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If I continue to eat my favorite food for the most part, will I get seriously ill and die long before the age of 80 etc?

Hi folks. My parents also tell me and I can't help but feel some logic to it that I don't eat healthily enough.

I mean save for a few occasions I tend to eat Corn Flakes and other cereals for breakfast every day with hot milk. Plus coffee with milk and sugar.

I also eat at home a lot of rice, pasta and chicken nuggets. For the past ooh 17 years or so when I go outside I tend to eat pizza at various outlets, burgers and steaks and chips. I also have an extremely HIGH level of penchant not for the RIGHT food (you'll never see me look up healthy ingredients like whatever is necessary or look at how much percentage of this and that there is in food as long as it is delicious) but for TASTY food, and fizzy drinks, bars of chocolate, salty and dry roasted pea nuts I eat a LOT. And sweets also. I am 34 years old by the way and I weigh around 100 kilograms.

My question is, are my eating habits extremely dangerous? Am I liable to get diabetes, diseases and heart attack if I continue to eat like this into my 50s and 60s? AND on a slightly rant(y) side -

Why is the world of food in our humanity so unfair? Why can't we eat delicious food that serves us well, why does it have to be bad for us? We are what we eat - very popular phrase. But anyways...

P.S. I do eat other food too. Meat here and there, sausages and eggs. But no avocados for me please. However, my taste in food, breakfast, supper and lunch also greatly differ to that of my parents and relatives, friends and neighbors, and even people in general. I am FOOD SPOILED, and not JUST on Special OCCASIONS, more like on life's FREQUENCIES, haha. What do you think, thanks?


Cut all that shit out of your diet. Cut the pasta, the pizza and the rice. There are more carbs in that than Jennifer Lopez has engagements. Stop drinking fizzy drinks and anything with added sugar. You can't stick with chicken. Eat vegetables and fruit, too. Coffee is actually surprisingly okay but don't put too much sugar.


I guess I'll have to. :) But is it dangerous and more - is it deadly?

The thing is, I often find myself in a position where I hardly can resist it all. I mean, don't we all like to eat delicious and favorite food?

And I wasn't aware that Jennifer Lopez had too many engagements, haha.

P.S. On rare occasions, I often wonder if I can get ill or die from not having ENOUGH food? Cause sometimes or even a lot of the times if I don't dig into my favorite food like pizza, Batchelors Cup a Soup, chicken shish kebab with chips, beef burgers, a bowl of spaghetti etc, then reasons or no reasons, I tend to feel and be in a bad mood. Lol, but true. )


What you are doing is consuming a high amount of carbs. If it gets bad enough, it can get to a point where you get fat on your liver which usually also affects your pancreas. If your liver gets bad enough, it leads to a condition known as cirrhosis. Essentially it's when your liver starts to bleed. Doctors can't fix this unless you get a liver transplant. Your pancreas however is the worse issue. You can develop pancreatic cancer if there is enough fat.


You should listen to this:

He pretty much explains what can happen within the first 90 seconds.


The diet you describe is lacking in vitamin C which we need every day. If you include any fruit or vegetables it will give you some vitamin C, but it's also a cheap vitamin that you can get at any drugstore or grocery store. There are men's gummy multivitamins, that would be a place to start.

I don't think you have to have a blah diet and I don't think we are meant to find food blah. I think fast food trains our taste buds to like fast food. I stopped eating fast food a couple years ago for random reasons (I'm not a health nut, it was just practical) and had to cook everythig from scratch and when I tried to go back to fast food it tasted just terrible. Really I think if you eat healthy foods you will start to like them. Pick good quality fruits and vegetables to the extent to you can afford them. For example, my kids tell me that "red delicious" apples taste terrible but Honeycrisp tastes good. Makes more sense to spend your $ on one good quality apple that you will actually eat, rather than 5 cheap apples that you will end up throwing in the trash because they taste so blah.


Potatoes and tomato sauce have vitamin C.


Vitamin C is destroyed by heat so french fries likely contain little of it. Tomato sauce, it would presumably depend on how it was made, but most canned/bottled tomato sauce is likely made with high heat and I doubt any vitamin C would survive.


