MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What is wrong with thise site

What is wrong with thise site

Wh4t commun1ty gu1delines 4m 1 cr0ssing?


Too many sock puppets for a start.


So they made it so that no actual real new account can't post anything, without saying anything about that in the guidelines that i actually took the time to read, that'll work for a discussion site...


What seems to be the issue?

When I first started posting here my comments got rejected for using words like 'clown' (seriously). You just need to post politley at the start (not sure how long, it likely goes by number of comments) then you can become a cheeky cunt like most the regulars on here.


Well i guess that... for me it must be the word "stupid" then.

Guess now i know why this site never really took off after imdb.

EDIT: But i guess only on new posts and not on replies, dunno man but this really is an impossible puzzle it seems, bet >90% would already have given up and just moved on


Nothing. Everything's fine. Search the foot within you. You know it to be true.


That makes even less sense then the invisible new account posting rules on this site...


It makes no sense to me either, but it did make me chuckle. Is this a movie quote?


(&(%#^%$#^%@@!!!!! That should solve your problems.






Seems a harsh response to a guy who just welcomed you to the site and encouraged you to hang in there.


Makes me think that it really isn't anyone new, just another sock of someone who probably has a few. I could be very wrong, but it does seem a little suspicious.


Well my account might be new, but i've been lurking here ever since they forked from imdb and i'm well aware of capslock man, which tbh i find pretty puzzling is even allowed here seeing the very strict rules, so yeah...

And i guess it now makes at least 4 people who aren't nice to a new guy, so guess i will fit right in this wonderful mess :P

At least now i know why the rules are so strict :P


And i guess it now makes at least 4 people who aren't nice to a new guy, so guess i will fit right in this wonderful mess :P

Where was I not nice? If you've been lurking here since the fall of IMDB why did you wait until now to post, and why would you choose to insult a long time poster within your first ten posts, especially when he seemed to be welcoming to you? The fact that you just said that I was not nice and that means that you will fit right in makes me curious if you are here to "not be nice". If so what do you get out of that?


Well first off i was pretty irritated on wasting so much time (>2h) to post something, so sorry for being a bit cranky. Also since i have to wait 10 minutes to post, i have to merge posts and it wasn't really directed at you directly.

But i fail to see how your reply to me is any different from the reply i gave to kowalski. So how come you think my reply is not nice, but yours is?

And for the reason i waited this long, well at first the site seemed dead and pointless to make an account after the fork (still does compared to how it was on imdb tbh), and later i noticed there are a lot of trolls and otherwise not so friendly people around.
As to why i did finally create now, i really don't know tbh. However it does feel like a big mistake, but hey now i'm a victim of sunk cost fallacy, so yeah now i'm here to stay.

EDIT: Sorry i have to use edits else i have to wait 10 mins. But about kowalski i guess it's the capslocking that just makes him stand out. And if you ran into him a few times even as a lurker you do remember him. So in the end i guess the capslocking does "work". Think the first time i noticed him was at least 5 years ago if not more. He just stands out plain and simple.

EDIT2 to resonse below: but calling me a sockpuppet is nice, sure buddy.


[–] Kowalski (31060) an hour ago

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[–] dyna (14) an hour ago

So he was welcoming you, and you replying with sarcasm is the same as me questioning whether or not you are a sock and thinking that it's suspicious that there have been two new accounts going after Kowalski and calling him caplocks man?

If you can't see where that is suspicious, well then I don't know what to tell you.


Response to edit 2

I didn't call you a sock. I wondered to another member if you were a sock. I even said I could be very wrong. But you have to admit that when you combine the two names, one is just 'dyna dirk off' it still seems a little suspicious.

If you say that you aren't a sock, then I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say welcome. I hope you can understand the confusion.


Yeah sorry, i really was cranky at that time, but time and alcohol already changed that :)

I DO stand by my original statement tho, i won't back down from that. You might not have meant it that way, but i did feel it that way.
Also as i just replied to kowalski i was just being sarcastic and trying to be funny but guess i failed, so i didn't see my reply as that bad as some later would say it was, and really still don't. Your reply also wasn't that bad so that's why i failed to see how your reply was really any worse then my reply to him.

But hey let's just forget about all that now. Thanks for the welcome and hope we might have some good discussions about movies some times as that is really why i am here, not for the drama.


I smell shenanigans.. that response looks suspiciously familiar to the thread by the other “newbie” having a swipe at Kowalski…

[–] DirkOff (42) 20 hours ago
25 posts doesn’t mean I haven’t spent many weeks reading the threads.

Two new members complaining about shit who say they have been lurking for a while? Possible I guess but fishy AF.




