MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why Do We Scorn the Physically Homely/Ug...

Why Do We Scorn the Physically Homely/Ugly?

As if beauty somehow makes an individual 'superior' to others.

What's so impressive about being born with 'superior' physical genes? You didn't earn those genes, and your beauty is adding fuck all to society, and I say this as someone who's been told they're attractive on various occasions, so this isn't the whining of a bitter 'ugly' person, but simply the confusion of an individual who REFUSES to simp for the 'beautiful people'.


Have you seen Kowalski? That ginger deserves all the physical scorn "he" gets. The "dude" looks like Worf from Star Trek.


we like looking at beautiful people. it's innate, it seems.


I notice almost nothing about someone's physical appearance, age etc... My focus is always on personality. I have close friends that are 65, and 25, I don't notice the difference. It's about shared interests.


Human nature?


and I say this as someone who's been told they're attractive on various occasions



Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I don't like to give away personal details online.

Anyway, you can believe what you want to believe. If you want to believe I'm ugly, fine, believe that. I don't see the point in telling lies, but I can't force anyone to take everything I say as the God's honest truth.

And, like I've said elsewhere, I instinctively identify and empathise with the ugly.


Not sure if your aunt calling you a "pretty little thingy" counts as you being told you're attractive.

Why shouldn't we like people who don't like look an omelette? Good looks are probably an indicator of superior genes and we probably should do whatever they say. I mean, look at King Charles, such a beautiful person, well, provided you've never seen another person in your life and have low standards of beauty.


You seem like a jerk.


I am a jerk.

A cool jerk.

At least that's what I tell myself when I huddle in the shower and make myself small after reading mean posts like yours that hurt my feelings.


I'm sorry.

There, there. It will get better. I promise.


I knew it! A true Englishman would never apologize.

However, a French cheese-eating surrender monkey would.

But we still like you.


You got me!


Well, the French are protesting whereas others are just taking it up the butt, so I'll give them credit for that.


money, property, resources, are all useless for most men if it wasnt for our desire to attract beautiful woman with good genes. if hot woman didn't exist we would all be living in the ghetto driving 1992 Buicks and happily content with mediocrity. woman with good genes make the whole world go round. they are the sole reason for all the innovations and progress we made as a human race


Perhaps, but that doesn't mean those women are *objectively* superior people.

On the contrary, it just goes to show how SPOILED they are, that so many men simp over and pander to their wants and desires.

This is a safe place. Let's be honest.


yeah sure they are spoiled but who cares?!? u can cry about it like a girl or u can man up, pull urself up by ur bootstraps, and make some moves financially to attract a beautiful woman of your own.

woman are simply way more important than men; that is why we send men to die in war for financial gain and let the ladies stay home in safety. There lives are way way more valuable. One man can impregnate many widows and the next generation will not have any loss of new life. If a woman is lost it will effect the population and birthrates for many generations to come. This is a simple fact of life. The world is not fair, there is no use bitching about it tho. That is what woman do...


I actually agree with all of this. I just like to see it be said, if that makes sense.

I love seeing beautiful women spoiled and treated like princesses (honestly, it's a massive turn-on for me, and the one thing I hate before anything else, is to see women/girls mistreated). I just want it to be acknowledged.

I don't mean that *I* want to be thanked (I'm not even talking about myself here). I mean, I just want those of us who make objective observations to recognise and *state* these truths, and also appreciate that whilst men admire the appreciate female physical beauty, it is ultimately rather shallow. Yes, it's a fact of life. Men like what they like. And that isn't going to change any time soon, and, TBF, there's no compelling reason that it should, BUT let's at least be HONEST about it rather than tell these silly, UNTRUTHFUL Cinderella-style simp stories.

Men appreciate beauty. It's a quality of its own. But it doesn't necessarily entail any other positive traits, like spiritual beauty, virtue, kindness, intelligence etc.


tru tru


"that is why we send men to die in war for financial gain and let the ladies stay home in safety. There lives are way way more valuable."

