MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > On British newspapers.

On British newspapers.

Briefly speaking, what if any British press do you read and also, in terms of what you know, what do you think about - The Sun, Mirror, Daily Mail, Guardian, Financial Times etc etc newspapers, cheers, thanks.


I stopped reading newspapers about 20 years ago.


It's a dead industry here in the UK.

Many major publications folded when free newspapers like the Metro and others became available. Some of the others also decided to go free , such as the Evening Standard.

The first 3 above are gutter press, tabloid rubbish. They still survive online. But there is little actual news in these publications...its largely gossip columns, articles about celebrities, and tons of adverts.

The others I don't read but I know they were nice highly respected, but far less so now.

Internet and 24 hour news channels basically killed the industry.


The Red tops are basically comics. The rest are either one extreme or the other politically. I like to hear a balanced view (if that's possible).


I look at the US home page of The Daily Mail...daily. Or nearly.

If there is a reason to look at any other British paper...which is not often, usually when I want to read an obituary of a famous Brit, or read about a notable sports story involving a Brit (recent example, the US Open Tennis victory by that teenager) then I'll go to either The Guardian, The Telegraph, or The Times (or all three).


You mean like this?


I see that they are Hedley and Wyche customers




What does that mean? I Googled and came up with nothing.


Lol, I was trying to make the sound that the 'Old Gits' make in their sketches - Ngyeer!


My favorite is at the end when they tell the librarian who is having an asthma attack to be quiet


Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse - comic geniuses.


Yeah. I also haven't bought an actual newspaper in two decades. I'm more likely to be found reading the Guardian than any of the other websites you mention, (and wouldn't touch a Murdoch title with someone else's bargepole), but I think the Financial Times has remained a quality newspaper/site in an era where the need for clickthrough has lowered the quality of 'print' journalism - and all but destroyed investigative journalism - across the board.

Basically, you get what you pay for. And folk have stopped paying.


daily mail for fun stuff
the guardian for more serious issues.


For some reason I keep finding and reading articles in THE GUARDIAN (mostly REVIEWS of TV SHOWS).


Same here. Guardian for serious news, Daily Mail for entertainment. I still watch the semi-local news,* but especially PBS News Hour.

*By "semi" I mean that there is no local news broadcast here, so I watch the CBS station from the Twin Cities.


I check the Daily Mail every few hours since they cover everything. I've found that they have scooped CNN and MSNBC several times. DM has a lot of pictures/videos so I would only use on a computer with a good internet connection. DM is also more of a digest instead of a paper with thorough investigative journalism articles.

Financial Times is awesome but it's locked behind a paywall. I might look at the Guardian more often but they always ask me for money. I've found good information on the Independent and they don't ask for money.


Not read a paper for decades but, most are right wing rubbish and/or Murdoch owned, a few are left wing rubbish. The guardian tries but is often a bit woolly. The financial times is surprisingly neutral. If I had the time I'd probably settle on the independent.


I like the dailymail. I love how they troll their readers with headlines gushing over Meghan Markel or some other celebritity and it’s just to get a reaction in the comments.


So this is where you get you’re inspiration from 😉




Can't remember the daily fail gushing over Meghan Merkel - it went in to attack dog mode almost immediately.


they do troll the readers well

technique one:
pretend some leftys are "outraged" at something
-gain thousands of "PC gone mad!" comments

technique two:
print photos of Z list celebs
- readers click , read/ ogle , comment how pointless it was and cant understand that if they keep reading the pointless articles DM will keep publishing , regardless of wethwer the comments advise them not to!

technique 3 :
scare / outrage the readers with stories of "immigrants"

I used to spend time on the site , depite the above , and depsite the extreme right wing leanings,
purely cos it was well laid out with nice pictures
but once they got their ad blocker detector working the page got too messy and loud


Wow, I honestly haven't bought or even read an actual newspaper since I was in high school. Like 16 years ago.
