Back in the 1950s when our society was functioning in a happy healthy pro family way the medical books called faggotry a mental disorder. I am old school, fags are sick in the head, and no new age libturd edumcational revision of fact can change the reality of the situation. Pee pee's go into vaginas for procreation, putting them into the hole that shit comes out of is a sick fucked up thing to do. If you are attracted to that you are mentally ill...
Bullshit. Our society is biased because the Bible says homosexuality is a sin. That's why when psychology began they classified it as a mental illness. But the APA changed that in the 1970's. So no, there is no rational modern medical opinion which supports your homophobia.
Ancient Greeks and Roman and other non-Abrahamic societies never considered homosexuality as anything to worry about.
So all sex is for procreation? 🤣 I hope you're a good Christian who believes no sex before marriage, no anal or oral sex with a woman, blah blah blah - otherwise you're a hypocrite.
If you want to fuck a woman in the ass you are already half a fag and should just switch over to the pink team.
Normal people are disgusted by gayness, it has nothing to do with the bible. I found the lord now but was atheist for most of my youth and regardless of my spirituality I was always repulsed to my core by homosexuality.
If you show a straight man two pictures: one of maggots eating dead flesh and one of two faggots kissing while you hook up his brain to a computer to test for discomfort, you will find the two men kissing will cause a much more traumatic response than literal maggots.
Normal people are so disgusted by gayness they would rather watch rotten flesh being eaten by insects. After all, rotten flesh is gross but natural. Being gay is not natural, it is a mental disorder, period. No modern sjw medical quackery can convince me otherwise...
one of maggots eating dead flesh and one of two faggots kissing while you hook up his brain to a computer to test for discomfort, you will find the two men kissing will cause a much more traumatic response than literal maggots.
Lol. I need no more evidence to prove that homophobia is a true mental illness than that statement right there.
The straight guys I know have no interest in sex with another dude, but they're like meh about it. They don't have that volatile reaction. Kowalski is a good example. He's not gay. But he doesn't get his panties in a twist about it.
The irony is that you're the one who's mentally ill for being so agitated by it. Homophobia is a true psychological mental disorder and you've just illustrated that.
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I was never irritated by it until they started demanding little children be exposed to faggotry at school. Back in the 90s and early 2000s they just wanted to cheat on their taxes by getting married, that was it. They kept to themselves at their gay nightclubs and we were fine with it.
But as the age old saying goes, give a faggot one finger and he will shove your whole hand right up his ass.
You can't entertain them as normal members of society, because they are not. They are mentally ill, and need to be kept in their places. I never thought I would agree with the muslims but when it comes to this I have to admit they were right all along
The gays just asked for a simple finger but it wasnt until we gave it to them we found out it would be going into buttholes, we should have known, gays love buttholes, butthole lovers are mentally ill sick people, you don't do business or treat mentally ill people as equals. We deserved it for giving them a chance, should have treated them like the mooslums do and our fingers would be clean, not covered in the feces of faggots like they are now...
in the end, can't fault your logic and blunt but true painting of reality as it actually is... even when some types don't want to face the truth.
again, that's delusional of them.
How fucking stupid. Hahaha. It's self righteous belief that your way is the only way. It all boils down to various sex acts. By your logic kissing would be unnatural since it doesn't make babies.
Really, ain't nobody got time for you guys.
Like I said, if you give me a religious reason such as sin, okay, that's your faith.
But to say that scientifically you've proved homosexuality is a mental illness? Nah, that's just you being confused by something you can't personally relate to.
Here is a list of genders, which I’m sure is incomplete. If there is a sexuality for every gender to be to be attracted to another gender, or even more than 1, the there could be millions of different sexualties.
Some of my faves; Backroomic: Gender related to the backrooms. Bagpipegender: Xenogender related to bagpipes. Cinnamoncarrotcakegender: Xenogender related to a very specific kind of cake. Froggender: Gender related to frogs. Foggender: Gender cannot be identified due to brainfog. Globogender: Xenogender relating to balloons. Heartcookiegender: Gender connected to heart-shaped cookies. Iceberglettucegender: A xenogender that can only be described as iceberg lettuce. Keygender: Gender changes when hearing a piano being played. Kidliminalgic: Gender related to nostalgia from liminal kidcore spaces. Pichugender: Gender is small/fuzzy with electric charge, or is related to the Pokémon Pikachu. Yippegender: Gender connected to video games, due to neurodivergency.
