Men: How would you respond if you were drafted for World War 3?
That would damper my career goals.....
shareThat would damper my career goals.....
shareIf things keep going in the direction they are headed we will all be impacted, drafted or not.
shareUndeterred. The big mushroom cloud will make hand to hand combat a moot point, they’ll be serving us all with barbecue sauce anyway.
shareI was classified as 1-A when I registered for the draft and felt sure I'd be going to Vietnam. Sometime later that year, I received a letter advising me that, because of a high 'lottery number', I wouldn't have to enlist. Major sigh of relief. Sometime after that, I got another notification that I had been reclassified to 1-H, meaning I could only be drafted if there was a world war. That always kind of mystified me but I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
shareI see. Must have been relieved especially as a young lad.
I wear a hearing aid and the military probably wouldn't take me. That's my "crutch" for getting out of service.
Absolutely! 18 years old. Prior to that I had attended the funerals of a couple of upperclassmen who had died in Vietnam. I had kind of a gloomy outlook until I got that notice.
shareHoly shit i thought saying was kick a gift horse in the mouth. I am such a fucking idiot, nobody corrected me all those times i used it lol
shareI once worked with a country boy from Georgia who one day told me a story of having been kicked between the legs by a mule. He said the pain was so intense, it made him black out. When he came to, the mule was still standing there and a 2x4 was also laying nearby. He was so enraged, he grabbed that board, brought it down upon the animal's skull between the eyes and killed it on the spot.