MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why So Many Racists on Here?

Why So Many Racists on Here?

Maybe I'm just a woke SJW. Maybe I'm just a leftist commie zealot. But I do seem to see a lot of people advocating for "white separatism" or some variation thereof

And the response to this on here seems to be, at best, nothing more than eye-rolls

This website is clearly a forum for open racism. Or am I just fucking crazy?


Don't really prescribe to the terms "leftist" and "right-wing" because of how unnecessarily divisive they are. But as someone with parents of two completely different nationalities, I'd say all of us are raised a bit racist. We learn it from our parents and then we kind of spend our adulthood sifting through the rubble and un-learning a lot of nonsense. Can't say I'm perfect, but if you feel the need to go online and openly advocate for race-based separatism, there's gotta be some deep-rooted anger issues there that require therapy and none of us online are really qualified to help anyone out with that.


Probably the best take I've read on here. All very true


Thanks Bob.


Winter, you are 100 percent right that no one is going to get help about her/his emotional issues on a message board; but I am troubled by the number of manifestly disturbed people who come here ostensibly looking for that help. They can then lie to themselves and say, “Well, I tried,” when in fact they did not truly try to get help at all. That’s both sad and pathological.

Folks: you won’t getter better on your own. You need professional help. At the very least, see a social worker.


Honestly, the only thing anyone here can do is recommend that people seek professional help. Which, if someone's not open to hearing, won't do much, but it's the best we can do.


Racist has been so overused to the point where it's beginning to lose its true meaning. Some people just throw it around for something they don't like or hear.


And some other people will defend their own prejudice to the death, to the point of arguing that their fucked up views are a form of “bigotry” not racism, as if that makes them any less odious.

“No, I’m not a racist, I’m a bigot!”

Oh ok, that makes it all fine and dandy then 🙄


Who are these "lot of people" and can you give some examples?


There's plenty of racism, sexism, Islamophobia, ageism, homophobia, anti-Hispanic, etc. on MC. The group attacked the most depends on what's happening in politics and current events. Right now, it appears to be mainly anti-Black.


It's on the rise because the truth has been spreading on the internet. Before, the mainstream leftist media had control of all the information and the narratives about race. But now more and more people are being woken up by how unfair to Whites society actually is.