Well i don't know any way to prove i'm really am a new account, at least on this site then as i did use imdb forum more often. So if that is suspicious then i guess it just is, nothing i can change about that.

And in my case it's not weeks but years. And as i said in the EDIT above kowalski just stands out. Not only because his use of caps but also because of his opinions,which i have to be honest and say i mostly disagree with, and of course also the username. tbh i would be surprised if anyone who read this forum didn't know about him, having an account or not.


name three former posters from moviechat.


Name 3 meals you ate in week 23 of 2011, sorry but this a pointless attempt.

Funny how everyone here know about kowalski but also is very surprised that lurkers also do.

Also i fail to see how people would think that someone frustrated with new account rules would make a post like this, if i really was someone with multiple sock puppet account then i would already know that. And as it turns out making this post has put a lot of attention to me, so that would be very stupid if i actually was someone like that. Also i would probably have used my other accounts to back me up as that is a natural thing people with multiple accounts do. This just feels like a which hunt.


No not at all, I’m not interested in witch hunting and my apologies if I got it wrong. New members should feel welcome it just seems very coincidental, that’s all.

What’s your favourite movie?


Oh hey, hi :)

You did get it wrong, but i also get why people are suspicious so i hope we can just drop that from now. tbh i'm really here to talk about movies so after this post you won't really see much of me in general, and definitely not in politics. I hereby give permission to ban me as soon as i post a single thing in politics lol. But let's just drop it for now.

Favorite movie, that's really a tough question i ask myself a lot and even can't answer to myself, but i guess it would be children of men. I love how a big part of the story happens in the background and that scene with the newborn baby is just incredible.

What is yours?


children of men. great movie.


Love Children of Men too
, great choice!

My favourite movie is Delicatessen, it’s the film that opened my eyes to world cinema and made me interested in seeking out off-beat films outside of the mainstream 🙂


I'm ashamed to say i have that one on my view list for, well years. I even see now that the download i have is from 2013 and i'm 100% sure that is even a redownload in better quality so know for a fact i have that film in my collection for at least a decade.

Post apoc, which i'm really a sucker for, and dark humor. Really makes me wonder why i still haven't watched it yet. I will move it to the top of the list and watch it asap. I'll keep you posted :)


Children of Men is a pretty good movie - a popcorn classic, one might say.

One of my all-time favorites is The FP (2011) - a thoroughly goofy, depraved, loud, crass, and absurd low budget movie about a turf war between multiple post-apocalyptic dance battle gangs.

This is a real movie that is legally free to watch on Tubi:


Didn't know that one, adding it to my list. But yeah i'm also a sucker for goofy stuff. A movie doesn't have to be a masterpiece to be enjoyed tbh. And as ThetaSigma said there is lots more enjoyable stuff then just mainstrain. If anything the best feeling i get is when i find a hidden gem that most people don't even know about.
Suspension of disbelieve does have a limit tho, like the horror movie i wanted to post about that started all this.

I guess what made me fall in love with post apoc is seeing cherry 2000 as a little kid. And i have many goofy post apoc films in my collection nowadays. For some reason i also liked Legion (2010) but it's not really that great for rewathcing. Also used to love older stuff like the 3 versions of omega man (well 2 of the 3 that are old) and a boy and his dog, but for some reason i have a harder time watching older movies now unfortunately, leaving many of them still on my to watch list.

In recently years i mostly changed to horrors tho, dunno why really, non really scare me anymore. But i just keep watching them even when they are very crappy, and i pretty much never stop a movie even if i hate it, so i see a lot of crap but even then it doesn't feel like the clock is standing still for some reason.


Embarrassed to say I’ve never heard of it but will check it out.


Children of Men is in my Top 20 films of all time 👍


LauraGrace1975, Stratego, MonStar


monstar and stratego are still around.




I thought that sounds like me too.
Maybe I was an inspiration.


Ah finally there is my other account backing me up....JUST JOKING RELAX EVERYONE :)

Lol, well tbh i didn't even look around before creating/posting. I just noticed noone said anything about how stupid the aliens where in that crappy horror and somehow felt like i really needed to post it. I had this urge before many times but never gave in to it as i knew i had to create an account first and everything that comes with that (but never expected it would be so hard :).

I only came to general when posting on that movie forum didn't work after many retries, and even then i did notice a post about caps lock man before i clicked new post, but didn't even actually open that post.

And now that i check i see it was you who made that post lol, i swear i didn't even know. Well i guess that's where all the suspicion comes from then, but it really is just coincidence.