Honey, that scenario doesn't prove that female lives are more valuable than male lives, that scenario proves that there are people so "valuable" that they're deciding fates of millions - men, women, children, and oldsters. THAT is where the real power lies, and where everyone should be looking when deciding who to resent, not at the people whose fate is also being decided by others. Because being chosen to fight doesn't mean you're "less valuable", 90 year olds with dementia aren't chosen to fight, but not because TPTB consider them "valuable", it's just because they're useless as fighters.

No, a person who is "less valuable" is someone whose fate is being decided by Powers That Be, and that's almost everyone. Male, female, old, young, fit, differently abled, if whether get to live or die, or stay far from the war or be involved in it, you're in the same boat with everyrone else who's being pushed around by those Powers That Be.

- - -

PS: You're an American, I can tell. Only Americans think that wars are something you travel to, and which leave civilians unscathed. Not as something that flattens the neighborhood where you live.


yes I am Murican, we are like Rome, we only go to war if there is a financial incentive to do so. nobody would dare invade us, not only do we spend all our taxes on military at the cost of being a third world country (no health insurance), more than half of our citizens are armed and dangerous. The other half that is not armed can easily be armed by half that is if needed. I own 12 guns myself and know people who have collections in the 100s. Being a foreign soldier during an invasion of USA would be the scariest thing on this planet. It would be a bloodbath. USA USA USA!!!! 🇺🇸 🫡


The Royal Family has zero *real* power. They're basically just constitutional puppets, but they're super-privileged, pampered and spoiled, because society regards them as *valuable*.

They're birds in a gilded cage. Maybe they don't have much real autonomy but they *are* regarded as *precious* and in need of protection, in the same way a *decent* and *normal* (i.e. non-abusive/non-POS) husband and father will rightly regard his wife and daughter(s), and even his mother, as precious and in need of his protection (not in a 'poor, pathetic woman can't take care of herself' kind of way, but in a 'if I have to sacrifice myself for anyone, I'm going to do it for HER' kind of way; that woman might be the most capable woman in the world, but that man is still going to die for her, because of what she means to him).


I forgot you are anti American, Otter. I'm an American but I don't dislike people who aren't. I do think War is neccesary like the case right now with Russia invading Ukrane and trying to invade other countries. Vladimir Putin and his followers need to be stopped. Too bad our liberal President doesn't agree.


"woman are simply way more important than men"

You have that exactly backwards, and, ironically, you published that bit of "wisdom" on this website using a plethora of advanced technologies that are all working together perfectly, which were invented, produced, and implemented by men. If this world didn't have men, even if there were a way for women to reproduce by themselves, they would still be in the stone age.

"that is why we send men to die in war for financial gain and let the ladies stay home in safety."

Women suck at war.

"There lives are way way more valuable."

Uh huh.

"One man can impregnate many widows and the next generation will not have any loss of new life."

That's also absurd, given that all of the many widows' offspring would be siblings and half-siblings, which would result in them having far fewer prospects for mating if severe inbreeding is to be avoided.

"If a woman is lost it will effect the population and birthrates for many generations to come. This is a simple fact of life."

"A" woman? Again, that's absurd. Tons of women could be lost without any problems, given that there's already a huge surplus of them (they comprise about 51% of the population, which amounts to a huge surplus when you have a population of nearly 8 billion people).

Also, give me one logical reason to even give a shit about future generations. There are already way more than enough people on Earth so that even if, starting now, births permanently ceased altogether, it wouldn't cause any problems whatsoever for me in my lifetime. Even if I live to be 100 years old, current babies will only be 52 years old by that time, which is plenty young enough to keep society running.


if there was no hot woman there would be no technology we are using. why do men work themselves to death building all this shit? the answer is pussy, quality pussy. if pussy wasn't there nobody would invent shit. we would all just be chilling, smerking buds enjoying life. Pussy is the main motivator for all innovations. Men built all this shit but they do it for the benefits of high quality pussy not for "the greater good of society"

there are billions of people, if half the men died and woman out numbered us by two there still would be many many many different options for the next generation to be non-inbreed.

also there is a surplus but think about all the fat and ugly woman. they dont really count...


