MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > tattoos are for posers

tattoos are for posers

unless you are a sailor or a professional meth dealer having tattoos makes u a follower sheep, prove me wrong


Remember: Your body is a brand-new expensive sports car. Getting a tattoo is taking the keys and scuffing the paint job.


Disagree, that would be putting a bumper sticker on your new Ferrari.


Yes, but bumper stickers can be removed and the adhesive residue can be cleaned up with a solvent.

Tattoos can be removed but there will be some scar tissue remaining. There's still permanent damage.



I think you guys are going too over the top. I've seen people with one nice tattoo, guys a yin/yang symbol, or guitar etc , and girls a flower or butterfly, its pretty. If you go crazy and tattoo your entire arm, or neck, that's a different story. I wish I'd gotten a pretty flower on my ankle maybe, just never got around to it.


get a small heart shaped one on your shoulder.


I also find excessive and meaningless tattoos a real turn off but this picture has always been profound to me, especially after finally watching The Thin Red Line (1998) yesterday:


I watched it last night also. 👍


the nose, and lip/face pearcings gross me out. the continuous scrollish tattoos sometimes look good, but people who sort of drop disconnected graphics on their arms, legs & bodies look silly. jmho.

a single tattoo, if its well done, is cool. it really depends on the overall package.


this entire discussion is as stupid as the question

"why do people write words"
or "why do people read books"

ist all relative and subjective and a matter of opinion


I so rarely have a chance to agree with you! yay!

Not a tattoo nor piercing fan but I don't judge people for it (unless it is extreme or in matters of concupiscence). And that is just my opinion.
