MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why So Many Racists on Here?

Why So Many Racists on Here?

Maybe I'm just a woke SJW. Maybe I'm just a leftist commie zealot. But I do seem to see a lot of people advocating for "white separatism" or some variation thereof

And the response to this on here seems to be, at best, nothing more than eye-rolls

This website is clearly a forum for open racism. Or am I just fucking crazy?


I notice it too. For the most part I put the worst ones on ignore.


Parler and Gab not good enough, I guess.


This website is a forum for open racism.

You are not crazy.

Moderation at this site values freedom of speech, and will not silence someone's God Given Right to speak their disgusting thoughts.


True. I guess it makes sense. People like that would likely be banned in more restrictive sites and they've found a home here


This. Also one attracts more and they start to all come so that they can agree with each other and feel 'safe' about their bigotry.


Good point. I HAVE always wondered if these freaks are inviting their nutjob buddies to this place. If you look at all the old archived IMDb threads, there are SOME political threads, but nothing like what you see now. Where EVERY single page is flooded with people whining about "wokeness"

I don't consider myself a woke person at all. I literally just wanted a chill place to talk about movies, but these people have become so disruptive that it's unavoidable

It's obvious that some of these accounts are sock puppets, but I see multiple accounts with thousands of posts whining about racial and LGBTQ issues


The only people that use the word 'woke' here are people upset about films being progressive.

Visual media has 'always' been progressive, pushing ideas that SCARE people who don't want things to change.


Absolutely true. That's what these simpletons just refuse to grasp: like it or not, most artistic fields are full of political progressives. Always have been and always will be. For the most part I consider that a very good thing. Sometimes I feel like the movie industry is insincerely pandering to cultural fads, but I don't see that as the decay of Western civilization or any insane shit like that




Thank 👍


Misery loves company


Further to this though I have to say at least the racism is largely just insinuated here. It’s not hard to pick the racist members but generally they won’t come out with blatant racist statements, rather they will hang it all on “woke culture” rather than throwing around the N word like they most probably do in private.

The prejudice against gay or trans people is a COMPLETELY different story though. Fag, homo, cocksucker, poofter are all terms I see here pretty much daily and people seem to have no qualms about verbally attacking lgbt people on the reg. They are completely demonised, likened to pedophiles, called sick freaks… I’m not sure if others notice this as much as I do but it’s pretty filthy and potentially distressing to a gay film lover who just wants to talk movies. I saw a recent thread where one of the regulars suggested there are no gay people here. I would argue there are probably plenty but very few that would want to open themselves up to the vile shit so many throw around. Personally I couldn’t give a fuck and will stand up for myself when challenged but I’d totally understand if others are put off the site because it’s open season on them for simply being who they are.


Yes. I agree. The LGBTQ+ bashing on here is quite ridiculous.


I'm fine with bashing the LGBT community. They need to accept that Trans people have severe mental illness. They need to get mental help ASAP, not encouraged to mutilate their bodies.




I want to help them, apparently you don't. If you would rather perpetuate the myth that Trans people have a real struggle, go right ahead. I too would have a struggle by doing something completely illogical and remove my man stick for no real reason.




Okay science denier.


Yup, I agree. I didn't want to come out and just start labeling people as bigots, just wanted to focus on a "single issue" in my post. But yes, I've also noticed that there is a huge amount of open homophobia and transphobia. The threads I see in Elliot Page's and The Wachowski's pages are especially horrible





This guy needs to stay.


This guy needs anime.


This guy needs an enema


🏅 winner!


This guys in love with you.


This guy is a culture war warrior.


I haven't seen barely any racism here. And by 'racism' I mean the true meaning of the term: thinking that somebody is inferior just because his race or ethnic group, without any further consideration.

What I've seen here is people who are aware of different ethnic groups have on average different qualities and cultural values. That doesn't mean that it applies to every member without exception. There has been always people who don't fit in the ethnic group average profile. However, the majority are close to the average.

The average characteristics in an ethnic group has a big influence in the quality of life: you don't have the same quality of life in Germany and Zimbabwe. Immigration usually goes from poor areas to rich ones, and when that immigration is massive, you have a big social shift which is not likely to be for the better. Separatism is a reasonable position, calling it 'racism' is dishonest.

Some years ago, there was a campaign in Sweden with left celebrities telling how much they loved diversity. One guy checked where they lived, and all of them happened to live in the whitest areas. What the odds, huh? Or the case of Zuckerberg, the Facebook pro-diversity anti-walls. He bought a land in Hawaii where everybody surrounded their property with short walls, and he built high ones, textbook "do what I say, not what I do".


