People who still deny evolution, are they real?
Like wtf
shareThey're monkeys!
shareHell yeah, they exist, certain religions demand denial of evolution! They're everywhere!
Okay, I work in a field that requires a strong scientific education, and was absolutely flabbergasted to hear a co-worker say they didn't believe in evolution, even though they'd have had to study years of biology to be employed there. This was a quiet confession given as if she knew it wasn't really socially acceptable to say that out loud at work, and I asked, equally quietly, if she didn't think that maybe Natural Selection had an effect on living things over the eons. She said "Well yes, but not as much as they say it does".
Assuming something is true because you want it to be doesn’t make it true. Modern academia/science is the most close minded and corrupt it’s been in a century.
Macro evolution is not natural selection. The scientific method requires observation. Verification. The most controversial modern scientific theories like evolution and man made climate change can not provide an observable conclusion. So they rely on “consensus” to shut down study and debate. Totally anti-science.
When one understands how modern science/academia has been corrupted by atheism and communism it’s easy to understand why they’re corrupting science.
The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion or in politics, but it is not the path to knowledge. And there's no place for it in the endeavor of science. - Carl Saganshare
share"modern science/academia has been corrupted by atheism and communism"
how does not believing in god corrupt science?
Easy. Because a godless worldview (not necessarily Christianity) inevitably has an influence on science itself.
For example, eugenics. Eugenics could've never, ever existed before the 20th century, because religion--particularly Christianity--would've seen such a thing as "playing God," which would've been the biggest sin one could commit. But with atheism, eugenicists could argue that it was okay to "prune" society of genetically inferior people (sterilize them, kill them, etc.), because the world isn't governed by "God"; it's governed by evolutionary science, gene pools, etc. So, you want to sterilize some chick who was placed into a mental hospital because she just happened to be socially awkward (see:, it was all good.
I previously posted a response explaining why people have an objection to evolutionary theory from a philosophical standpoint.
From a strictly scientific standpoint, I agree with whoever said that the theory of evolution is suspect. I can't remember the program, but there was a fascinating PBS show well over a decade ago that questioned evolutionary theory. What scientists were discovering was that there are "switches" in DNA that animals are able to switch on and off that enabled them and their descendants to adapt to change.
For example, say there is a species of beetles that suddenly are being hunted by a new invasive species. They're getting eaten left and right because the invasive species has a type of vision that makes it easier for it to spot these beetles. All seems lost until...a turns out that the beetles have a switch in their DNA that enables a type of genetic mutation that changes their color, and in such a way as to make it harder to spot. Then, in maybe a generation or two, these beetles are now a different shade.
In any event, what the PBS show suggested is that what we call "evolution" happens "sideways". Animals "evolved" in a much shorter span than previously thought, sometimes in as little as a few decades. This makes sense. Look at how some animals are able to perfectly adapt to their environment in a way that almost seems unreal (for example, an insect that looks exactly like a leaf, chameleons that can change into the most complex pattern). According to evolutionary theory, animals just started spontaneously developing mutations and the ones that couldn't adapt died off and the ones that had the mutations adapted, and it took millions of years. But clearly, there's some X factor that doesn't explain how, if a butterfly species happened to mutate spontaneously, it developed a pattern that looks exactly like an owl's eyes to scare off predators:
Yeah, is is well-known that insects can evolve fast if they need to.
I believe that some kind of butterfly were white until factories made the trees they lived on dark with soot.
Then they became black.
Those were moths, and their original color is making a comeback:
Ridiculous idiots, amirite?!?
That guy with the weird hair on The History Channel has already proven it was really Ancient Aliens you guys!
C'mon, read his book or pay your cable bill, jeez
Evolution is a fact.
shareThey are the ones who barely went through it.
shareYes they are real. They exist!