MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Overused movie or tv show cliches/tropes...

Overused movie or tv show cliches/tropes that you absolutely HATE! A thread...

There are A LOT & You don't have to name name all of them. Just a couple & let's keep it going till, I don't know, the end of time maybe. lol

I'm gonna start us off...

When a character has a gun & clearly has the upper hand over the other person but takes out the bullets & throws away the gun so they can fight hand to hand. It's so stupid & happens WAY too often

Keep it going...


Two people whispering about another person who is in the same room or in very close proximity.

As if the person wouldn't be able to hear them whispering!


Detectives discussing sensitive information of a case in front of a possible suspect that they're questioning.




guy meets girl
they hate eachother
but after an adventure, they fall in love

pretty nurse falls for patient

below average kid obtains special powers to beat his enemies (sometimes save the world)

man hates dogs
man forced to have dog
man falls in love with dog

nerd has no friends
nerd joins sports team
nerd is not good, its discouraging
nerd works hard to imrpove
nerd helps win big game

veteran cop who plays by his own rules gets a young new partner who does it all by the book.
they save eachothers lives by the end and become great friends

martial artist is good, but not good enough to beat the bad guy, so he goes and trains with an old master so he can win the final showdown with bad guy


aliens come to exterminate humans with superior technology, humans somehow win in the end

dystopian future, scarce resources. hero finds a source of badly needed resources he intends to share with all. bad guys try to monopolize it

2 people forced to work together
1 is very uptight, he hates the other immediately
the other is super mellow and messy
after some adventures they become friends (or lovers)

The Entire Plot Was Just an Incredibly Complicated Ruse

The Extra-Good Guy Is Evil

uptight workaholic learns what’s important in life

Misfit yearns to fit in with the In Crowd, but learns the importance of being his- or herself

Person lies about something to get guy/girl, falls in love, is discovered and immediately dumped, wins them back

Motley crew of misfits and rejects finds they’re better than the existing top dogs

after some adventures together, movies almost over
"julie i love u, please dont go!"
"sorry, bob, i have to get on this plane to start my new life far away while u stay here"

next scene bob is in tears as the bus/train/plane pulls away
there stands julie, who decided not to get on....


Good ones. You sure made your research.

How about:

Cop is about to retire but has to go on one last mission that could prove deadly.


Gangster comes out of jail and vows to never go back to the gangster life and yet is pulled right back in.


"aliens come to exterminate humans with superior technology, humans somehow win in the end"


You would think that these aliens with all their advanced technology would've figured out how to distribute their command software across multiple servers, so if, for example, we blow up their mothership their entire attack doesn't collapse.

Hell, we've already figured that out.


dystopian future
scarce resources
yet everyone has plenty of cigarettes


I note that same type of discrepancy in 'Idiocracy'.

Agricultural system and production collapsed, yet all manner of junk food and fast food restaurants abound. Cigars smoked by "doctors".

Apparent depression/deep recession, yet consumer goods ( and their outlets ) are everywhere. Same for "services".

Still a good movie ( documentary? ) though.


The high school girl who is supposedly ugly, but would be one of the hottest girls at your school.

People driving cars and staring at their passengers for long stretches of time while the car is moving.

People outrunning a machine gun. They're running sideways and the bullets can't quite catch up to them. It's not that hard to turn a gun a little faster.

Conversations that have seemingly long breaks. For example, two characters will be talking as they leave an office. Then the scene jumps to them getting in a car, and they're continuing the conversation right where it left off. What were they talking about while they were walking down the stairs and across the parking lot?

Hallmark movies always have an ice skating scene and/or some kind of festival or fair scene.

Characters in soap operas never sit around watching soap operas.


Yes to everyone of these! :)


Only inter-racial couples and gay couples. Straight couples that have people of the same race are not allowed, and if they do exist, they are broken and messed up, or doomed to fail. I hate that.




woman dates jerk
frequently cries on her friendzoned guyfriends shoulder
at the end of the movie she realized she's in love with friendzoned guy


That's a classic rom-com plot

I guess there are only so many basic plots in any genre though


I probably already mentioned this but when the bad guy is about to kill the good guy in the end he always pauses for a little bit and during that because someone is able to save the good guy