Give me a break. Butter wouldn’t melt in its mouth.

Are you denying you said black people have contributed NOTHING to western culture and “kick them all back to Africa”??

Not everyone here has the memory of a goldfish, pal.


So what's exactly the contribution of Black people to the mankind?

You had a significant contribution to Jazz Music, which was great, and then... theeen...

mmm... aand...


aaaand... damn!

well, that was it. That's the whole contribution of an entire continent to the progress of mankind. Ok, you're right, it's not exactly nothing. Let's say it's near to nothing.


Did you really say "kick them all back to Africa."?


kick them all back to Africa

I don't think that proposition you just said is a reasonable one. However, if you wanna know my position, I think splitting a country when there's too much difference between the different ethnic groups is reasonable. And a big clue that may point out that this would be necessary is when conflict between ethnic groups becomes one of the main issues in the country.


He did, and he has denied it or deflected from being called out about it ever since, as you can see by his non-answer to your question. I suspect it was a moment of anger where he let the facade of being the all-virtuous resident anti-woke crusader slip and revealed his true colours with such a violent and undeniably racist statement.

You better believe he said it. More than that, he meant it. No amount of his elaborate word salads and talk of cultural characteristics change the fact that he’s a straight-up white supremacist with the ugliest of agendas.


I have no doubt those words came out of his mouth. I simply wanted to see how he would spin it. And frankly, his non answer is pretty damn bad as well.


You seem to believe that different ethnic backgrounds have had an even playing field in the world.

What have impoverished people contributed? Wealthy people are always able to contribute to world change that is just a fact of life. For you to pretend as though people living at the bottom rung, largely by no fault of their own, have the same opportunities that people at the top have is pure ignorance.


For you to pretend as though people living at the bottom rung, largely by no fault of their own, have the same opportunities that people at the top have is pure ignorance.

We're not talking about individuals, but about communities.

One individual being poor because he had bad luck? Sure. One million people, all of them having bad luck? I'm sorry, but no. When a community is poor, it's their fault.


Let's see . . .why on Earth would an entire race of people in this country be poor you idiot? Perhaps because they were slaves and then freed with no money or resources to pick them up off of the bottom and when they tried they were discriminated against, couldn't get jobs, buy land, get education. The only people that would hire them payed them slave wages and their only recourse to make more money was crime and those that weren't criminals were treated the same way that criminals were only they didn't get any sort of benefit that crime money can afford a person.

I actually can't believe how ignorant you are . . . is this a joke?


This guy has definitely spent hours reading white supremacist literature. He's brainwashed himself. Although you are obviously right, I'm sure he'll dismiss this kind of talk as Zionist propaganda or something like that


I don't understand how an American, who has gone to the fifth grade, would blame the African American people in this country for being poor and that it's 'their fault'.



This guy has definitely spent hours reading white supremacist literature.

You're like those old Christians that thought that Atheists spent hours reading about Satan and celebrating Black Masses 🤣


You respond to this comment but not to the thread where I asked you questions you were too afraid to answer? What a little bitch. Go back to hiding


You respond to this comment but not to the thread where I asked you questions you were too afraid to answer?

I was actually writing that answer after this comment you just answered. Since this one was a short comment, I wrote it first and then I wrote the other (longer) one, which has been already posted.

This is the second time you start complaining because I didn't answer you fast enough. I'll copypaste what I said about it yesterday in this very same thread: "Some people seem to be so entitled that they think that you have not only the obligation of answering them, but you must do it immediately too". It seems that it applies again.


Sure you can answer however you want. I'm not the boss of you lol

It's just very telling that you're scared of answering with a simple yes or no


Let's see . . .why on Earth would an entire race of people in this country be poor you idiot? Perhaps because they were slaves and then freed with no money or resources

Slavery and Colonialism were short-lived. We're talking about 2 centuries, and even during that time it affected only a percentage of Blacks. Blacks were stuck in Stone Age before White arrived, then there was a short period of Colonialism, and then they haven't been able to thrive since then.

When it comes to poverty, Whites have been quite irrelevant in the history of Blacks. They're stuck in poverty by their own merits. It's quite interesting how Wokes are actually delusional about the importance of Whites when their obsession to be The Ones Guilty of All Sins of Mankind comes into play.

Why and entire race has been incredibly poor during the last last two millennia? Well, it's either genetic, cultural or a combination. And low average IQ has probably a significant effect. There's two essential factors when it comes to the wealth of countries: rules and social norms, and the IQ of the population. They're not the only factors, but they're the most important ones by far.


