MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > 3 Things about yourself?

3 Things about yourself?

I know we had this thread a few weeks ago but I couldn't find it again.

1. I'd rather eat a bad interesting dinner out every week, then the same great dinner every week.

2. I love cats, but don't like dogs. except dachshunds

3. edit...I love cooking shows...Masterchef rules.


1. I don't like lamb. Have tried it on 3 different continents and it's still a nope.

2. I like to try new dishes in restaurants and then seeing if I can recreate them at home.

3. Generally if I say I like a product it will get discontinued.


It took me a long time eating my mother in laws lamb to start to like it. And only with lots of mint sauce😊


I don't think I'll ever like it. It's been over 30 years since I've first tried it.


I'm also not a fan of lamb...a lamb burger is especially horrible.



I have tried Gyros, and I wasn't a fan. I mean I will eat lamb if it's the only thing available, (like the one time I was in Nieuwoudtville SA and there were 3 places to eat, all with set menus, and all serving lamb hahaha) but I still don't like it. It's strange as I will eat goat, ostrich, and other gamier meats, but lamb is just no.


1. I love road trips, especially those that lead to a nice lake/beach/ shallow river.

2. I love to feed the birds at the above locations.(always keep seed in the car for such expeditions ☺).

3. My cat is confidante.



1. I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK.

2. I sleep all night and I work all day.

3. I put on women's clothing and hang around in bars.