Well i guess in everyones mind where are the same person from now on, so get used to it.
I'm now like 4 hours over my normal sleeping time and need to work in 5 hours, luckily from about you ? :P

EDIT: and to be really thoughtful the reason how i responded to him that way is, well i see him as a sort of bully so i thought the best course of action was to respond to him that way. But then again i never really discussed with him myself because i didn't have an account, but i'm pretty sure i will run into him soon enough on a movie forum so who knows we might just end up being friends. Guess you can see sort as the prison cliche to go for the biggest guy in the yard, but in this case i didn't start it, i reacted to it so not entirely the same. So there for everyone who's still wondering.

EDIT2: truthful*


Goodnight me 😉


Only 9pm.
Watching some woke Disney plus (triggers caps lock guy 😂)
Hope you get some rest in.




I just kinda assumed they were the same person from the get go too lol


Everyone is a sock you'a sock she'sa sock we're all socks


The worst thing is that if you trigger the community guidelines messages it also triggers the timeout/cooldown meaning you have to wait 10 minutes for the next try. But even after removing every word that could be seen as slightly offensive except for "stupid" i still could not make a new post on an old horror movie no one even cares about and has seen no new posts for years.

I even removed words like "garbage" but still no go.

But this is a discussion sites about movies yes, well many of them are garbage and contain stupid characters, how is that offensive to anyone?


I don't recall this ever happening to me. Does it tell you what words you can't use?


As a newer poster here, no it doesn't. I was puzzled why my own comments were being blocked. It merely tells you to read the community guidelines and to be respectful.

Upon scouring my comments I soon found out it didn't like words like 'asshole', 'clown', 'idiot' etc. Basically any word that would commonly be directed as an insult towards another member. Please note I was using these words in my posts to describe movie characters!

You have to be a good little boy at the beginning. Can't even call a movie character an idiot.


I get it. It's probably a way to avoid trolls coming here.


i guess it doesn't work on the politics board. 😊😊


No not at all, just a popup on top of the site telling you you didn't conform to the community guidelines, which then automatically disappears after a few seconds so the first time i wasn't quick enough and could not even click on it. Then if you try again you will get a badly worded message that you have to wait, also not stating any time but i found out it's 10 minutes at least for me, that's also why my responses on this thread are so "slow".

"Uh oh! It looks like you're doing that too often. Please try again later."

I legit tried to make a post for 2 hours before giving up and coming to this general forum where i guess the rules are less strict. I will try to paste the text in this thread next, after 10 more minutes :)


I came here a week or two in the site's inception and I don't recall that ever being an issue. I do remember, however, having that timer thing where you can only post once every 5 minutes, but it goes away after you make a certain amount of posts. Now I have to wait a minute between them.


Really? I can make new posts after only a few seconds.


I have to wait a minute.




It would be devastating if you choose to take your saggy sorry tuckus elsewhere, depriving us entirely of the pleasure of your wit & wisdom.

What does everyone need to do to make you feel more secure in our midst, dumpling ?


The first time I heard the word “tuckus” was in The Frisco Kid (1979). 😀


Yiddish - they have all the best words


I quite like shmendrik.


There are automated restrictions on new accounts for security purposes that can trigger the issues you describe. As your account ages and remains in good standing, the time limitations between creating new posts and the spam filters that scrutinize the text of those posts are relaxed.

Apologies for any inconvenience.


Yeah sure i get that, but it seems they are so strict it's near impossible to get through meaning most people would just give up and move on, but i guess as jriley555 proves people rather see the site die then get new people to discuss with...

Anyway her goes with the text that makes me out to be a criminal...

"I could just not like this film as the idea that this must be the most stupid aliens ever just kept playing in my head taking me out of the film constantly.

So first they crash in a storm, like what it must of been the first storm in 65 years or what. Much advanced...

Then an alien walks over to a house full of humans because? Not because he was hurt because even after he got shot later he is seen again without any medical attention given to his shot wound so clearly he didn't need any help. Just to see what would happen? Guess he did...

They can beam up people as well as do jedi mindtricks, so why the 30 minutes of chase non-sense, well just to create suspense i guess. I mean they wait until 2 man go back into the car then later grab the 1 that goes out of the car, how that does make any sense? Let alone from the fact that they could probably just grab the whole car.

Ah well given the AP scene i think this was supposed to be a parody? Took itself WAY to serious for that tho."

EDIT: And of course it works here, might be something with that specific movie forum then? I will try again tomorrow. Goodnight everyone!

EDIT2: Oh guess it might be handy if i also give the name of the movie: Extraterrestrial (2014)


You're not allowed to call Aliens stupid.


Seems that you are allowed on the 10th post :)

EDIT: Wait that wasn't 10 minutes, ah well really to tired to continue playing this "game" for now.


