MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > OK, forget our parents. Does the WORLD o...

OK, forget our parents. Does the WORLD owe you/us anything?


OK so we've established that, besides it being neither allowed NOR encouraged, as kids, in early or later years, we are NOT supposed to demand from parents say money, material, home renovation with top wallpaper and well painted ceilings, new cars, convenient attitudes, nice food in all cases etc etc etc.

But what about the WORLD IN GENERAL?

People on the internet? (Hey, indulge us please, and if we do something wrong, forgive us, maybe even delete in friendly ways some posts we made that HAPPENED to be offensive even if it WAS intended as a joke?) Don't hold grudges among us, give us pats on the backs, friendly advices, convenient explanation (remember, neither of us ARE real offenders) and display attitude that is nice, friendly and relatable in all cases.

Get us good jobs with tons of money. Maybe even so we can be rich on the dole. Be nice to us in all cases, indulge us. Friendly bosses.

Love our films and our music. Also, if people say something unconventional or different about certain subject matter, and we also don't defend it even under THOSE circumstances, DON'T GET MAD, provide nice, helpful and convenient explanation, NEVER be blunt. Hey, let's all enjoy life altogether, WHY THE FLYING MONKEYS NOT?

Strangers? VERY HELPFUL in ALL cases. Lost direction. Food. Presents.
Friends? Best ever.
School and university? No bullying at all. Very friendly and nice teachers. Convenient atmospheres.

Home, Ferrari, beautiful gardens.

Yeah, WORLD, COME ON, cut us some slack please. You OWE us it all, right?

(Hahahahahahahahahaha. :) :) :) )


1. Please please PLEASE be blunt.

2. Stop bugging your parents for new wallpaper. No one owes you anything.


Great! Now all I can think about is wallpaper.


Absolutely. There is no rational argument for why I (or anyone else) should not get free shit. "Earning" things or "working" for them is a fascist concept

There is no point to human societies if all of my needs are not met automatically. Why should I have to work for food or shelter if that's basically the same deal that I get out in nature? People who believe that things should not come freely and easily are basically animals IMO

We all get plenty of free things, we just take them for granted. Do you have to "work" for oxygen? Or heat energy from the Sun? Nope. Did you "earn" being a human instead of, say, a grape or a bacterium? Nope, that was just luck of the draw

Once you accept that we all benefit more from free shit (we just take them for granted and thus are oblivious to them) than we actually earn, then it becomes logical that the concept of earning stuff is without merit

To further my argument, do babies "earn" their mother's milk? Do very elderly people who can't walk or cook "earn" cooked meals? Nope, we give it to them out of compassion. Do people on ventilators "earn" their oxygen? Nope, again we provide it


You really have no concept of what it takes to make anything. People have to work to create those things you think should be free. It costs someone something. You rely on charity and those with the compassion needed to give you shit. ... Oh and also politicians who will reallocate things others are working for over to you. Parasite.

Imagine a world in which no one did anything at all but expect free things. The parasite needs a host. Until that host gets too sick and dies, then the parasite must find a new host. A bunch of parasites with no host do not live.


It takes work to be a parasite too 🤭

Parasites are among the most highly evolved of organisms. Our work is no less valid than yours

All animals could be said to parasitize living things, those labels are man made constructs and in nature all survival strategies are valid . A lion "earns" its keep by catching an antelope. A tick earns its keep by not getting caught and chewed off



I'll give ya credit.



That's alright mate. ("world"?)






(("OK, forget our parents. Does the WORLD owe you/us anything?")?)

OMG. The word "world" was already bold faced. Could it be that OP can see the future and has been emphasizing words for future needs? If so, then why does OP seem to have forgotten his own use of said word?


“But what about the WORLD IN GENERAL?”




“besides it being neither allowed NOR encouraged”


I demand convenient attitudes.


“as kids, in early or later years”


>crying laughter emoji<


“we are NOT supposed to demand from parents say money, material, home renovation with top wallpaper and well painted ceilings, new cars, convenient attitudes, nice food in all cases etc etc etc.”


I still demand convenient attitudes. But now I would like to add nice food in all cases etc etc etc.

ALL cases.


“in all cases etc etc etc.”


"convenient atmospheres"


“People on the internet?”


Well, they do help, especially since almost all your life you've come across inconvenient ones, you know, where people tell you what to do, shout at you, criticize you, throw accusations at you, are blunt towards you etc.


