MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What fashion trends do you hate?

What fashion trends do you hate?

For me, it’s tight pants (though I don’t mind them on ladies 😳) and too many piercings/really stretched out earlobes.


High waisted pants. Looks like Charlie Chaplin to me.


Pretty much ALL of them.



Skinny jeans and caterpillar eyebrows.


I have only one pair of skinny jeans and the only time I wear them is in the winter when I want to tuck them into my winter boots. Otherwise, nope.

We have a woman meteorologist on a local TV station. A few months ago she tried the caterpillar eyebrow thing. It was SO distracting I kept missing the forecast. Thankfully, someone told her how ridiculous they looked and she got rid of them.


It's starting to be less trendy, but I never liked cold shoulder sleeves.


Me neither, but I have to say they were appropriately named.


LOL - yes they were.


What about padded shoulders? It's like the reverse of cold shoulder sleeves.


They really went overboard with those. When I think of padded shoulder overkill, I think of the TV show, Dynasty.


They only work if you're wearing the shirt in question in a hot climate. Otherwise they literally are too cold to wear in a lot of situations.


Tattoos. Never seen a woman look better because of one.
Gauges in the ears.
The nose rings usually seen in pigs.


Oh God, I can't stand those ear-stretchers! What are people thinking, wearing those?! Don't they know the effects of those are permanent?!

I don't mind tattoos if they can be strategically hidden under clothing, or are not too prolific and tasteful. I don't wear them myself, but I wouldn't stop someone else from getting them.

Not a fan of facial jewelry in general.


The new generation break the rules of the old hard men and sailors. They tattoo their faces and hands. Really dumb move. Some women tattoo their chests and breast areas. Legs and thighs. It just looks awful and becomes worse as they age.

I question some of the "art" work too.

Yeah stretching out your ears seems really stupid to me. I am sure it won't be too much longer, the fad will end and there will be a lot of people getting tattoos removed.

Clean skin never goes out of fashion.


You should hear what Jeff Foxworthy has to say about that, hehehe.

He says that he doesn't have them himself, but if he did, he'd keep all the info he needed, including his wife's birthday, his anniversary, and to never let Ron White drive his car ever again, hehehe.

He warns that if you're bound and determined to have a tatt, just plan ahead. Like, it's gonna be really hard for your kids to take you seriously if you tell them "Say no to drugs," and you have a pot plant tattooed to your neck. Some can look cute when you're young, but eventually, when you get older, your skin's gonna sag. Like that cute hummingbird you got on your back when you were in your teens or 20s will eventually turn into a buzzard, or that dolphin eventually turns into a beluga whale.

I don't have any either. I'm kinda disinterested because the procedure sounds painful, and I don't want people using such things to identify me later on. That, and unless you know a good laser procedure, that tatt's gonna be with you forever.


Tatts turn blue after a while too. They look really bad then. That woman who was in her 20's when she had her kids and tattooed their names to her back? In her 40's or 50's etc those tatts are blue now, she looks a mess and the tatts make her look worse. I've seen women like that at the grocery store. Tatts stop looking "cool" as you get older.

And yes then the skin sags, wrinkles, perhaps some operations. I knew a surgeon who had a patient who was worried his tatts would be ruined. The surgeon did his best but you know, do you want your life saved or the pictures left intact?

And they ain't cheap either! Spend all that money making yourself unemployable. No problems.


Oh here's a good one I heard about: there was a trend in the 1960s and 70s for women to get cosmetic tattoos, like eyeliner and eyebrows? tattoo ink requires more iron than other colors, and the formula wasn't as good for the ink back in the 60s. So guess what kind of problem those women ran into down the line? The ink would rust! Their "eyeliner" would turn rust-red!

And yes, I cannot imagine how anyone could sit for hours while there's a painful needle pumping ink into the edges of your eyelids, or how you'd handle the pain as your eyelids healed over time.


Lol that's great. Women still do it too. Not sure if the ink has changed since then.

