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Why do people act like having kids and giving birth is a miracle?

It’s not a miracle, it’s a simple biological process and bodily function. Even the most basic organisms reproduce, it is anything but a miracle. Getting knocked up and becoming a single mother is not an accomplishment. Congrats on continuing the cycle of broken homes, poverty and mediocrity.

Yes, of course your kids are special to you and it’s the most important moment in your life. That doesn’t make it a miracle, why does spirituality have to be brought into anything that overwhelms people emotionally?


Thanks for sharing.


People humping and then shitting their useless resource-sucking spawn into the world is no miracle, agreed. Why folks think it's something special is a mystery.


Love is strong in this one....

By your own words, you are one of those "useless resource-sucking spawn" which should make you feel guilty about sucking resources. There are solutions to that.


Well, you can't do it.


I don't think he's figured that out yet.


He definitely can’t do it, seeing as how he’s not *doing it* lol


What if you have trouble getting a child and then finally get one? That would make you feel like it's a miracle.

My sister had a healthy daughter after two miscarriages and considers that a miracle.


After 8 rounds of IVF and a decade of being on an emotional rollercoaster, the arrival of our daughter did seem miraculous.


I look at it from a odds perspective.

All of the random human encounters that had to occur in history, your lineages alignment just right...just to!

A personal example is I owe my immediate existence to polio. My father's sister died from it before he was born. My grandparents lived in the depression and would not have had my father if my aunt had lived.

Simple things like that...many more examples like this that can be linked to MY existence before grandparents are lost in time...(like tears in the.... rain)😆

So a new life, just from a odds perspective, is indeed a miracle.


My mother was only fourteen when her father died from cancer, which made it necessary for her and her mother to leave their farm and move into town.
But if she had lost her mother instead and stayed on the farm with her father, it is very likely that she never would have met my father.


Go back a couple more generations and the odds of your existence is greater than any Powerball jackpot.


Yes, I know.


After 8 rounds of IVF and a decade of being on an emotional rollercoaster, the arrival of our daughter did seem miraculous, but you’re right, it’s not, it’s just biology.

It’s still the best feeling in the world though.


Thank you for acknowledging a simple point and being objective.


This thread just gave me a headache.

Everything is subjective. There is NO "it's either this way or that way."

What may be a "miracle" to some, may be mundane to another.


Wrong, there is no such thing as a miracle. That is the point of this thread, not to diminish the excitement of becoming a parent. Science bro.


I think that whether or not miracles exist is a separate argument.

That people are so enamored of their offspring to consider them a "miracle" is the point I got from your OP.


Speaking of trolling parents, I occasionally like to say "Babies are stupid" and engage those that take me seriously in debate.