This is a little different than the pronoun issue. I have met people that have said they are Demi sexual, and pan sexual, and yes I subtly poked fun at them, because it’s ridiculous. Most people in real life still appreciate a sense of humor.
Why is pansexual something to be made fun of? I thought all the meant was that a person is attracted to someone regardless of gender and it could include trans people which makes it different from bisexual that is attraction to both the male, and female genders
It’s an unimportant distinction to make. Straight, Gay and Bi already cover everything. The addition of transgenders, who are still male and female, don’t change that. You can have your preferences of course, but that leads more towards fetish territory, than a new sexuality.
People that claim to be pansexual come off as a bit pretentious. They want to feel special, they think it makes them more interesting, but beyond their philosophy, and long winded explanations “I fall in love with the person, not their gender” it comes down the same thing as being bisexual.
I think it does. If some is bi, they are attracted to both males and females, and I believe it to be implied cis males and females.. I dont usually consider someone as being straight if they in a relationship with a trans person.
If you're a male and your attracted to females and not men, but are with a trans woman who has only had top surgery, are you straight?
I think you are over complicating things. Someone being transgender only affects how they view themselves, it doesn’t affect how others perceive them. You can see the truth for yourself, and that is what defines your sexuality.
So I don’t believe that a straight man can be turned on by a penis and be straight. They may only be attracted to feminine men, but they are still attracted to men, which makes them bi sexual.
So I don’t believe that a straight man can be turned on by a penis and be straight. They may only be attracted to feminine men, but they are still attracted to men, which makes them bi sexual.
I will also say that with this quote, and you mention below that it's more than genitals, this is what differentiates between a pan and a bisexual person to me. A person could have absolutely no attraction to one type of gender at all, but meet a person who changes that for them, but it's the person. There still is no attraction to any other members of that gender. You might think it's pretentious, or silly, but if someone would like to just establish that to them they aren't bisexual, where's the problem? One term is easier than trying to explain anything to anyone.
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When did it become cool to be a perpetually online loser that doesn't understand social cues? If you knew anything about social interactions, You would know that can have a friendly conversation with someone with different views than you without it being a confrontation. and if you can make someone laugh disarms them. I ball bust a lot in my real life. Most people did growing up, and while its a dying art, it still has the same affect that it always had.
BTW, I'm talking about interacting with people that I know. You don't have to go along with peoples opinions to get a long with them, you just have to be warm and friendly. But I know you are just virtue signalling behind a computer.
NOBODY CARED before the internet gave stupid people a voice.
STILL, nobody cares about stupid people, and we're sick of hearing about the stupid everywhere. More real people need to call out the stupid and end it.
If the world getting stupider doesn't piss you off, and you prefer to accept everything, you are enabling mental illness as becoming "NORMAL", are delusional (and can't recognize it), and are part of the problem.
Tough pill, but needed to be said.
Luckily, the smarter people in the world, will ALWAYS run everything for their own protection (instead of the stupid people running things - because they are stupid) and will always keep things in balance.
Just because I don't treat people with distain and make fun of them, doesn't mean that accept everything as a whole. But...if someone I know wants to be referred to as a different name, I don't give a fuck. If there is something going on there, I will do my best to make sure that they are okay, and getting whatever support they need.
I don't know what's going on with many other people. I will say that there are greater things happening in this world, and it's people, that concern me a lot more than people struggling with a gender identity. I also think that a lot of what is happening, which concerns me, could be contributing to this particular issue.
So hopefully, there are some actual smarter people who are actively trying to find the cause and perhaps address it, than just calling people mentally ill, and make fun of them.
See? Thinking CALLING people mentally ill is a bad thing, means you cant face the true facts of that being what it is. People ARE mentally ill, and it is no longer being recognized... but normalized. It's OK and NORMAL to be way off.
Who's to say I was making fun? EVERY version I posted above is totally legit. Because ANYTHING goes now. And if it doesn't, it means someone is bullying or making fun of them. Get on the fucked up PC bandwagon. Signal that virtue!!!!
I've asked you more than once how you are qualified to label someone as mentally ill. You are not in the mental health professions, so I will still disregard your assertions about mental illness.
I've asked you before, if this is a mental illness what the treatment is? You haven't given a real answer.
So...if it is an illness, mental or otherwise, why is it cool to treat people with distain, and ridicule them?
