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If I continue to eat my favorite food for the most part, will I get seriously ill and die long before the age of 80 etc?

Hi folks. My parents also tell me and I can't help but feel some logic to it that I don't eat healthily enough.

I mean save for a few occasions I tend to eat Corn Flakes and other cereals for breakfast every day with hot milk. Plus coffee with milk and sugar.

I also eat at home a lot of rice, pasta and chicken nuggets. For the past ooh 17 years or so when I go outside I tend to eat pizza at various outlets, burgers and steaks and chips. I also have an extremely HIGH level of penchant not for the RIGHT food (you'll never see me look up healthy ingredients like whatever is necessary or look at how much percentage of this and that there is in food as long as it is delicious) but for TASTY food, and fizzy drinks, bars of chocolate, salty and dry roasted pea nuts I eat a LOT. And sweets also. I am 34 years old by the way and I weigh around 100 kilograms.

My question is, are my eating habits extremely dangerous? Am I liable to get diabetes, diseases and heart attack if I continue to eat like this into my 50s and 60s? AND on a slightly rant(y) side -

Why is the world of food in our humanity so unfair? Why can't we eat delicious food that serves us well, why does it have to be bad for us? We are what we eat - very popular phrase. But anyways...

P.S. I do eat other food too. Meat here and there, sausages and eggs. But no avocados for me please. However, my taste in food, breakfast, supper and lunch also greatly differ to that of my parents and relatives, friends and neighbors, and even people in general. I am FOOD SPOILED, and not JUST on Special OCCASIONS, more like on life's FREQUENCIES, haha. What do you think, thanks?


How tall are you?

Unfortunately, your eating habits are unhealthy and could possibly lead to preventable illnesses and could even shorten your lifespan.

As many have suggested, try gradually changing what you consume. Don't try and do it all at once, as you are more likely to fail.

Start exercising.

See a doctor.

Good luck.


Live how you want to live. Fuck the world. Science is re-invented every day and driven by cooperate and/or political pressure. The human soul is powerful. You could be killed crossing the road, or by a Chinese virus. You could chain smoke and eat AIDS for 100 years. We're not here to try to stay alive. We're here to live. Go fucking crazy. Do whatever you wanna do.


2 TandyMan - haha. :)


pizza is goat food


So in a nutshell, though it IS likely I may start to have serious health issues, as I am currently having from time to time at least minor to moderate related ones, with regards to food, if I continue to eat the way I do for the next say 10 years, with mostly consuming loads of carbohydrates from favorite food like pizza, pasta, Batchelors Cup a Soup, etc etc etc, and don't do too much err exercises and get into the habit of a balanced diet...

Am I likely to die from it? Before reaching the age of 80? Do most people who live past that age NECESSARILY eat healthy food? Or are there exceptions to the rule?

And in an unspoken subtle query sort of way, is death from it all likely before even the age of 40 let alone 80?


Life insurance actuaries would say yes.


What is meant to be "right food" anyway?
Sallad and water?
Are we supposed to maybe just live on air and not eat at all?


Don't stop eating what you like. Just do this:

1. Eat less per meal.
2. Stop drinking sugar drinks.
3. Get daily exercise even if only a 30 minute walk.
4. Include a variety of foods. Must eat some veggies/fruit. Or at least take vitamin supplements.
5. Drink lots of water.
6. Listen to your body. If you feel ill, change your habits. Monitor yourself and adjust.

OPTIONAL: Fast once or twice a month for a day.


You already know.

You're assuming you have to be in your 50s for that to happen which isn't true.

Just add some fruit and vegetables to your diet. And some exercise. Less salt, sugar and fried foods. Get a check-up, too.


By the way, on Monday I am calling my doctor with regards to hopefully arrange a chest X ray and be tested. And I will also speak of my eating habits. And tell about how it all affects me etc.


A complete physical with a blood test (AC1, iron, potassium, vitamin D, B12, magnesium, cholesterol, salt, etc). If problems are caught early enough when they're not serious, then life style changes can help. Added bonus is that you'll likely feel better. Good luck!


@ TheMan18
what is your favorite fast food chain?


Pizza Hut I guess if that counts.