"I haven't seen barely any racism here. And by 'racism' I mean the true meaning of the term: thinking that somebody is inferior just because his race or ethnic group, without any further consideration."

It's funny how YOU PEOPLE always complain that the woke mob has changed the definition of racism to exclude discriminating against whites, but you yourself are carefully re-defining the word and hoping no one notices

Of course when you say "without any further consideration" you are opening a door for yourself to sneak your racism in in the guise of cultural or societal critique

With your definition we could justify the actions of Nazis. They weren't exterminating Jews "without any further consideration", they were trying to save Western Civilization. I don't think I've ever heard of a single racist that simply hated other races because they looked different. Almost every single racist justifies it by claiming the other race is doing something bad to the community. With your carefully worded definition there would conveniently be almost not cases of racism

And not sure what your point is about Zuckerberg. You think any true leftist would consider a billionaire to be on their side? Not surprised that rich liberals are giant hypocrites, that's something we can both agree on


but you yourself are carefully re-defining the word and hoping no one notices

I'm not redefining. That's what the term used to mean years ago, somebody with the attitude "you belong to group X, then I don't need to know anything more, I've already judged you, end of the story". No further consideration, nothing, nada.

With your definition we could justify the actions of Nazis. They weren't exterminating Jews "without any further consideration", they were trying to save Western Civilization.

That's dishonest debate, not to call it something less polite.

Talking honestly about the problems and differences between different ethnic groups, and about whether it's convenient (or not) to share a common society is not the same than genocide. What you're suggesting is like saying that people who talk openly about problems in a marriage and support the possibility of divorce are the same than those who kill their wife.


That's dishonest debate, not to call it something less polite.

Talking honestly about the problems and differences between different ethnic groups, and about whether it's convenient (or not) to share a common society is not the same than genocide. That's like saying that people who talk openly about problems in a marriage and support the possibility of divorce are the same than those who kill their wife.

That is how nazis began their genocide campaign tho. The Final Solution was the extermination, but before that they just registered the Jews and forcibly put them into ghettos or exported them to other countries

But that's beside point. I'm not saying that you white separatists hope to follow in those footsteps. My point is, again, that your definition is carefully chosen to allow racist rhetoric under the guise of patriotism or civic duty to your kin. I don't know if you think it's clever, but it's pretty transparent

Again, when you say "...without any further consideration." You are insinuating that "thinking that somebody is inferior just because his race or ethnic group..." WITH further consideration does not count as racism. In other words, you can think any race or ethnic group is inferior as long as you have a good reason to believe it. Which is nothing new, it's been a part of the racist playbook for over a century now


That is how nazis began their genocide campaign tho.

Actually, it was the opposite. It began years before the nazis appeared: talking about the conflict between Jews and Germans was taboo for years in Germany. It was a non-solved conflict that lasted decades, building up pressure. Then the hyperinflation during Weimar's kicked in and the rest is history. It didn't end pretty.

Problems don't disappear because you declare them taboo. Actually, it's the opposite: when you don't talk, and when you don't solve things, they get bottled, they get worse.


I'll ask again, since you didn't seem to address my point. Do you believe that "thinking that somebody is inferior just because his race or ethnic group..." WITH further consideration should not be considered racism?


I'll ask again, since you didn't seem to address my point. Do you believe that "thinking that somebody is inferior just because his race or ethnic group..." WITH further consideration should not be considered racism?

Your point makes no sense.

It's like saying that a product is expensive just because of its brand, WITH further consideration about final quality, delivery and post-sales service. Beg you pardon??? If the product is expensive just because of its brand, then there can not be further considerations that affect the price, because if there were, the product wouldn't be expensive just because of its brand. Duh.

You're not a logical person, which explains why you feel attracted by this successful neo-religion called Wokeness.


That's funny. As soon as somebody asks you to answer a question directly you start getting defensive and upset

I'll ask AGAIN. Do you think that, if you feel that there are societal/cultural/economic/etc. reasons to justify considering other races and/or ethnic groups as inferior, that that is not racist?

You can't answer a straight question and have to start gibbering "expensive brand" metaphors?


I'll ask AGAIN. Do you think that, if you feel that there are societal/cultural/economic/etc. reasons to justify considering other races and/or ethnic groups as inferior, that that is not racist?

Your previous question was different, so... "again", ahem...

Anyway. When it comes to the question itself: different ethnic groups have different social norms and values. And some social norms are clearly more productive and beneficial than others. That's not racism. That's reality.