"if there was no hot woman there would be no technology we are using. why do men work themselves to death building all this shit? the answer is pussy, quality pussy. if pussy wasn't there nobody would invent shit. we would all just be chilling, smerking buds enjoying life."

That's not even remotely true. Even in prison, men build stuff if they have the opportunity to. "Carbine Williams" invented what became the M1 Carbine while in prison, for example:

While serving time at the Caledonia State Prison Farm in Halifax County, North Carolina, Williams related that the superintendent, H.T. Peoples, noted his mechanical aptitude and allowed him access to the prison's machine shop, where he demonstrated a knack for fashioning his own tools the shop lacked. He began servicing the weapons used by the guards at the prison. His skills in the machine shop permitted him to stay ahead of his assignments and allowed him time to develop his ideas for self-loading firearms.

He would save paper and pencils and stay up late at night drawing plans for various firearms. His mother sent him a drafting set and technical data on guns and eventually provided him with patent attorney contacts, who were unable to help him as long as he was incarcerated.

Williams designed and built four semi-automatic rifles while in prison.

Maybe you would sit around doing nothing, but people who have an aptitude for building/inventing things, enjoy doing it for the satisfaction of accomplishing something noteworthy and to create something exactly the way they want it. If money and women come of it, that's a bonus. I started working on and building bicycles when I was seven years old, and it had nothing to do with money or females.

"there are billions of people, if half the men died and woman out numbered us by two there still would be many many many different options for the next generation to be non-inbreed."

It doesn't matter if there are "many many many different options" in terms of raw numbers, they would still be a lot harder to find. A bunch of options that you never even encounter are irrelevant. If women outnumbered men 2:1 then women you meet in your area would be far more likely to be a blood relative.

"also there is a surplus but think about all the fat and ugly woman. they dont really count..."

Of course they count, since they have kids just as often, if not more often, than beautiful women do. Also, many, if not most, women end up fat and ugly in short order even if they were beautiful when they were in their late teens or early twenties, especially if they start having kids (and the vast majority of them do end up having kids).


“M1 Carbine”

The last one I got rid of was an Inland carbine and it was a beauty and so much fun to shoot. I wish I still had it.


I first started buying guns in 1990 when I was 15, and at the time USGI M1 Carbines were a dime a dozen; a large nearby gun shop had probably 20 of them on the shelf for about $75 each (various makes, mostly Inland if I remember right; at least one Winchester). I always intended to buy one but I figured there was no hurry and never got around to it, which irritates me to this day.

Also, the same shop had 4 or 5 USGI M1911s (Colt-manufactured) for $250 each, and I still kick myself for not buying at least one of those too. At the time I wanted a new Colt Government Model, which I saved up for and bought for $479 + 5% sales tax in the spring of 1991. I'm glad I did, since I still have it and it has never jammed or otherwise malfunctioned in any way, but I still wish I would have bought one of those USGI ones too.

Then in about 1993 I passed on a USGI M1911A1 in nice condition (Remington Rand) for $450, and that sucks too (USGI M1911A1s were always less common / more expensive than USGI M1911s in gun shops).


The early 90s were the days for military surplus firearms and ammo for sure. I once bought hundreds of tracer in 30-06 and I ran them through a Garand one night until it jammed because the were so dirty. You get to see what rounds really do when you fire that many tracers. Fun stuff.


I don't think we do, I think it's more that we generally treat people with conventional beauty better is all. Ignoring average or "ugly" people isn't scorning them, per se. It's not always a two ends of the spectrum type situation. Besides, you go to a restaurant and you're dying of hunger, you're gonna treat your server like gold no matter how they look, just like any jerk who mistreats you is going to face your wrath no matter how hot they are.