Yeah, don't want to live in the past TOO much, haha. :)


and THIS is the generation that is so "woke", and wants to fix everything those dam boomers messed up, huh?

three words for ya: Наслаждайтесь России захватом.


TheMan18 transcends generations. Most true geniuses are barely starting to peak at around age 35, which is TheMan18's age

These threads are likely only preludes to what future historians will eventually come to regard as the insights of one of the Philosopher kings, in the tradition of Plato

But yeah, I'm sure your snarky shit-tier comments will be a minor footnote in his legend 🙄


Enjoy Russia's occupation? (123Guy, did you get how those words are pronounced?)


Yes. Did you get why I said that? You would not, because you are in Russia.... so who wants to take over your country? Substitute them in


Plus in our world, everyone gets judged and criticized, fairly and unfairly. Everyone's a victim, and everyone's a perpetrator, of something at least anyway.

Everybody cries and everybody laughs too, sometimes at same things, sometimes ironically. We all enjoy life. And we all ENDURE it.

Men, women, children, everyone is under scrutiny too.

Sometimes we judge things based on factual evidence, at others on feelings and intuition, and in many cases BOTH.

And based off on all of that - No, that's right, world does NOT "OWE" us ANYTHING. Indeed!


Are you trying to make a point? Or just kind of rambling?

Hot and cold, black and white, day and night.... life. So?


A point for myself, either way, in my last post, am I not on the right line, is anything I say there not true?


Life doesn't offer, at least not always, a concrete message or a complete conclusion either. Yes it is like night and day, hot and cold etc.


Looks like Mr One Two Three isn't at least TOO engaged, enthralled, engrossed, amazed, inspired, in awe, surprised etc etc etc here, I mean, it IS his right, he doesn't owe ME anything in here, lol, no matter how often I may ask or beg. Lol. :)


Apparently, your stream of consciousness threads are not for me. I shall refrain from posting in here.


More for me, ha. :)





If you've been here for any amount of time, you know the answer.....




Shut up.


No u.


Try me. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Also, sorry to rain on any parades here, but... No matter how I was before, and I do apologize but in my own humble opinion (I'm allowed to have that, right?), I don't think I was too rambling in HERE and I believe I actually had something to say.

Also, now, I don't know how you feel about yourself and also in general in this life but, I gather, you're probably also not 100% happy and are searching for happiness, relief and release from the tired misery of this existence we call life and world. Or maybe you are 100% satisfied, in which case, you can rest your case and arrest mine (I previously used to think "I rest my case" was "Arrest my case" but that was just me mishearing).

I see some of you have no answers fine. I ALSO notice that you aren't even that interested in addressing the question. No grudges held.

But please, cut all that TL:DR bullSHIT, thank you. :) :) :)


That's like if I was to take a test or an exam and answered "I don't know", it would disappoint the hell out of people more than if I left it blank or gave a wrong, sometimes even "stupidly so" wrong, answer.


If I were your English teacher and you submitted an essay in the format that you write your posts, I would put a big red line through it and write 'waffle' in the margin.


True. Did I tell you that at least OCCASIONALLY in my life I actually DID get excellent grades for my English essays, even if that was over 20 years ago?


Be that as may be, but in my class brevity is encouraged.


Yeah, cause as Shakespeare said, "brevity is the soul of wit". :) And Chekhov said "shortness is the sister of talent" too. :)




See you later alligator. :)


Speaking of alligators and also Action Man toys (sorry haha actionkamen, but your username struck with me just a now a reminder), there was this some kind of action man toy that also had an alligator with him that was like his partner in fighting crime.

Apparently storywise, he was meant to throw his enemies to his croc, alligator, they were sorta like Riggs and Murtaugh of the "Lethal Weapon" fame or even like James Belushi and his dog in K9.

Hehe, I'm not saying you will be eaten by an alligator or something if I was him but lol, fun associations. )




Sentient life is a mistake. The "natural order" is barbaric. We're being wronged by "the world" every second. We deserved better. All you have to do is think logically to figure that out. Instead you internalize it as fair and correct, because of your capitalist culture, which is based on the same model. You are brainwashed.


So in one brief overall conclusion, I guess we can all indeed agree that the answer to this is "no". Correct? Thought so! :)
