MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > OK, forget our parents. Does the WORLD o...

OK, forget our parents. Does the WORLD owe you/us anything?


OK so we've established that, besides it being neither allowed NOR encouraged, as kids, in early or later years, we are NOT supposed to demand from parents say money, material, home renovation with top wallpaper and well painted ceilings, new cars, convenient attitudes, nice food in all cases etc etc etc.

But what about the WORLD IN GENERAL?

People on the internet? (Hey, indulge us please, and if we do something wrong, forgive us, maybe even delete in friendly ways some posts we made that HAPPENED to be offensive even if it WAS intended as a joke?) Don't hold grudges among us, give us pats on the backs, friendly advices, convenient explanation (remember, neither of us ARE real offenders) and display attitude that is nice, friendly and relatable in all cases.

Get us good jobs with tons of money. Maybe even so we can be rich on the dole. Be nice to us in all cases, indulge us. Friendly bosses.

Love our films and our music. Also, if people say something unconventional or different about certain subject matter, and we also don't defend it even under THOSE circumstances, DON'T GET MAD, provide nice, helpful and convenient explanation, NEVER be blunt. Hey, let's all enjoy life altogether, WHY THE FLYING MONKEYS NOT?

Strangers? VERY HELPFUL in ALL cases. Lost direction. Food. Presents.
Friends? Best ever.
School and university? No bullying at all. Very friendly and nice teachers. Convenient atmospheres.

Home, Ferrari, beautiful gardens.

Yeah, WORLD, COME ON, cut us some slack please. You OWE us it all, right?

(Hahahahahahahahahaha. :) :) :) )


I'll add with regards to internet - yeah, and when conflicts do happen and we also become upset and feel guilty about it, calm us down in a nice, helpful and professional way. Don't be blunt. And don't state too much things, that we have even outright admitted numerous times, that are downright obvious. Remember also, despite how it MAY seem, we are NOT forcing people who have fallen out with us or chosen to ignore us etc to get along with us and persuade them like that to "take a liking to our eccentricities" (if we even HAVE them), we just want to avoid bigger trouble, know where our situations lie and feel a little better about ourselves, not let shame EAT US UP if you get what I mean. Thanks.

Treat us sometimes like babies on a lullaby. In a good way. If we choose to avoid certain topics, regardless of what social responsibilities they are FACTUALLY laden with (and not because, say, its become traditional among some upset civilized civilians to hate and speak ill of the perpetrators), allow us and say we are fine to do so. Thank you.

Remember, murder is arguably THE worst crime ever, number one. Based off on that, well, yeah we can be nice and logical people overall.

Try not to blur the boundaries between right and wrong too much. Let good people be good. And let's divide evil into its own very well recognizable category. But if there are complexities? Explain them intelligently and kindly without using f and s words, thank you.

Allow us to joke and have fun EVEN if you do not find us even a little amusing and funny. Not all of us are comedic geniuses.

And oh well... Big cheers.

I will write more about schools, politicians, cops, car salesmen etc here later. But yeah. Do us proud governor too, haha, thank you. :)


The World has a cozy hole in the ground for every one of us and even holes in the ground aren’t free…The rest of it is up to us, treat people nicely but be prepared for the worst


Lol indeed, like a general, global version of those desert holes in Martin Scorsese's film "Casino" (1995), lol. :) And someone out there will always be that Joe Pesci character as the aggressor, lol.


Look where Pesci wound up…


Yeah, poor Nicky Santoro, despite many of his massive misdeeds and acts of douchebagery. And yet he at times threatened to put someone into one of those desert holes, like that County Commissioner's relative who put his feet on the table in that casino. That just goes with saying that yeah, you could be an aggressor and later a victim very much in life, just like no one is perfect, no one stays at the top forever, no one LIVES forever etc and no one is completely safe from anything.

P.S. When we're dead, we won't really feel anything, right, and ground holes are holes in any case. But yeah, I see what you mean, about a good grave and proper burial and all that stuff. :)


He was a dangerous, greedy thug but he forgot that the guys around him were too…

As for your p.s. I ain’t dead yet so I can’t tell you😬


No it does not.


Yes, $1.98


Correct, and 50 cents for a side order of TheMan’s word salad.


I forgot to mention that the $1.98 is dispensed by Rip Taylor from one of those change thingies


With regard to what your parents owe you here is what Sam Kinison’s view of that was when he was alive:

“I got a real depressing letter from my folks about two weeks ago, because I haven’t been taking real good care of my money. They said, ‘Sam, we can’t send you any more money. You’re out of control, and you don’t know what the f--k you’re doing with your cash. And . . . you’re old enough to be on your own.’ I said, ‘Oh, okay’ . . . and I called them. I said, ‘Mom, get dad on the phone too, wake him up, I know it’s late, but I want you both to hear this. You know, before I was your little son, before I was your baby, before I was your LOAN, I was a free spirit in the next stage of life. I walked in the cosmos, not imprisoned by a body of flesh, but free, in a pure body of light. There were no questions, only answers, no weaknesses, only strengths, I was light, I was truth, I was a spiritual being, I was a God . . . but you had to F--K and bring my ass down HERE. I didn’t ask to be born! I didn’t call and say: ‘Hey, please have me so I could work in a f--kin’ Winchell’s someday!’ Now you want me to pay my own way? . . . F--K YOU! PICK UP THE F--KIN’ CHECK, MOM! PICK IT UP!”


Interesting point of view

I sometimes feel guilty about making my kids. They're good people, really smart, kind, good looking... but there really isn't enough to go around for everyone on this big blue marble.


I suggest you watch Blood Diamond (2006). It should provide some insights into that question.


I've seen it, great film but I'm not sure it addresses the issue here.


Yes, it owes me The WORLD.


No it absolutely does not! You have to go out and achieve success, Bubba!

