what are the worst super powers?
IInvisi nudity, where you're invisible but only if completely naked.
shareIInvisi nudity, where you're invisible but only if completely naked.
shareStan Lee himself said that having power over ants is the worst superpower ever!
sharei think reading people's thoughts
shareI'd love this power
shareProbably not. You'd end up hating everyone.
shareMaybe you're right. I knew a girl that would just say everything she thought, and it was all just negative shit about my appearance. She was honest though. Some people might lie and say nice things and actually think mean things. But if I could read minds, I could know if they're lying
shareI think reading thoughts would be torture. I mean, what are most people thinking most of the time ... "I hate my job, I hate my life, overwork, money problems, sexual fantasy"? Who wants to eavesdrop on that shit!
What I'd really like is to be a shape-shifter, and make a fucking mint in the Hollywood special effects industry! I'd be an industry secret, someone who could do any sort of change in one take and for cheaper than CGI, and then I'd spend all that money traveling the world without fear.
That one only sucks if you can't turn it off. I remember reading this awful sci-fi book called "Necropath," where the main character was a Canadian police detective living in the future on a floating artificial island city off the coast of India. Life for him was a nightmare because he couldn't block out the voices of other people's thoughts. The best he could do was suppress his gift with an artificial implant stuck in the back of his head, and even then he could still sort of hear other people's thoughts to a degree. The only time he was truly happy was when he visited a planet that was sparsely populated, so his head was mostly quiet there.
shareSuper hearing unless you could turn it off.
shareSuper smelling would be horrible and totally useless.
Imagine walking past a steaming NYC dumpster on a summer day or going into a public toilet to take a pee🤮
I had a friend with a super-keen sense of smell, I always told her that if she ever needed money she should go work for the perfume industry as a "nose"!
She said that having a super-keen sense of smell was torture in everyday life.
The perfume companies might pay her a good bit of shekels but yes, super smelling would be otherwise terrible.
shareThat's the thing about smelling, you can't stop doing it for more than a few seconds! You can close your eyes or put plugs in your ears, but as long as you're breathing you can't help smelling whatever scents are nearby. And you have to breathe.
Every fucking smoker needs to remember that. Just because you're outdoors doesn't mean your fucking cigs don't stink!
Super priapism. There’s no blood reaching your brain.
And Russia is a superpower only in military terms. And in hot sluts—but with ‘way too many skank tats.