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Disney BLACKWASHES Tinker Bell in coming Peter Pan live-action remake

In a nutshell, wokes doing woke things

This is Tinker Black in the new live-action remake.

• EDIT •
This comment from below is probably the most honest woke answer you're gonna find:

A black Tinker Bell makes more sense than a white one. We all know there were tons of fairies (and mermaids like in The Little Mermaid) in African mythology. They have an incredibly rich and superior history too all other cultures.

In a nutshell, from a woke point of view, Black Africa is culturally superior to every other culture. Wokes think that it makes sense to blackwash mythological European creatures (like Tinker Bell or the Little Mermaid) and replace them by African ones, since they consider the African ones to be superior.


Question: How are they gonna get away with showing Peter putting her in a cage or spanking her butt for fairy dust? You know the black community isn't gonna like that very much.

Thanks, but no thanks. I'll stick to the cartoon, Hook, and that 2005 live-action Peter Pan movie and skip this coming atrocity.

Spoiler Alert: It's gonna bomb really bad, though I don't think the blame will solely rest on black Tinker Bell.


A black Tinkerbell? Now I want to see it!

Like the Tuvok 'Black Vulcan' thing decades ago, I suspect that this is used primarily as free advertising in news/click bait circles.

Disney is clever like that.


Not really. Many people is getting sick of this constant blackwashing and white demonization.


Those decisions are made by bottom line execs who look at every angle.

Free advertising is huge. While some like you might get peeved...most won't give two shits...some like me would be curious and want to see it...most of the target audience won't care.

James Bond owners were thinking about a Black James Bond, but looked at the potentail loss of eyeballs and decided against it.


Those decisions are made by bottom line execs who look at every angle.

I disagree.

Wokeness has become a religion, particularly among the elites. Once religious beliefs enter the game, common sense leaves it. That includes execs too.

There was a report in google about employee productivity not long ago. In a nutshell: minorities (except Asian) and Ivy League whites had a low productivity/salary. Non-Ivy League Whites and Asians had a high productivity/salary. Result? Google doubling down in Wokeness: more Ivy League hair-colored Whites and Blacks and Hispanics!!!


That's racist againts Asians then.


They should change Peter Pan’s name to Jif.