Traditionally, the concept of racism was used to label an irrational non-sensible way of thinking. That's why the term had such negative connotations. Using it to label the fair and unprejudicial statement of facts of the real world, like that some cultural and social norms are clearly more beneficial than others, that's breaking the term.


LOL ok. It only took you like 10 hours to respond, and you still did not respond to my yes or no question with either a yes or a no, but at least you gathered the beans to respond

Traditionally, the concept of racism was used to label an irrational non-sensible way of thinking. That's why the term had such negative connotations. Using it to label the fair and unprejudicial statement of facts of the real world, like that some cultural and social norms are clearly more beneficial than others, that's breaking the term.

I can translate this paragraph from your purposely obfuscative way of talking into what you actually mean:

"In the ANCIENT past, racism was rooted in the basest human instinct to be fearful of things as superficial as skin color and other physical differences which define race. That is why racism was bad. Now that us modern racists have scientific, historical, and statistical jargon to add to our rhetoric, we can be racist WITHOUT labeling ourselves as racist."

Again, do you think that, if you feel that there are societal/cultural/economic/etc. reasons to justify considering other races and/or ethnic groups as inferior, that that is not racist? Yes or no?

Why are you afraid of giving a direct answer to this question? It's YOUR definition, and in exchange I'll answer ANY direct questions that you may want to ask me


I can translate this paragraph from your purposely obfuscative way of talking into what you actually mean

Sure. You can keep assigning to me words I haven't said. After all, you have been doing it the whole thread. But I only answer about what I actually said, not about what you decide to make up.

Again, do you think that, if you feel that there are societal/cultural/economic/etc. reasons to justify considering other races and/or ethnic groups as inferior, that that is not racist? Yes or no?

Again, I copypaste the answer I already gave: "different ethnic groups have different social norms and values. And some social norms are clearly more productive and beneficial than others. That's not racism. That's reality.".


Sure. You can keep assigning to me words I haven't said. After all, you have been doing it the whole thread. But I only answer about what I actually said, not about what you decide to make up.

Trust me buddy, it hasn't been out of desire. I can't help that your simps were defending you in your absence. I had to respond because I wasn't the one avoiding the discussion. I didn't ask you to respond to my thread

Again, I copypaste the answer I already gave: "different ethnic groups have different social norms and values. And some social norms are clearly more productive and beneficial than others. That's not racism. That's reality.".

Why do you find it impossible to answer a yes/no question with a yes/no answer?

Let's go back directly to your original post:

I haven't seen barely any racism here. And by 'racism' I mean the true meaning of the term: thinking that somebody is inferior just because his race or ethnic group, without any further consideration.

YES OR NO? With "further consideration" to societal/cultural/economic factors, does thinking that somebody is inferior because of his/her race or ethnic group make you a racist?

I'm not gonna stop insisting on this. It's your definition, your quote, and your pet topic. If you can't give a straight answer under these circumstances then you can forgive me for assuming that you're a little bitch


Why do you find it impossible to answer a yes/no question with a yes/no answer? [...] YES OR NO? [...] does thinking that somebody is inferior because of his/her race or ethnic group make you a racist?

You have the right to ask me to stablish my position clearly. But it's up to me to decide how I'm gonna phrase it, which I already did.

What you pretend is to tell me how I should phrase my answer, and that's not your call. I like precision, and I like using precise terms with low emotional connotations. On the other hand, terms which lack precision or have emotional connotations are easy to misinterpret.

It seems that some people (like you) just want to assign and to force words into others, particularly low precision words. For example, you seem to be quite obsessed with the term "inferior", which is actually quite an emotional and unprecise one. If an employer says an employee is inferior, what does that mean? Did he say the employee has low productivity? Perhaps does he slack off? Is just a worse employee that others? Or is he a despicable human being and the absolute worst? Or maybe is the employer suggesting the employee should be sent to a concentration camp? Hard to say.

When somebody (like you here) is trying to force others into some unprecise emotional wording, people be aware. That's dishonest debate.


Do you believe that "thinking that somebody is inferior just because his race or ethnic group..." WITH further consideration should not be considered racism?

Well if it's "just because" of his race or ethnic group, then there would be no further consideration. That would be racism, absolutely. If there IS "further consideration," beyond just his race or ethnic group, then it wouldn't be "just because of his race or ethnic group."


I was trying to make a specific point, but since kukuxu chose to chicken out of this discussion there's no point in expounding on it further


Well I'm here, and you're responding to me now. Expound. Make one of your "sweet points."


No lol. Why would I do that? Do you endorse all of kukuxu's views?




