MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > 3 Things about yourself?

3 Things about yourself?

I know we had this thread a few weeks ago but I couldn't find it again.

1. I'd rather eat a bad interesting dinner out every week, then the same great dinner every week.

2. I love cats, but don't like dogs. except dachshunds

3. edit...I love cooking shows...Masterchef rules.


I smoke (my grass)
I drink (my Busch)
I fuck (my wife)


Your awful....:) Don't tone it down for us girls.


I’m not the one who doesn’t like dogs


Girls don't deserve sex? None at all?


Just for that crass comment I"m going to say your rating on Fear Street part 3 sucks balls.


Hahaha… you said balls! 😆


Seriously 7.5 I don't know if I can believe your ratings after that.


I really enjoyed the first part in 1666 and I loved how they wrapped it all up in a flashy and bloody fashion. ;)


The main girl just did not have "it". I was just bored.



And look how many metascore reviews it has with 80.


Oh you do not want to go there. Really if everyone says its good, its good.


That was just in regards to your comment saying that you’re not sure if you can trust me anymore. Not like I was in a minority is all.


Sorry I'm in Saturday mode..sarcastic and condescending.


Sorry too, I was in a “tipsy mode”… vulgar and crass.



I drink (my Busch)
I fuck (my wife)

Please never say "I fuck my wife" and "Busch" in the same sentence .


It makes me look like a Real stud is that why??


I love both cats and dogs. Not sure what else to say.


Where were you born?


My dog is a dachshund mix.


My Grandma had one when I was a kid, its the only dog I've ever wanted.


I love thunderstorms/rain/clouds

I love pajamas

I love living alone


Thats a weird one I'm going to agree with....I love living alone and pajamas.


Thunderstorms/rain/clouds are cool 👍


I love them, but I also love the consequences - neighbors and dogs disappear....

It's also nice being able to observe this on my roofed porch.


Nice! 👍


I agree with a three of those 🤗


1. I like movies.

2. I wear glasses.

3. I have a beard.


I wear glasses but I wish I could wear contacts...Lazy eye.


I've never tried contacts, but I don't think I would like them.


I live in the same community I grew up in.

I love resale shopping to buy vinyl records and movies

I am an outdoorsman


do you hunt?


I’ve done many types of hunting over the years but my favorite, because of the waterways near me, is duck hunting.


cool. i'm a vegetarian (i try not to drone on about it, but yeah, i am) but i have no problem eating hunted meat. i know a few guys who hunt, and once in a while they'll be nice enough to pass a bit of venison along to me.

i'd like to try it myself one day, but i just don't think i'm grown up enough for that level of responsibility!


I am with you on the hunted meat concept. An animal taken humanely in the wild and the process all the way to the dinner table is something I wish everyone could experience.




1. My favorite dish is spaghetti with white clam sauce. I prefer spaghetti to linguine.

2. I have been tobacco and alcohol free for 19 months.

3. Grateful Dead is my favorite band.


1 i've read the first 168 issues of 'the amazing spider-man' in the last 6 days.

2 according to my letterbox account i've watched 1935 films so far this year, but i'd guess at least 1300 of those are short films. still that's a bit much. i'm a bit ocd-ish when it comes to stuff like that.

3 i've been a vegetarian for about 8 or 9 years, i think, but i'm considering starting to eat beef again.


Re your number 2, you put me to shame! My tally this year stands at 109 😊

For what it’s worth I enjoy reading your Letterbox reviews, they’re always entertaining and informative. Keep ‘em coming!




168 issues in six days?? Wow. I read a lot of comics but I've never got near that!


i signed up for the 'marvel unlimited' app, & went a little nuts. i'm definitely not going to sustain that pace, but i am looking forward to running through lots of classic series.

in fact, if you have any recommendations, throw them my way.

i haven't read any comics regularly since the early 90s. i know i want to go through the classic claremont/byrne xmen, byrne fantastic four, walt simonson thor, and probably the avengers up through the early 80s at least. that should probably take me at least up to christmas, lol. but if you have any favourite runs/titles/eras, let me know and i'll add them to the list.


My recommendations:

Keep reading Avengers past that. Busiek's run is decent and Bendis's work on two separate Avengers titles simultaneously are great (his Dark Avengers run is fantastic) And Johnathan Hickman's Avengers run is sublime! I do not recommend Uncanny Avengers nor any issues beyond Hickman's involvement. Avenger's Initiative (and subsequent spinoff Avengers Academy) are good reads as well.

Read Thunderbolts from the start (but skip the Arcudi stuff around issues in the 70 range). The writing is great. Warren Ellis, Christos Gage, Kurt Busiek, Jeff Parker. Great stuff. Make sure to read Secret Invasion as Thunderbolts and Avengers tie in well with the event. Even the RedHulk thunderbolts reboot is good. Do not read beyond those though. Winter Soldier's T-Bolts is crap.

Read Bendis's Daredevil. Very good stuff and it reads quick since he is one of those guys who stretches shit out. Stretched out or not, still great (like Byrne ... you know. 3 issues worth of content in 5 comics)

J Michael Strakzynski Wrote for Thor for a brief time. It is worth the read even though he abruptly leaves before wrapping his story up.

When you start reading around Secret Invasion events, read The Atlas Foundation.

Hickman's FF is good.

Read the original Squadron Supreme 12 issue limited series for some classic gold.

The Moon Knight issues written by Bendis, Ellis, or Lemire are great.

Superior Spiderman is great. Written by Dan Slott and Christos Gage. Slott aint great but Gage really lend it the special touch.

I could go on ... sorry about the advice surge.


no apologies necessary. this is great stuff! i am absolutely documenting all of this. honestly (no pressure) if you have any recommendations for other titles or runs, throw them at me.

& that goes to anyone else who may see this. tell me what to read! i may not get to it for a year, but i'm absolutely open to trying anything if it's on the app.


Mark Millar's Ultimates 1 & 2 (skip Loeb's Ultimates 3 and the rest of the series)

Nick Fury "My War Gone By" 12 issue limited series by Garth Ennis A+

Mark Gruenwald's run on Captain America (starting with #307 I think) is a fun read but has occasional low points. What's good though is that he starts spliting the comic in half and the 2nd half is always someone else's story like Falcon, or even the Serpent Society. Cool to read villain perspective.

Before Secret Invasion, read Illuminati. (secret team of the big brains [Xavier, Stark, Banner, Richards, Strange and Doom] taking on the big issues)

Peter David's Hulk.

Roger Stern's Dr Strange

Jim Starlin's Silver Surfer and the subsequent Infinity Gauntlet/Thanos Quest stuff.
