for your words. It means a lot and you didn't have to do it.
Whatever it was it was probably warranted given the views exhibited in the politics page.