Do bad and evil people ALSO suffer?
Anyone know, thanks.
Or do they only feel a dissatisfaction if like true villains they can't realize their dastardly plans?
Anyone know, thanks.
Or do they only feel a dissatisfaction if like true villains they can't realize their dastardly plans?
I guess yes they do, but [insert tons of common reality info here that demonstrates once again that life differs from action movies but people still have golden rule stances and emotions here].
shareI really don't feel that we should call real people "evil", and I'm careful about even calling somebody "bad".
But yeah, everybody will suffer somehow sooner or later.
So you don't think people like Hitler, Jim Jones, Stalin, etc. were evil?
shareIt is not up to me to judge people who died before I was even born.
And I don't even know who Jim Jones is.
Judging? All you have to do is read some history to figure out they were evil, bad people.
BTW, just how old are you?
Are you familiar with Hitler and Stalin?
shareNever heard of the Jonestown massacre?
shareAre you incapable of comprehending history?
Cult leader Jim Jones orchestrated the Jonestown Massacre, about 900 people died in a mass suicide that he encouraged.
Serial killer Ted Bundy raped, tortured and murdered at least three dozen young, innocent women in multiple states across America and often went back days later to further violate their corpses.
Pol Pot's regime caused the deaths of as many as two million people in and around Cambodia.
I'll judge for you, there are always a handful of evil bastards in the world and they need to be gotten rid of one way or the other.
But the world is not so black and white, that calling a real life person "evil" is appropriate.
That's a word, that should be reserved for fictional characters.
Oh my! Yes they and their deeds are black and white.
What does fiction have to do with reality?
I very strongly disagree. Robbing a bank, stealing a car or ripping off your company are all criminal acts that deserve an appropriate punishment. However, for example, what terrorists do is pure evil, their disgusting behavior denotes a disdain for society at large, human life in general and basic common decency and they should be very publicly destroyed so as to set an example for other possible trouble makers.
shareWell, certain guilty CRIMINALS who have violated or brutally murdered anyone, they certainly do fit the profile of "evil" individuals, no?
shareNo, we have it pretty good.
shareUnfortunately, everyone gets constipated.
shareYes, but they deal with their own suffering by making other people suffer *more*.
There was an old movie studio head who liked to say "I don't get ulcers, I GIVE them.".