I'm sick of repeating myself with you. It's one thing to not understand something. It's another thing to disapprove of said thing. Then it's yet another thing to mock that same thing and the people who it affects. I want to be the part of the world that actively tries to help people going through something, and try to offer them support and compassion, and not be the part of the world that makes them want to think that their life isn't worth living, and actively contributing to suicide. Call me PC, call me a bleeding heart liberal, call me stupid. It doesn't matter to me.
They’re not mentally ill and claiming they are is hyperbole.
Are they conflating personality traits and preferences with sexuality/gender identity? Possibly. But even if they are, who gives a shit???
There are too many serious problems in the world to dwell on how people feel they identify themselves or who they want to hop in bed with, which literally is no one else’s business but their own. reply share
the big issue is that nobody seems to notice the changes and call it out: changing of mental illness to "it's ok and just how people are NOW DAYS" ...yeah, no. Things change, I'm all for postivie changes, but people inventing a billion sexes is completly insane.
It's pretty much literally what a societal break down is. I guess we are due for that and nobody cares enough because they don't want to offend someone and get cancelled.
But its okay because the smart people will keep everything aligned for their own sake.
No one is claiming mental illness doesn't exist or that it has been rebranded "as how people are nowadays." None of the behaviors in your posts are examples of mental illnesses.
the bar for mental illness is sliding ever further out becoming muddled. by surgically defining mental illness as happening today, it will include less and less real life issues, while current generation makes it include more and more, at their random whim - which is another whole seperate problem. I don't think hearing a sad song, that brings up a bad memory making one sad is mental illness requring months of therapy.
but covering your face with ink, and metal objects, and adding "horns" (see picture) screams "I have serious issues I'm trying to misdirect"
I doubt the DSM-5 psych book says having face tatoos means you are mental, but, in one of my lines of work, I've met a decent number of tatoo'd people (generelly fine) but the face coverers were one step away from unhinged. there are always exceptions.
It seems like you make disingenuous posts just to hear the sound of your own voice. You don’t consider any pushback in your responses, and you block the people who are more strident in their disagreement with you. It sounds to me like you might be the one wasting people's time.
Have you considered journaling? Like, writing your thoughts in a private notebook that you only read? That might be more up your alley.
no, I ignore jack asses, not people who push back. you are a case in point. You can discuss maturely, unlike Kowpieski. he they she it is not someone I would tolerate or befriend in real life either.
maybe he is posting good counter points? i wouldn't know or care to even waste time looking. He burned his bridge, and I don't give a shit about his existance. IGNORE is nice feature and exists for exactly this purpose.
Grayson Moorhead, an old line investment firm known for their trustworthiness and security. They committed to using the same methods that they use to protect their client database.
It's infinite. An infinite spectrum of possibility.
Sex/gender is a spectrum I'm told, so there's an infinity of possibilities when it comes to what you can be attracted to as well.
As far as sex goes, I thought that whether a person had a male reproductive system or female reproductive system is what mattered, (or whether they produced a male gamete or female gamete, according to this biologist I was watching speak on You Tube last night) even if one couldn't reproduce for one reason or another. When I took an anatomy class in tech school, there were two cadavers we looked at, and one was referred to as male, the other female.
I was pretty aggressively told off on another site for pointing that out, though. Apparently because things like height, breasts, gendered behavior and so on are a spectrum biological sex should be too. At the same time, as I get older and my testosterone levels drop and I get a little shorter because of osteoporosis, I'm not becoming any less male. My maleness is not actually effected. Apparently, your sex also comes down to what you identify as, what you feel best fits you.
That doesn't really sound any different than how gender is defined now, ultimately, if it just comes down to what you feel is the best fit for you. Current year is too much for me sometimes, LOL.
We're allowing far too much stupitidy now. "FURRIES"? you got to be fucking kidding me.
Wear a fuzzy costume if you like, I don't care, but don't claim that is your true self, a cat, or mouse whatever.... learn to cope and deal with real life. Doing insane and stupid things, mean you are insane and stupid. Not "oh, that is how they FEEL".
Nation of idiots we got now.
Called it. You answered my question, thank you. I'm sorry you ideology turned you into a delusionist. I'd say there is still hope for you, but there really isn't. Enjoy your fictional safe space.
Strange then that you would have to constantly create divisive threads on a movie forum in an apparent attempt to validate your own antiquated views. Shouldn’t someone so self assured not have to act so desperate?
Say what you say here in real life, then let us know how long you remain employed for.
I couldn’t care less how someone identifies sexually. It has zero impact on my life. It’s a great way to be, I find I have a lot more time to dedicate to shit that actually matters.