Famous movies that you find boring..
Citizen Kane
Lawrence of Arabia
To Kill a Mockingbird
Barry Lyndon
The Age of Innocence
The Blair Witch Project
The Orphanage
The Tree of Life
The Revenant
Blade Runner 2049
Citizen Kane
Lawrence of Arabia
To Kill a Mockingbird
Barry Lyndon
The Age of Innocence
The Blair Witch Project
The Orphanage
The Tree of Life
The Revenant
Blade Runner 2049
There are so many movies I couldn't finish...
Kong: Skull Island
The Mummy (Tom Cruise's version)
Wonder Woman 1984
Frozen 2
Disney's / Pixar's Soul
Mulan (live action)
Lion King (live action)
Dumbo (live action)
Bad Boys For Life
Doolittle (RDJ's version)
Captain Marvel (I did see the ending, just fast forwarded the entire time.)
Ant Man & The Wasp
Ready Player One
Crazy Rich Asians
Phantom Thread
The Disaster Artist
The Post
Atomic Blonde
Kingsman 2
The Greatest Showman
Cars 3
La La Land
The Nice Guys
Independence Day 2
Gods of Egypt
... and many more.
I would rather doing something else than finishing a movie I didn't enjoy.
A good list of boring dreck
shareI wouldn't be able to finish most of those either. To save time, I just didn't start them.
shareMost of the animations and the Disney's live actions I play for my son. He does like some of them where I couldn't finish, like Frozen 2 and Luca.
We both loved the live action Aladdin, that's why we tried the other ones too but they were inferior. My son couldn't get past the opening scene in Mulan live-action and he watched the old Mulan animation multiple times. He was waiting for the little dragon, sigh.
Most of the sequels above I started because I really liked the first ones, like Wonder Woman, Kingsman, Independence Day, King Kong, and the old Brendan Fraser's The Mummy franchise.
The rest were because their trailers looked really interesting, like come on The Phantom Thread looked very convincing to me.
yeah the animated Mulan is lovely, isn't it? It's one of my favorites of the Disney princess movies, partly becuase it's less syrupy than the other princess stories. (Except Tangled, that's also a good one. Frozen is pretty good too but the snowman actually annoys me a lot.)
The Mummy was great. A classic, I think.
share2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Casino (1995)
Apocalypse Now (1979) REDUX
Whatever Happened To Baby Jane? (1962)
Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
Nosferatu (1922)
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)
I love Apocalypse Now and Redux is an abomination. Have you ever seen the theatrical release?
shareI have not, hence why I specifically mentioned the REDUX version.
I made the grave error of assuming the extended cut would be better (which is often the case), only to be bored to tears which lead me to go on the IMDB boards afterwards... much to my dismay everyone was in agreement that the REDUX cut is the lesser version. I really should have checked beforehand. It was a lesson and from that day onwards I've always done a quick check to see what the fan consensus is with regards to different cuts of films.
I have been meaning to get around to viewing the theatrical cut and I will at some point, but truthfully the REDUX version did dampen my interest in the film.
I'm one of the few people who preferred the 'Redux' version to the theatrical cut. But I haven't seen it since it came out on DVD.
I also haven't seen the so-called 'Final' cut, which I'm led to believe is a compromise between the theatrical cut that everyone liked, and the Redux cut that a handful of people liked. There's also a five hour workprint version that folk can find on bootlegs, but has never - to my knowledge - been officially released, although there are persistent rumours that it's going to be. (And it has been streamed on Mubi.)
But I think there are two takeaway messages here:
1) People should watch the theatrical version first. It's the one on which the film's reputation is based and the only one that was widely available for two decades. That's the film, whether Francis Ford Coppola is entirely comfortable with it or not. (There are things about the movie that don't work, and are so baked in they will never work no matter how he cuts it - that's what he struggles with - but it's still a great movie despite its fundamental issues.)
2) Coppola should stop dicking around with this movie before he turns into George Lucas.
Yeah I agree with your first point. I now do research into fans opinions on different cuts of the films, however I do trend towards going with the theatrical first. As with Apocalypse Now, those theatrical cuts are the ones which got the critical reviews, that the audiences experienced first and foremost.
The Exorcist is a great example for me of a film that is superior in it's theatrical cut. The extended has some nice new scenes but they don't add too much and the hokey pazuzu faces on kettles and so on really detract from the quality of the film. I already liked The Exorcist (I seen the extended cut first) but it rose in my estimation after seeing the theatrical cut.
My issue with Redux was solely down to the length and pacing (the acting, story and cinematography were all grand), it really started dragging for me when they stop at the house along the way. Sometimes when you get to that point the film just can't drag you back in, you're already mentally checked out.
My issue with Redux was solely down to the length and pacing (the acting, story and cinematography were all grand), it really started dragging for me when they stop at the house along the way.
The Twilight saga. My wife asked me to go with her to the first two. After that she told me to stay home and she would go with her friends. She said she couldn't take my snoring.
shareThe Tree of Life (2011)
Out of Africa (1985)
Roma (2018)
Lost in Translation (2003)
The Farewell (2019)
The English Patient (1996)
Lincoln (2012)
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
Eraserhead (1978)
Scrooged (1988)