MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why So Many Racists on Here?

Why So Many Racists on Here?

Maybe I'm just a woke SJW. Maybe I'm just a leftist commie zealot. But I do seem to see a lot of people advocating for "white separatism" or some variation thereof

And the response to this on here seems to be, at best, nothing more than eye-rolls

This website is clearly a forum for open racism. Or am I just fucking crazy?


Well as we are told by the Woke Folk "There is no such thing as race" so it follows that there can be no such thing as racism. End of discussion. Next !

PS: Isn't it curious that a post that is clearly political and that would usually get barraged with " Take this post to the Politics Board ! " comments has been allowed to sail along unhindered.


A few years back race was a social construct. Now it is all about race. Next year they will change it up again. They have no clue what they are doing.

When the Left fail, they succeed.


A few years back race was a social construct. Now it is all about race. Next year they will change it up again. They have no clue what they are doing.

When the Left fail, they succeed.


PS: Isn't it curious that a post that is clearly political and that would usually get barraged with " Take this post to the Politics Board ! " comments has been allowed to sail along unhindered.

If discussing racism is inherently political then why isn't discussing, say, LGBTQ topics inherently political? Why can people go on boards of specific artists and describe them as mentally ill and such?

Shouldn't they keep discussion on those boards strictly on the topic of their work and move everything else to the political boards?


This place reminds me of that episode of Its Always Sunny when Mac, Dennis and Frank Turn Paddys Pub into an "anything goes" bar.


I never get tired of re-watching, like, the first 7 or 8 seasons


You like so many others have watered down the term “racism” when in fact most of the time it’s BIGOTRY. It’s got to the point if one has the audacity to be born White there is a future racist. I have had it up to here with RAAACIST! If we didn’t like Obama and his policies without a doubt were raaacists! When in fact he and Michelle were two of the worst bigots!

The best explanation for me is Archie Bunker was a “bigot”. Hitler was a “racist”. It doesn’t get any more plainer than that. In the 90 something percentile you call racist are actually bigots. Don’t forget Blacks and Hispanics have a high percentage of “bigots”.

BTW, I have yet to see a “born wronger” who didn’t have a horse face no matter the hormones and make-up. A horsey face with a protruding Adam’s apple! A sight to behold!


Ok buddy. Chill out. I didn't like Obama either lol


I don’t need to chill when stating the truth!


I see a mostly reasonable crowd here, there will always be a small crowd that are bent on race or whatever (it tends to be a little gang of guys or an
moronic creep that writes in circles and pulls that that bunch no mind)

There are a ton of decent folk here

Overall this Regular crowd is fairly nice, a few clowns apart




I’ve always felt that GD was fairly racist free (I can’t say the same for the Politics board or some boards for specific actors or films), however, I do feel that this type of thread is acting as an invite for that kind of unhealthy discussion. Shame we can’t just keep things fun, eh?


This is why we
can't have nice things around here😤


Right then *rolls up sleeves* Time to create some fun threads.


I challenge you to show me any comments on this site that advocates for white separatism.
FACT: White separatism is bigotry not racism. Prove me wrong.


Seriously? I am not going to go through the effort of going through these people's post histories to compile quotes. In this very post kukuxu has, in his usual beating-around-the-bush roundabout rhetorical style endorsed it

He isn't the most egregious. I don't know off the top of my head the username of the person who explicitly talks about a white ethnostate, but they absolutely do advocate for it openly. If I see them posting about it again I'll make note of it

And I'm not gonna try to prove you wrong on that other thing. You have a low post count and I've seen others in this thread make similar pedantic distinctions ("bigotry not racism"). Prove me wrong that you are not a sock puppet and then I'll engage in a good-faith discussion about these ideas with you


Seriously? I am not going to go through the effort of going through these people's post histories to compile quotes.

But your willing to make a thread about racists on the website without having any quotes of racism.


A fucking liberal once tried to do this to me when I observed Black people are basically talking animals. Stupid liberals. Now when someone tries to call me out for saying all beaners are lazy and raise hordes of beanlets, I'll have a handy-dandy term: Floyd's Law, a documented logical fallacy (but you'll never see it on Soros' funded Wikipedia). Thanks, Sandy!


Oof Tyrone mad lol

Maybe he’ll steal something and get roughed up for resisting. It’s the only way you guys can get any validation lol

It doesn't really matter tho. I could spend hours on here compiling quotes and people on here would still find ways to downplay all of them


There are some racists in here but your examples look pretty clearly to me to be trolls raiding some fridges (yours included). I think 90% of the racism one sees here is just outrage harvesting.


I agree, I think for the most part the people saying this shit are not "card-carrying" racists. I've only seen like 2-3 that I'd say qualify as actual racists since they do talk about things like a white ethnostate. The rest are mostly just edgy 4chan types

Frankly, I mainly started this thread just to annoy them. I don't have a very big post count, but I've been on here for over 5 years. Over the years the talk about identity politics on the different movie boards has become more prominent. If I have to be annoyed every time a new movie comes out then I might as well annoy them back

That's why I didn't want to name names or bring up actual quotes. I'm not trying to get people banned or anything like that. None of it personally offends me because I don't happen to be black or LGBTQ. I just hoped a little public shaming might encourage them to keep things in the politics board


Fair play. Sail on, hero.


Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to.


OP is openly racist and then bitches about other racists.

Does anything in the world own a fkn mirror?




Calling someone a racist or bigot means nothing these days. Anyone who disagrees with the brain dead left is called a bigot. Being "woke" these days is like being the anti-fun police with low IQ's. You guys ruin everything and make everything racists when its not. I always notice you guys are such losers that have no life that you have to virtue signal to feel special or wanted. So call me a bigot now and cry in your safe space you weak ass fuck.