I'd sure HATE it if he spanked me :/ Please don't spank me NitroHangover! I would not like that AT ALL ;)


Maybe we need a ‘Spank’ board?

Spank Chat has a nice ring to it.


No, not all. Maybe not even most. I don't know because I'm not familiar with his posting history.

But I know that judging a person solely based on his race/ethnicity is racism, and judging a person based on factors beyond his race/ethnicity ("further consideration") is not racism. You apparently still think it is, so by all means; expound. Make a "sweet point."




"Judging a group of people solely based on their race/ethnicity is racism, and judging a group of people based on factors beyond their race/ethnicity ("further consideration") is not racism."




If you actually think about what you're typing, Lurch, you'll realize that you're making the same point as me, dummy.




VERY well thought out. Continue to not respond to anything said here with an intelligent point.




"Judging a group of people solely based on their race/ethnicity is racism, and judging a group of people based on factors beyond their race/ethnicity ("further consideration") is not racism."

What your missing is , you think the guy who wrote that was thinking of "further consideration" as weighing up a particular persons other attributes, which may well make them inferior ,

whereas he actually meant 'further consideration' to mean:
"i've looked at that entire ethnic groups history , and after further consideration , they are all inferior"


So you're like his tag team partner? If kukuxu is too chicken to keep this specific discussion going then its over. That definition of racism isn't mine, it's kukuxu's, in his own words. He regularly talks about desiring a white ethnostate and makes allusions to how he feels about specific racial groups, but also ADAMANTLY insists that he does not deserve to be labeled a racist

You can respond separately to my OP with your own views on it and I'll happily reply to you there


Pffff, what's it been, like 7 hours since he responded? Maybe he has a life. Sometimes I respond to people weeks or months later. Doesn't mean I'm chicken. Just busy with life.

That definition of racism isn't mine, it's kukuxu's, in his own words.
No, the definition I responded to was yours. Don't try to pawn it off on him. Defend your points.

He regularly talks about desiring a white ethnostate

Show me. If so, fuck him.

but also ADAMANTLY insists that he does not deserve to be labeled a racist

Well maybe he doesn't. Based on THIS thread, I am inclined to believe that a lot of things he's said have been twisted, like you twisted the things he said here.




Barf it up and tell me.


It was literally his definition, I was quoting him. Go back in the thread and see for yourself. I think that the definition is a dumb one and I explained why earlier in the thread

I'm not twisting anything he's saying. And if I am, he could easily come back and clear things up, but he chickened out and quit

I'm sure you ARE inclined to believe his side based on the interactions I've had with you before lol. I'm sure your inclinations lie much more on his side than mine

What do you want me to show you? That he believes in a white ethnostate? I'm not going to do the work of going through his post history when you could just as easily do the same. If you do think "fuck him" of someone that believes in the need for a white ethnostate then good for you. I don't need to convince you because you might actually be a decent person and that's enough for me. The proof is easily found in his post history if you want to see for yourself


Pffff, what's it been, like 7 hours since he responded? Maybe he has a life. Sometimes I respond to people weeks or months later.

He already got his answer. Some people seem to be so entitled that they think that you have not only the obligation of answering them, but you must do it immediately too.

> He regularly talks about desiring a white ethnostate
Show me. If so, fuck him.

That was a lie. Ethnic composition of a state is a very rare topic (indeed, he doesn't even know what I think about it).

For what matters, my position is that multi-ethnic states don't work, but neither do extremely traditionalist closed ones. You need some balance. An state needs to have a dominant and majority ethnic group, so there's a clear system of rules. Btw, "white" is not an ethnic group. Norwegians and Swedish can have compatible social norms. Norwegians and Italians? Well, not so much.

Of course, being open doesn't mean being stupid. If many people want to move to your country, good: pick the best ones! A friend of mine moved to US a few years ago. He was offered a job as a teacher and researcher in an American University, and it took more than a year to get the Green Card. It was nothing less than a miracle that the University kept the job offer for such a long time. When a country is opening the gates to low IQ thugs while rising the barriers to high quality highly qualified people, you know that's not gonna end well.


Because they're UPSET the world doesn't go as they wanted.


I seen more racism and hate speech against republicans, conservatives, right-wingers and the USA in the site.


On average, yes. Absolutely. But you have to be willing to see all that kind of shit when you accept free speech. Both sides. Let people reveal themselves. Reveal what is inside of them. There is no growth nor understanding unless people are free to express themselves. Calling out bad actors is good. Silencing them is bad.


You tell me...
