MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How did women playfully calling each oth...

How did women playfully calling each other b*tch happen?

Think about it.
B is was and always will be a derogatory slam at women.

Yet a decade or more ago, women started using it for fun or even positive pokes to each other.

It's still a derogatory term.

I thought we were all about prepping women up, canceling bad things that reduce equality. YET... THEY do it to them selves.

What happened? How did it start? Ladies?


It started with rap culture and it has infected the mainstream now.


Evolutionary? Historically? Err, let me think about it for a while and I will get back to you.


Probably gay guys who were playfully like "oh you bitch!"


Is that how you call your young husband, Pressplay?


so, will they start using the C word playfully next?


I assure you that I do not use that term other than as an insult. I don't know any other middle- or upper-class women who do either. Only women I've heard talk that way were black women, and low-class, blue-collar women.

Ironically, I don't feel comfortable using that term on any actual female dogs I have as pets at any time.
