Pffff, what's it been, like 7 hours since he responded? Maybe he has a life. Sometimes I respond to people weeks or months later.
He already got his answer. Some people seem to be so entitled that they think that you have not only the obligation of answering them, but you must do it immediately too.
> He regularly talks about desiring a white ethnostate
Show me. If so, fuck him.
That was a lie. Ethnic composition of a state is a very rare topic (indeed, he doesn't even know what I think about it).
For what matters, my position is that multi-ethnic states don't work, but neither do extremely traditionalist closed ones. You need some balance. An state needs to have a dominant and majority ethnic group, so there's a clear system of rules. Btw, "white" is not an ethnic group. Norwegians and Swedish can have compatible social norms. Norwegians and Italians? Well, not so much.
Of course, being open doesn't mean being stupid. If many people want to move to your country, good: pick the best ones! A friend of mine moved to US a few years ago. He was offered a job as a teacher and researcher in an American University, and it took
more than a year to get the Green Card. It was nothing less than a miracle that the University kept the job offer for such a long time. When a country is opening the gates to low IQ thugs while rising the barriers to high quality highly qualified people, you know that's not gonna end well.