Just blow your horn.


So next to near impossible rules a new account will also be ganged up on, how nice. You won't get rid of me that easy tho...

But it does remind me why i waited nearly a decade to finally make an account here after being an active imdb forum user.


16 posts and I already see a pattern: “So yeah, drama, drama drama. So yeah…”

Welcome and good luck! Oh and Children of men is a fucking great movie indeed!! Let’s go!!




2 replies in 1 because i still have the 10 minutes cooldown

Thanks! And well guess you are right. But tbh i hardly ever start drama but i do like to respond to it, but lot's of people like drama even if they won't admit to it so yeah guess that really isn't that special.

But i hope you can also see a lot of early comments not being very nice (and i don't mean the reaction from kowalski), and well i was already cranky because i tried hours to just post a silly message, then coming here and seeing those early replies... It just got to me.

I just have a hard time backing down and not just on the internet but irl as well. But as i said before normally i don't care about general/politics stuff so you won't really see me here again.

@Kowalski yeah sorry i guess, but at the time you responded and "knowing" you from lurking i just couldn't see it as friendly at that time. Also my response was really just sarcasm and i thought a bit funny, but i guess noone saw it that way, and not really meant it in a bad way.
I have been really weird and jumpy all my life tho, so that's not going to change :) But from what i've seen over the years you are a guy with pretty strong opinions, and so am i so guess we'll run into eachother soon enough :) Guess i will check general as well from time to time as well then :)


I doubt his strong opinions are sincere as it’s the attention he wants.
Dyna are you with me or with him?
Are you on the light side or the dark side?

Choose wisely.




Damn, you've seen through me, now i'm in a really really tough pickle...well i really do need at least 10 more minutes to really give a proper reply to that...


Well i guess the only way i can get myself out of this, is by just being honest.

Even tho i definitely remember kowalski, and probably because of the reasons you just mentioned i have to say i didn't see any of his posts for a long time, probably longer then a year if not 2. But from what i remember i have to agree to say that it was more about attention or even trolling then actual discussion. But then again it was some time ago and well memories just lie, so can't really say that being sure at this point.

But well i got my ass kicked for my initial response to him and then he came back saying he really was trying to be friendly, so guess so was i. I guess i thought he would be universally hated but seeing the responses from other people i guess he isn't. Or maybe he is and people who have been bullied by him just can't accept a new guy who isn't going to stand for that.

However like i said i will never back down from what i said so i will also not back down from my original response, and also meant the bully/biggest guy in the prison yard thing. Guess it was my way of telling him that i won't be an easy target. However even that won't be from being able to be friendly if the situation required that, like with work or well like when you come to a forum as newbie.

But that doesn't mean we could end up being friends in the end. When i was young i was forced to change primary schools because i was a naughty boy, on that new school however i instantly was a target for the biggest bully. I let him play around for 2 weeks until i had enough and almost threw him down from 2 stories high. Funny thing was after that we became good friends. So i guess that is why i still keep the door open. Yes i see him as a bully now but that doesn't mean that can change.

Anyway i guess this response won't make me very popular and paint me as a big target specially for him, but then again i never really cared about that so why should i start now.

Now to limit reached also


Dyna you are a character and I mean that in a good way 😉
Where are you from if you don’t mind me asking?


No not at all, i'm from the Netherlands, but apparently even at 45 not wise enough to know not to keep going till 6:30 and keep drinking when having to work next day. And of course not being able to sleep at all.
Ah well, not looking for pity tho i know what i did and already did the right thing to call my boss and say it was not going to happen today (although not saying the real reason of course) and traded in a free day. Shit happens, at least i had some fun so it wasn't a complete waste, maybe, probably not :P Ah well it happens maybe max 2 times per year and don't think it even happened last year, but so much for promise i made to myself to really start the year off good lol.

Now for some real sleep, my schedule is still messed up from holidays anyway.


One of my favorite YouTube true crime channels is broadcast from the Netherlands.


Well I hope you got some rest. 😊
I had a good friend from Amsterdam named Pim when I was younger although I was trying to get with his hot sister which makes me a bit of an ass. 😔


Why does there have to be sides?


It’s how Star Wars works!


Peace is always the preferred route.


"noone" isn't a word. 😁


Considering Dutch would be his native language, he does very well.


"So first they crash in a storm, like what it must of been the first storm in 65 years or what. Much advanced..."

The automatic filters must have been confused by "must of been," as am I. I've heard of, e.g., the Queen of Sheba, the Rock of Gibraltar, and the Count of Monte Cristo, but who or what is the Must of Been?


You’ll figure it out or you won’t.
Good luck.