How's your blood work and whats your height? You're definitely on track to easily preventable health problems if you continue eating this way. I'm the same age as you and the made the switch to a healthier lifestyle many years ago. I'd suggest cutting out overly processed food, avoiding or limiting take out, restaurants and fried foods, eat more vegetables/fruit/whole grains and most importantly, LEARN TO COOK! I can't stress how important this is. You can still eat meat, but I'd suggest choosing lean cuts and maybe some fish.


Are carbs "carbohydrates"?


I also ask because last year and this year, among other things, with the Covid pandemic and lockdown and everything, I have been experiencing small to moderate chest pains and what seems like inconsistency in heart beats, breathing and lung and even blood pressure.


Yes, but they get a bad rap and aren't as bad as people make them out to be. Its all about how you prepare them and what you put on them. I eat tons of potatoes, rice, whole grains, etc for example and only weigh 160 lbs. Now if we're talking refined pasta, pizza, white bread and stuff like that, its not very good for you.

Sounds like you have high blood pressure. See a doctor and get it checked out. Take out and frozen food is packed with sodium.


It's possible to have tasty food that is also healthy. If you gradually switch to healthier food then your body will probably eventually lose the taste for fast food. Start with small changes, make them habits, and then work up to bigger changes. I think you will actually feel better if your diet is healthier. Also the diet you describe is missing some nutrients (do you take a multivitamin?). Cereal for breakfast sounds ok to me but it sounds like you can incorporate a lot more fruits and vegetables and less saturated fat and soda in your other meals. I think an easy way to start would be to cut down on soda, by making a promise to yourself to only drink soda on the weekends, or if that is too hard, then every other day rather than every day. Track your changes in behavior with a notebook, that will help you see patterns and troubleshoot (eg you might find you always drink more soda on Thursdays because that is the day the train is always late and you are stressed out when you get home, then you can prepare a way to deal with that). You might also try to incorporate one fruit or vegetable per day, say a tomato sandwich with lunch, or an apple a day, something like that. You can always work up from there to make things better and better, going slowly and systematically and working towards improvement rather than perfection.

If you are not allergic to walnuts, here is a delicious and healthy pasta dish:


Fruits and vegetables is the worse possible diet! No fat or B12, little protein. Very few people lack vitamins.


Well I agree one shouldn't live on only fruits and vegetables. But they are a normal and healthy part of a human diet.


Pizza with veggie toppings is the only perfect food. Grain, dairy, veggies.


Probably the best advice is what medical doctors have advised for decades. Just eat a well balanced diet. Plus exercise.


mostly just exercise. Rock can eat whatever he wants to eat.


Any processed food is bad for you. Some things are not overly processed ie. Bread, pasta, basic cereals, milk etc are not dangerous. They are just more of challenge to our digestive systems. But the more ingredients something has the worse it gets for your body. Salt and sugar are the main culprits along with hydrogenated and trans fats.

The more you can eat in as near to it's original form the better for you it is.

If you live off fast food and takeaway you are just clogging your body with sugar, fat and salt.
(And in the USA alot of additives and food colourings are banned in much of the rest of the world so they won't help people in the USA eitheršŸ˜)


The best way to ease yours into healthier foods is to change the way you cook them. If you like bacon and sausages, then grill them instead of frying them. Have scrambled or poached eggs instead of fried. Use as little cooking oil as you can. This way you will still be having food you like but it will be a bit better for you.

Once you've mastered this, try adding a small salad to every meal as a starter. Or boil or steam vegetables to serve with meat portion of your food instead of chips.

If you make little changes every couple of weeks you will feel the benefits almost immediately.

Like I said in my other post, cut down on salt, sugar and fat. Also try having a little walk a few times a week. Even if it's only to the end of the road and back.


When I read this - //Why is the world of food in our humanity so unfair? Why can't we eat delicious food that serves us well, why does it have to be bad for us? We are what we eat - very popular phrase. But anyways...// I just KNEW immediately that you're not really 34 years old!

Three, maybe. Or even four. But not Thirty-four!
