MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is humanity doomed?

Is humanity doomed?

And in this rather case, in a negative sense, as in, doomed for failure, doomed not to improve itself, doomed to continue being in denial and ignorance, doomed to repeat mistakes, doomed to continue to destroy earth, doomed to continue to be cruel to each other, doomed to have crimes still committed, doomed to still have prisons and also recognizable bad things there happening, doomed to be prone to violence, doomed to be hypocritical, doomed to having life be rather difficult and unpleasant, doomed to live in and by stereotypes, doomed to religious blasphemy and hypocrisy or its blind and selfish love, doomed to selfishness, doomed to controversy, doomed to be prejudiced, doomed to have bad smells, and ultimately - doomed for destruction?

Or is there STILL hope for it?

Also, will beauty save the world?

What about LOVE and kindness, are they good forces of counterforce to the powers of bad and evil?

Plus, is it REALLY a fact that we DO destroy Earth and must stop it, or...

Cheers. Are we DOOMED? Almost like that 90s PC Game "DOOM".


We are doomed because fossil fuels are running out and we are not ready.
society will collapse, and then all that stuff in your OP will happen.

except for the prison bit . there wont be prisons because everyone will be too bust fighting for scraps to run them.


People will drive electric vehicles instead.


electricity is not an energy source


Mankind is the cause of its own doom.


Surely we can save humanity by raising taxes.


And what good would that do, really?


Careful, you don't want to get cancelled.


Super doomed. We're still in the savage barbarian phase. And it's likely our normal state.


And there doesn't even remotely seem to be any kind of closure or ending to this, right?


Plus, ever wondered why sin, selfishness, rudeness, intolerance, hypocrisy, ignorance, indifference, religious blasphemy, physical and moral violence, stupidity, bigotry, prejudice, close minded-ness, illiteracy, misunderstandings etc etc etc, are so damn COMMON in our humanity and NOT just the work of, however still large, few bad apples?


"moral violence"

Can you please explain in 2000 words or more what that is?

Also, people cannot control their stupidity. Some are and some aren't. Does that make them a "bad apple?" People can make an effort to not be illiterate but some only suffer from it due to circumstance. How are they "bad apples?" Your list of qualifications for the players in the doomed play is dotted with some innocent words.

So my answer has to be no.


Reactions to a modern pandemic have proven a great many people are too selfish (scared) to not be asshats at the expense of everyone else's safety.
The plan is working exactly as designed.
Some of us are headed to Mars, until the rest of you die, rot, and get cleaned up by the animals. Then we'll be back.


I got the vax and I can still catch and spread the virus. It isn't a vaccine. Sorry but your ivory tower of superiority is actually phantasmal. Just like the crowd that refuses to acknowledge that natural immunity exists and is superior.The facts about how insufficient the vaccines are came out right after I got jabbed. I exposed myself to an additional risk vector to increase my odds of survival from 99.98% to 99.99%. I am pro REAL vaccine. This shit isn't effective. The narrative spreading machine sure is effective though.

I am full of regret.

Martian refugees will escape Mars back to Earth seeking asylum from the oppressive Mars govt and will be met by the healthy, robust Earthers whom don't want the poison of Mars returning. But it will and the cycle of corruption would begin anew.


we'll be eating martian popcorn as mutations 7 thru 10 finish their mission



Wha??? We were only aware of mutations 1 through 5. What are your demands, brittle bones?


No demands, just process. It's great to remain focused on vaccines and numbers as a fast form of misdirection. The later mutations will run their course when safety has been proven secure in phase 4. The end game is on schedule and working as designed.

phase 1 was design, planning, creation
phase 2 release, and guide undesirables toward political stances such as loss of freedom. note the wealthy (a symptom of intelligence) don't waste time arguing the politics and took the dna marker (call it vaccine) asap
phase 3 taking time to ensure we all got the dna markers needed for phase 5
phase 4 is final testing of dna marker protections but using advanced stage mutations not here yet, and also weed out the undesirables that also got the marker, using a system so simple and clever, I shant reveal it here. you'll know it when it's done, it's already in process now.
phase 5 the final mutations to take out all missing the dna markers, and clean up, although not fully decided yet, will most likely involve oceanic breakdown

Tis better to fill a world with intelligent builders, thinkers, creators, not warring, fighting, breeders who pop out more kids without considering the consequences.

The beauty is this will all end up looking natural.


Well played.

If Mom is going to make you throw away half of your toys anyhow, play demolition derby with your less desirable ones. Just don't let her know.


As long as people keep listening to Freaksmith, aka Aerosmith yes were doomed.


What about Borjomi (haha, ever heard of that Russian drink ocean lust?) - aka BON JOVI? Which's lead singer by the way is named Jon Bon Jovi.