Yeah I couldn't sit there while a needle is repeatedly puncturing my skin either. All for a tribal pattern or some Japanese symbol etc

There were also the "Suicide Blondes" of the 40's. They would use peroxide to bleach their hair and if it worked out of was ok. But if they left it on too long their hair would fall out! Hence the term suicide blonde.

And on a much lower lever drawing a line down the back of the legs to try and make it look like they were wearing stockings. There's a war on and so dying your hair and stockings are important!


Yeah, if I want to be a blond (was considering it), I would either have a professional do it the first time and show me what hair dyes were safe (no peroxide, looks fake) and realistically-colored; or I'd use lemon juice and sunlight. The second option sounds safer.

I remember reading about that. Nylon was being rationed because it was being used for making war supplies. Modesty among women, even in an era with shorter skirts, was demanded by society, so one way women got around not having nylon stockings to wear, was to paint their legs to create the illusion of wearing stockings. Shaving was essential for this illusion to work.


Sleazy tattoos and "plug" earrings serve no purpose. Just wait a few years until the colors fade and their skin starts sagging. These people will be laughed at.

I've asked the following question on many forums and message boards: Why do people get tattoos?
I have yet to receive a legitimate answer.


I like the women who get their kids names tattooed on their bodies. Like, can't they remember their kids names?

I think people get them because everyone else is getting them. They seem to be very popular with women and it makes them look awful. I saw one woman on a train with the Hindu God Ganesh tattooed on her chest. She wasn't even Indian, she had Ganesh and the Taj Mahal!

I can't imagine wanting to look at an elephant while engaged in coitus. She was otherwise attractive but the tattoo just ruined her.


"...people get them because everyone else is getting them."

Still not a legitimate answer. So if "everyone else" (which is a generalization) is permanently marring their bodies, it's now acceptable? Just like if "everyone" jumped off a cliff, that would be okay, too?

Tattoos are totally useless.


That is what I mean, it's a silly reason.

I don't get the idea of a "Sleeve" either. All these pictures merged into big mess.


I get tired of seeing the 1950s/70s natural waist on women's dresses. I don't find it attractive at all and makes the woman's torso look short and chunky, even on women with great bodies. Also not a fan of high-waisted jeans and crop tops together.

Can't stand shirts or blouses with buttons down the front or peter pan collars. They always looked ugly to me. Same goes for those long-underwear shirts with the little buttons down the front.

Don't even get me started on spandex worn by obese people. Jeff Foxworthy was right when he said "SAY NO TO SPANDEX!!!"

Can't stand Afros on anybody. They look horrible and make anyone wearing it look like they turned themselves into a giant Q-tip to be used to clean a giant's ears.

I also can't stand the side-shaved heads that came out of the late 2010s. Who in the hell wears long hair and shaves the side of their head?! It looks horrible! It's even worse if the unshaven side is shortened to chin-length, so then you've got part of it flopping into your face, and you can't seem to remember why you had hair to start with. A lot of people are now mockingly calling that the "activist" hairdo, claiming only angry lesbians and feminazis wear it.

Relating to that, I'm not a fan of the "undercut," where [usually a guy] shaves the sides and back of his head, but keeps the top long. The worst offenders are those who stick it in a man-bun or style it into a Mohawk. I can't stand Mohawks any more than I can stand looking at Afros.

Oh yeah, I really, REALLY hate those messy, ratty topknots a lot of younger women are tying on top of their heads. When I was a teen (during the millennium), we wore our hair buns behind the head, or slightly higher than ponytail height, put colorful Asian chopsticks in, and it was adorable. The ratty topknots are neither adorable, nor pretty. In fact, they make me angry because they make the woman look like she has a hairy penis coming out of her head. It's awful to look at.


Those top-knots or buns are laughable. "Man-buns" are one of the most ridiculous styles ever. Women with their hair up in a bun look like schoolteachers from the 1870s.


I don't mind women with their hair in a bun. I guess I like the moment they release their hair movie style lol. Man Buns though are stupid, either grow your hair out properly or keep it short. Don't tie this little pissy amount of hair into a bun. It looks ridiculous.




all of them
